Hi there every one here is another fanfiction for Earthian , it's set just after the O.V.A of the anime this story came to me while I was watching the anime so I hope you enjoy it.

One Heart Two Loves

The stars flickered and danced in the heavenly night sky while the gentle light of the moon cast it's soft luminous glow upon the sleeping world below.

Chihaya stood out on the balcony and gazed up at the heavens, a gentle breeze caressed his cheeks while his silky raven black hair swayed too and throw. He was trying to seek some comfort as he thought about Messaih and wondered if he had become one of those stars that now danced in the night sky. Messaih was a black winged angel that had been created from Chihaya's blood and who in the end sacrificed himself in order to save the world that Chihaya loved so much.

Chihaya new that he loved Messaih but that this love was different from what he felt for his partner and lover Kagetsuya. The love that he felt for Meassaih was like that of a parent has for their child since Messaih was created from his blood Chihaya felt responsible for him.

''I guess I should apologize to Kagetsuya." Chihaya voiced his thoughts to aloud.

Throughout the hole Messaih incident Chihaya had only been thinking about Messaih and not taking Kagetsuysa's feelings into account, he had also become quite depressed since Messaih's death.

While Chihaya was thinking about the recent events that had taken place Kagetsuya came out onto the balcony. He walked up to Chihaya and stood behind him he then wrapped his arms around Chihaya.

''What's on your mind? , are you still thinking about what happened to Messaih?"

Chihaya placed a hand on top of Kagetsuya's warm hands and lent back into his embrace as he spoke softly.

''I'm sorry Kagetsuya!"

''What are you apologizing for!, I'm the one that should be apologizing to you after all I should have considered how you must have felt about Messaih as well as the black wing thing!"

''No Kagetsuya I put you through so much trouble and I never considered your feelings, I made you feel jealous over Messaih when there was no need for you to feel that way."

''Can you ever forgive me Kagetsuya?"

Kagetsuya just smiled as he thought for a moment.

''I'll forgive you if you tell me how you truly felt about Messaih and if you still love me!"

''I did love Messaih! But not in the way you think!"

''When I first saw Messaih I was so happy to find another angel with black wings just like me , at the time I thought he was an angel from Eden who had been captured. But then I found out that doctor Ayshino had created him using my blood, when I heard that I felt it was my responsibility to take care of him. I don't know whether to call Messaih my brother or my son but still my blood flowed in his veins he was a part of me so yes I loved him."

'' But Kagetsuya the love I have for you will never change you are the only one for me, my precious love who I would gladly die for!"

After hearing Chihaya's heart felt confession Kagetsuya bent down and placed a tender kiss on chihaya's soft lips. After a moment they slowly parted and Kagetsuya whispered softly into Chihaya's ear.

''I hear make up sex is the best kind of all so lets go inside and spend the whole night making up?"

Chihaya simply smiled as he found himself being carried into their apartment.

Well that's it for this story I know it's short but I wrote this at late at night so it's not the greatest but the end of the anime had been bugging me so I wrote this story to clear the air between Chihaya and Kagetsuya.