this is my first Fanfiction so be nice. And bare with me this chapter is mostly a filler.

-Max Pov-

I'd been around horses my entire life they were nothing new. My Ma and Pa owned one of the largest horse farms west of the river. We had hit some hard times with the new invention of the automobile. My Pa said that only the finest mares were selling and that it was time for a change. Normally a change meant more work to do around the farm or more ranch hands to feed. "Maxine darling it's time for you to marry and your mother and I found a man by the name of Nickolas who seems to be a fine suitor." He said as if we were talking about the weather. "Pa you said I'd get to pick my own man that you wouldn't arrange a marriage for me, you promised." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Maxine you I both know these times are hard and by marrying you off it'll bring in lots of needed money." He said sternly. "But Papa I'm only fifteen!" I yelled."Maxine Ride you stop shouting at your father." My Ma said from the porch. "Max darling Nick is a good man he breaks mares for a living and then sells them." My Pa said. "I won't marry no ranch hand." I screamed and stormed off to fetch my horse. I climbed up in the saddle." Maxine you will ruin that new dress and where is your bonnet young lady!" Mother screamed. I untied the rope and kicked my horse into a gallop. "Maxine Ride stop that horse Nick will be here any minute."My father shouted. I just kept going. Why would they do this to me? Nick was just some man off the street they deiced to pawn me off to.

-Nick (Fang) Pov-

As I rode up to the ranch a large sign read "Ride's Breeding Farm". I kicked my black horse up the drive. Mr. Jeb Ride was standing at the barn watching some rider gallop away. Mrs. Ride came up to me. "Hello Nickolas please come in." She said politely. "Thank you Mrs." I said taking off my hat and getting off my horse tying it to the rail. "Where having pot roast and corn if that fine by you." She said walking into the massive house. I nodded still in awe of the house, a grand staircase lead to the next level and the wood work was perfect. Large carpets lay on the floor and all the workers wore matching dresses and suits. It was a completely different from the outside. We came into the dining room that was set and prepared to go. "Sir may I take your hat?" I young butler asked. I nodded handing it to him. As I sat down I noticed the woman I was to marry was not here. "Where is Maxine?" I asked. "It seems she went for a ride, I sent a ranch hand after her." She said and then went through massive swinging doors I assumed was the kitchen. "James you let go of me right now you fool!" snarled a voice. "Mrs. Ride I found Maxine."James said dragging a girl by her arm into the dining room. She had light blonde hair with streaks of brown mixed in and chocolate eyes that looked murderous. "Maxine go get cleaned up for dinner." Her mother said stiffly. Maxine ripped her arm from the man and stormed out of the dining room. "Maxine is normally well behaved; it seems she was little shocked by the news of the engagement." Mr. Ride said walking into the room. I stood and shook his hand "nice to see you again Sir."I said As we all sat down and the maids started serving dinner Maxine walked in. She was wearing a nice green evening dress. "Maxine this is Nicolas and Nicolas this Maxine our lovely daughter." Mr. Ride said. "Pleasure to meet you" she said but her voice said otherwise. As she went to sit down I pulled out her chair for her. She turned to look at me as if surprised by my actions.

-Max Pov-

I looked this Nick guy over he wasn't bad looking at all. His hair was Jet black and fell slightly over his forehead. His eyes were almost black and I felt as though I could stare into them for years and never find the end. "Maxine take a seat." My father ordered giving me a pointed look. I glared back and he flinched in response. Let's get this dinner over with.