Hermione looked up into the two green orbs in front of her. With each second that passed and she didn't speak, the darker the eyes became. It wasn't till the once emerald eyes became black did either of them speak or move.
"I-I've been busy." Hermione stuttered out.
Minerva spun around and walked two steps to her desk before turning around sharply, causing her robes to sweep around her legs. "You've been avoiding me for the past two weeks Hermione! I want to know why!" Minerva all but shouted.
Hermione didn't know what to say to the enraged witch. So many thoughts ran through her head, many of them lies as to why she had been staying away from her. Studying. Helping Harry. Helping the younger students with essays. Reading. But she knew she couldn't lie to her, she just couldn't
Chest heaving, Minerva watched the girl expectantly, but when no answer came forth, she lost control of all emotions. Stepping forward, she slammed her hand down on the desk beside her. "Answer me Miss Granger!"
The girl jumped as her hand made contact with the wood, but again she didn't answer her.
Losing all her anger, Minerva felt tears begin to pool in her eyes. "What have I done to drive you away so?" She asked, feeling the first of the many tears to slide down her cheek.
"Was it something I said that offended you?" She asked as she reached into her pocket.
Hermione swallowed hard at seeing the tear making its way down the womans high cheek bone. Her hand twitched, wanting to brush the stray tear away.
Hand wrapping around a piece of parchment, Minerva forced herself to speak, even though it came out a hoarse whisper. "Is it because I called you beautiful?"
When Hermione looked up at her with wide eyes, Minerva knew she had found the reason. Taking a shaky breath, she stood at her full height and forced back all emotions, speaking in her trade mark clipped tones. "I am sorry that my words have caused you discomfort Miss Granger. I will endeavour to keep our relationship completely professional from now on." She said before turning around once more and making her way to her desk.
Standing frozen in her spot, Hermione watched as the older witch walked away from her. It took her a minute, but she found her voice just as Minerva reached the first step before her desk. "Wait."
Upon hearing the girls whispered plea, Minerva stopped walking, but refused to turn around.
"What-What if I don't want you to keep our relationship professional?" Hermione asked timidly.
"What if I wanted to get closer," She continued slowly approaching the tense witch. "To get to know you?"
Standing directly behind her now, Hermione stood on her toes and placed her hands on the witches hips to keep her balance. "What if I wanted to kiss you, to touch you?" She whispered, her warm breath tickling the older witches ear.
Feeling the warm air dance across her skin, Minerva could not stop herself from shivering. "Miss Granger." She gasped quietly.
Kneading the flesh hidden under the thick layer of material, Hermione leant in closer, pressing her body against her professors. "Yes?"
"This is highly inappropriate." She forced out, clenching her hands into fists by her side to stop herself from reaching around and pulling the girl closer.
"Do you want me to stop?" Hermione asked, sliding her hand from the witches hip to rest just below her stomach.
Licking her lips, Minerva let out a shaky breath. "N-No."
Smiling, Hermione turned her around. "Good." She whispered just before kissing her.
Hours later, Minerva lay in her bed, spooning a very naked body of Hermione. She had been laying there since they had both collapsed on the bed after pushing each other over the edge multiple times, just watching her as she slept. She had repeatedly told the girl she was beautiful as she had kissed her way down her body, yet she knew that Hermione still did not believe her. Which, surprisingly, Minerva was okay with as she would happily tell her every day that she was beautiful for the rest of her life.
And she would.
And that is the end of that.
Next up, no idea. :)