Disclaimer: Not mine! Aoyama-sensei's.

This is for foreverandeveralone because she requested a fic for Kaito's birthday.

Thank you for the reviews!

This is it!

Thank you for reading and staying with me throughout all this!

Chapter Twenty

Happy Birthday

"How's your stomach wound?" Kaito asked. After they had parted with Saguru and Aoko they didn't go home, instead choosing to spend the afternoon together. Now it was getting late and the sun was getting ready to set.

Shinichi gave a reassuring grin. "It's fine."

Kaito looked at him doubtfully. Grabbing the detective's hand, he dragged him to a mostly deserted park. Since it was getting late, most of the parents were bringing their kids inside.

Pushing the detective lightly so he would sit on the bench, Kaito sat down next to him.

"I'm fine, really." Shinichi grumbled, appreciating the gesture, but not likening to be patronized.

"Okay, okay." Kaito waved off the complaint "But I'm tired." It was obviously a lie, but it wasn't like anything would change if Shinichi pointed it out.

So with a sigh, Shinichi allowed it to slide. He was a tiny bit sore, not that he would ever admit it.
Kaito stretched, and while his arms were outward, multiple doves flew out from his clothes.

Shinichi couldn't tell were Kaito kept all of those doves, but he wasn't trying hard to figure it out. He just sat back and watched as the doves just settled around them. A few decided to use him as a seat after the rest of the bench space was taken up.

Shinichi looked around, somehow there were more doves then he remembered seeing coming out of Kaito's sleeves...

Shaking his head, he turned his attention to the dove that settled on his lap. After a slight hesitation, he brought his hand forward to pet the bird.

The dove leaned his head against the detective's palm, giving a soft coo.

"He likes you." Kaito stated. He leaned down a bit and mocked whispered to the bird. "But, don't get too cozy, this one is mine."

The dove looked at Kaito and blinked twice, then went back to nuzzling Shinichi's hand.

Kaito leaned back and huffed. "That's not fair. I saw you first."

Shinichi shook his head. "That's not funny."

Kaito sat back and chuckled. "Then why are you smiling?"

Shinichi turned away. "I'm not." He said, albeit a bit childishly. He knew he was smiling. He couldn't help it, how could one not smile when around your loved one?

Kaito poked Shinichi's cheek. "Well, what do you call this then?"

"An expression to show you how idiotic you are being."

Kaito laughed. "I aim to please." He took out a bag of seeds and poured some onto his palm.

Immediately doves flew up to eat from Kaito's out stretched palm.

Shinichi noted that while some doves flew up, others stayed where they are, though their attention was now on the magician's palm.

"I trained them so that they will take turns." Kaito explained. "They know when it's their turn to be fed." With his free hand, Kaito shook the bag of seeds. "Want to feed them? I'm sure they would appreciate that."

Shinichi nodded and held out his hand. Kaito poured some seeds onto it and as soon as he pulled the bag away, another group of doves flew up to be fed.

Shinichi couldn't help but tense at the sudden movement, but soon relaxed again. He smiled and absentmindedly petted the dove that was still on his lap.

The two sat there, surrounded by doves, keeping up an idle conversation until the sun went down.

Shinichi knocked on Kaito's door the next morning. Aoko had asked him to keep Kaito out of the house while she and a couple of other people set up to a party.

The door opened and Kaito was surprised, but delighted, to see the detective standing there.

"Do you have time for me?" Shinichi asked, scratching his cheek.

Kaito grinned. "Of course~!"

Shinichi stepped aside to let Kaito stand next to him. "Close your eyes." He instructed.

"Huh?" Kaito blinked.

"Just do it." Shinichi tapped his foot patiently.

Kaito shrugged and did as he was told.

Shinichi kissed Kaito on the lips. When they parted Kaito opened his eyes to see Shinichi holding a box out to him. "Happy Birthday."

Kaito smiled. "Thank you." He took the box and looked up at Shinichi curiously, not sure if he was supposed to open it now or not.

Shinichi nodded.

Inside the box was a simple silver ring. Kaito took it out and held it up. "Is this a promise ring? You are old fashioned, aren't you?"

Shinichi blushed a bit at the remark and looked down. 'Maybe it wasn't such a great idea…'

A hand forced him to look up and he was met with a pair of lips on his own. Kaito pulled away only to kiss Shinichi's nose. "Thank you." He said again.

Shinichi smiled. "You are welcome."

Shinichi gave an apologetic smile to his lover. "Sorry…"

Kaito just laughed it off. "Not like you can help it."

They had gone out for a simple stroll out on the park-Aoko had said that it wouldn't take long for her to set up-and not long after, there had been a murder.

It wasn't too complicated and Shinichi was able to solve it fairly quickly, but he still felt bad about it.

"Hey, cheer up!" Kaito flicked his detective's forehead. "I don't mind."

"I told you, everywhere I go will just end up having some sort of case occurring…"

Kaito sighed. "And I told you, I don't mind. If running into cases everyday allows me to be with you, I'll gladly accept it. You are too precious to me for anything to turn me away; if everything was the ideal 'perfect' then I would be on constant edge, waiting for my dreams to shatter and for you to be taken away from me." Kaito grinned. "Besides, your detective self drew me in from the start. This way, I can still get entranced by your detective ways and appreciate that I know you better than just the Great Detective of the East."

"…You are too cheesy."

"I only speak for the 'one truth'."

"Happy Birthday, Kaito!"

Kaito blinked, he had just came back home after a wonderful day spent with Shinichi to find all his friends, and Shinichi's who he had became acquainted with the last couple of days, gathered around under a banner that wished him a happy birthday. There was Aoko, Saguru, Ran, and even Heiji and Kazuha, along with a few of his classmates.

Kaito beamed at everyone. "Thanks, everyone!" He supposed that he should have seen this coming, but he had to admit, he didn't. He was too distracted by his day with his detective to think much more about his birthday.

"And congratulations on you two getting together!" The girls shouted.

Kaito and Shinichi blushed.

"Of course you would go ahead and tell everyone." Kaito accused Aoko.

"Hey, you would have sooner or later. Probably by dragging Kudou-kun into our classroom." Aoko shot back.

Kaito grinned…that wasn't a bad idea…

Shinichi whacked him on the head. "Don't even think about it, moron. I can't miss any more of school anyways."

Kaito only gave him a vague hum then went off to enjoy the party, dragging him along. Shinichi sighed. He better warn his teachers that he would disappear for a day...

Once everyone left, Kaito plopped down on the couch next to Shinichi. He looked over at his lover. "When are you going?"

Shinichi seemed to think something over before he leaned down to give Kaito a kiss.

"I'll go home tomorrow." Shinichi mumbled. "After one more present to you…"

Aoko blinked at the sight before her. She blushed then quickly shut Kaito's bedroom door closed again.

She'll come back to help with clean up later…

…First she HAD to tell everyone about what she just saw.

...Maybe they should throw another party to celebrate?

Kaito woke up first. He yawned and noticed that Shinichi was still next to him.

Last night flashed through his mind.

Maybe he should stay in bed a bit longer…

Kaito snuggled into Shinichi's side and went back to sleep.

Kaito planned to sleep the morning away, completely unaware of the 'congratulations party' that was brewing downstairs.

"Love you, Shinichi."

Author's note:

I like to think of Kaito being the type to go overboard for everyone else's birthday but not do much for his own. XD

How was it?

Did anyone notice the similarity between this and another one of my stories? Hope that didn't bore any of you. I didn't copy exactly from it, just have similar setting. I thought it would be nice to have a parallel between my first bday fics for the boys XD

Here was foreverandeveralone's prompt:

It begins with a heist, when they're having their normal conversation, Snake appeared (Shinichi regained his body but the organization hasn't been taken down yet). So they both run for cover and hide together, then KID runs out to lure him away, but before that Shinichi managed to put a tracker device on him, and he found out they were up against the same people, so the next morning when Kaito came out of his house, he was grabbed by Shinichi (who has been waiting there) and dragged to his mansion. Kaito attempt to deny that he is KID but fail, then they begin working together. Then they bring down the organization, and then Shinichi finds out Kaito's birthday is coming, and his gift is their first kiss...

She later asked if I could make Shinichi's present to Kaito their first time having sex and everyone finding out the morning after.

I hope I met I did alright! I changed a bit, but I kept most of it the same.


And thank you for stay with me till the end!
