This is my very first entry to the site. Criticism is much needed. *Spoiler alert; yes, there will be clop. Eventually*

Sobs shook my body as I slammed the door of my room shut, leaning against it and sliding down to the floor, my knees pulled up to my face. My eyeliner and mascara streaked in thick, black smudges down my face, no longer lining my green eyes - which were red and puffy from crying. A glass bottle was thrown against my door, shattering and causing me to jump and squeal, hugging my knees tight.

"You're nothing but a little whore!" My drunken father screamed at me as he chucked glass beer bottles at my door - whether they were empty or not, I couldn't be certain.

I shook my head, closing my eyes tight. My father was a drunkard. I was a good person. How could I be a whore? After all, I'd only had sex with one person in my life, and that was my boyfriend... That is, until we broke up.

I locked my door, and stood up, looking around the room for something heavy to barricade the door with. I walked over to my dresser and grunted as I slid it across the floor, pushing and dragging it to the door, pressing it firmly against it. There was no way someone could open the door now - at least, not before I was dead.

That's right. Tonight was going to be the night that I would kill myself. My whole life, I had struggled with the death of my mother, the drunken rampages of my father, and the constant emotional pain. The only good things I had in my life to comfort me when I was down was My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

I guess most people would laugh at this. Call me a loser, a baby; what you will. But honestly, the show had the perfect amount of everything that I loved - crazy, fun, love, and life lessons.

I wipe my tears and sniffled, storming into the bathroom and opening the medicine cabinet. I stared blankly at the bottles upon bottles of pills I had collected, for this very night. I frowned for a moment, then reached in and started grabbing bottles, opening them and placing them in a line on the kitchen sink. I closed the bathroom door and locked it, then turned back to the opened bottles of pills in front of me.

I was really going to do this.

There was a loud banging at my door, followed by my drunken father's furious voice.

"You'd better open this door if you'd know what's good for you, you little slut!"

I grabbed a bottle, lifted it quickly to my lips, and poured the pills into my mouth. I grimaced and swallowed. It hurt to swallow them all at once, but it wouldn't matter soon. I grabbed another bottle and lifted it to my lips. There was another bang at my door.

"Open up!"

I downed the pills, bottle after bottle. My throat felt a bit scratchy from swallowing so many pills at once. My stomach grumbled, and I felt a bit... bubbly. The room started spinning and I tried to steady myself by grabbing the sink. My hands searched for the sink, but found nothing but air. The spinning room turned blurry and I fell back against the wall.

A single tear fell from my eye as I realized it was finally happening. I was dying. My life flashed before my eyes - My mother dying when I was just 9 years old. My father's sanity slowly draining as he adopted a bit of a "drinking problem". Discovering My Little Pony. Easing the pain by watching it every time I felt depressed and suicidal.

My favorite pony was by far Rainbow Dash. Not only was she super talented; the fastest pony in Equestria. But she was also a good friend. Loyal. (She was the element of Loyalty, after all.)

I'd always loved Big Macintosh, too. My friends, who were also fans of MLP, and I would always substitute the word "Yes" for "Eeyup." I know. It sounds silly. But, I guess that's what we were.

My head felt light and my eyelids drooped as everything blurred and faded to black, and I collapsed onto the bathroom floor.