AN: This is one of two branches for an idea for a BtVS/Despicable Me crossover. This one will include the Incredibles and Megamind movieverses. The other shall be written by my partner-in-crime and brother the Onyxwraith.(Should he ever write it).

Disclaimer: I own not that of Buffy the Vampire slayer(for if I did I would make Xander awesome somehow(however it really is his normality that makes his awesomeness, cuious)) nor do I own Despicable Me, Though I wish it was real

Welt Beherrschunger

Proudly Presents:

Alexander Nefario


Harris Family Reunion, Large Hotel of Reader's choice

"Boy, stay away from that guy, he's weird don't even know what who invited him, better yet just keep to yourself, you understand me boy?" Tony told his 12-year-old son.

"Yes, sir." Xander replied before he moved to sit on a couch in the corner of the room away from both the bar where his father was heading and the corner the 'weird' guy was. Sitting on the couch looking bored as he scanned the room. In one corner there was the bar and where most everyone was well except for the old guy in the corner and the smokers outside. It seemed that his father's drinking was a family tradition. In the other corner was the 'weird guy' who he could see how he was considered weird. He was a bit short and fat with a seriously crooked nose and huge ears. He was dressed in a yellow shirt and a buttoned white lab coat. Xander could only guess if the guy wore pants, he cringed slightly at the thought of the old guy going commando. He also for some unknown reason wore goggles and gloves with a yellow and black diamond symbol on them. Xander continued to scan the room only to have someone flop onto the couch beside him. He turned to see who got to his couch without him seeing.

He turned to see a girl his age sitting by him. Her hair was dark brown and she wore thin framed glasses. She was in a black t-shirt and a brown jacket, she also wore a plaid skirt and tennis shoes. All in all, Xander would say she was quite cute, not that he'd say that out loud but it was true. She seemed to be scanning the room like he was earlier before she felt his eyes on her and turned to face him.

"Hi, I didn't see you there, what's your name?" the girl asked.

"Xander, what's yours, my dad said nobody else in our family had kids." He asked back confused on who she was.

"Margo, and I'm here with Dr. Nefario, he's my dad's best friend kind of. The doctor said he needed to come with this and I wanted to get out of the house for once." She replied with a sigh. Xander knew why this Doctor Nefario had to come, it was the only reason that his father had come anyway. Tony's Grandmother had died and in her Will she said she wanted everyone to have a reunion and be a family for one once. Of course, threatening no inheritance was a great way to insure attendance in some of the family, like Tony. He hoped Dr. Nefario was a better type.

"Home not fun?" Xander asked. He knew how it could feel.

"No, it's not that, Home's loads of fun but I've got two sisters and my dad's kinda crazy and well sometimes I just need a break, you know?" Margo replied.

"Oh, that's cool, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Willow and Jesse to keep me alive." Xander joked, "So, who's this Dr. Nefario?" emphasizing the name to make it sound sinister making Margo laugh.

"The grumpy one in the corner if you must know." Margo replied. Pointing towards the 'weird' guy Tony had warned Xander about earlier.

"Hah, that's the guy my dad called weird, what's he like?" Xander asked

"Weird one way to call him, he's grumpy and doesn't like people, he said the only reason he's coming is because of his sister. But he grows on people. Plus he's a scientist who does some really cool stuff. Wanna go talk to him? He might actually like you, you aren't smoking drinking or you seem pretty smart."

"Thanks, anybody dad calls weird can't be too bad. Let's go." The kids stand up and make their way across the room unnoticed by the adults at the bar. Dr. Nefario turns toward them and nods as they approach.

"Hey Doctor, are you having fun?" Margo said a bit loudly.

"Fun is not a word I would use to describe this situation. Who's this you've brought over here." Hes asked.

"I'm Xander, Margo's friend. I'm Tony's son." Xander said at a normal-to-lowish volume to avoid getting his father to hear him and come over, however unlikely that was.

"Manner's a weird name to have boy, and I didn't think I had a nephew named Rony either odd, oh well not that I like any of them." Nefario responded obviously he couldn't hear well, hence Margo was speaking louder than normal. She turned to him, with a laughing smile.

"He's hard of hearing so you're gonna have to talk louder." She said quietly

"I gathered." Xander responded just as quietly.

"His name is Xander and his dad is Tony," Margo told Nefario.

"Oh, oh well hello Xander, and I remember Tony and I pity you." Nefario informed him.

"So, are you going to interact with your family at all, I thought that's what people do at family reunions." Margo asked.

"This is what Harris reunions look like, a bunch of people drinking together and getting drunk. Then we all go home in the morning and the intelligent ones try and repress the revulsion at all the drunkard."

"Well, it seems my sister had one good spawn. I'm surprised that Harris my sister married was such an idiot I'm surprised he lived so long." Nefario said looking at Xander with an appraising gaze through his goggles, "So did you get any of my sister's brains or did they all get washed away in that Harris filth?"

"Doctor! That's his family you're talking about! Be nice!" Margo said sternly to the older man clearly not okay with him insulting the Harris' so openly in front of Xander.

"It's okay, Margo, he's right, but yeah I'm kinda smart, I'm in the hardest classes my school offers and can pass without much effort. Plus I know when to run."

"That's good, Xander, plus I doubt Margo would talk to you if you weren't worth the time, of course." Nefario told Xander. "I'll send you a gift or two and see if you've got what it takes to do some real science, that sound nice?" Margo was looking at Nefario in awe. It had taken weeks to get Nefario to agree to teach them anything about his work. So far the only Margo out of her sisters had gotten through all the safety training Dr. Nefario forced them through. He was just going to give Xander this stuff off the bat, Margo glowered mentally at Xander.

Just then Tony decided to act fatherly for once, and he looked back to see his son doing just what he had told him not to do. He stomped over and grabbed Xander and despite Margo's sounds of protest carried the twelve-year-old out the door.

"Boy! Who do you think you were talking too! I told you to keep to yourself and directly told you not to go to that guy! What do you have to say?" Tony shouted angrily, liquor on his breathe.

"I'm …Sorry, I don't .. know what I was thinking! I'm sorry, dad sorry!" Xander said quickly and quietly.

"Sorry! Boy! Sorry, I'll make you sorry. You're going to the room and staying you'll not eat tonight understood." Tony asked sternly allowing no choice in answer besides yes.

"Yes Sir, I'll go now." The boy hung his head. Tony had never beaten him, maybe called him an idiot or insulted his friends but he was right scary when he wanted to be and especially when he had been drinking. He headed up to the hotel room he and his father were staying where he stayed for the rest of the trip with them leaving for Sunnydale in the morning. He never saw Dr. Nefario or Margo the rest of the trip and knew he likely never would again.

AN: Just Shy 200 shy of 1500 so I think this is a decent prologue. This is a YAHF story and we'll be getting to that later. Please review, I love more ideas. I might incorporate ideas I might not but either way review please.