A/N: My first story that I feel comfortable posting. Don't know how I will continue this, so ideas are welcome. The title is a WIP and is named for this first scene. No promises on regular update, sorry. This is a bit of Blood and Chocolate crossed with Percy Jackson...

The Chase

The full moon was the time of month when the hunt took place. The pack gathered in the woods along the Hudson, waiting for the sacrifice. Percy is there, but only for the chase. He loves the feel of the wind through his fur and the earth beneath his feet.

"We got a treat this month. A real beauty, feisty too."

"Let go of me, you creep!" His eyes widen, Percy knows that voice. He looks to the source and sees her. Rachel. He shrinks and hides behind the nearest pack member. If RED noticed him, he doesn't know. Percy vowed to get her out of this.

"Ya'll know the rules. If she makes it across the river, she wins," The alpha turned to her and whispers, "But no one has made it that far." Rachel's arm was cut and she was let loose. Per rules, a three minute head start was given. Once time ran out, Percy shot after her. Like some of the others, he did not change; unlike them, however, it wasn't for the fear the prey experience when witnessing the transformation. He wanted Rachel to feel safe when he reaches her, not terrified.





Rachel was panicking. She wasn't sure what these people were, but she knew they were dangerous. For a moment her panic stricken mind saw Percy, but when she looked next, he vanished. The people had caught up with her as had some wolves.

What would Percy do in this situation? She asked herself.

Fight back, Her brain supplied. Which wasn't very helpful, Percy was a demi-god and a very experienced fighter. Well, maybe it wasn't a completely useless thought. Rachel pulled out a silver hunting knife that was given to her as a joint present from Percy and his cousins. Not a moment too soon either; the first wolf attacked. Rachel slashed with the knife; trying to remember the entirety of what she was taught. Wolf after wolf, person after person; Rachel slashed, dodged, and ran towards the river. Almost there, she thought. Finally her mind caught up with her. Of course no one has managed to win. Looking out at the huge river, there was no way a person was able to cross it. She was more likely to freeze in the water than make it safely across.

The leaves rustled and her head whipped around eyes scanning the woods. Slowly backing to the water, Rachel failed to notice the person behind her. Bumping into the body, she whirled around; hand poised to strike when her wrist was caught in a vice like grip. She looked into sea-green eyes. Percy.

"Hurry," he whispered. "Don't run. Running entices the chase." The pair hurried to the bank of the river where Percy formed a tunnel to transverse under. Once out on the other side, Percy led Rachel to a safe place; an empty film studio.

"Why are we here Percy?"

"They won't come here, it's too dangerous."

"How so? What is going on?" Percy sighed, hand mussing his hair.

"They are not human, Rachel. The silver here will keep them away," a brief smile flitted across his face, "though you won the hunt. If you hadn't, well, what's left of you would be maggot food."

"Not human? Silver?" it was like a light came on in her head. "Oh, oh, ooh. Are they werewolves?" she whispered.

Percy gave her a wane smile, "Loup-garou actually. They are a bit different."

"And you were there because?" Percy looked to the side, trying to come up with the right words. When he couldn't, he just offered her a guilty smile.

"Oh. You are one of them, aren't you?" it wasn't a question, she knew.