Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise!
Uh Oh
The flaming ball of gas in space that was called the sun was slowly beating a pattern full of heatwave down on the dry earth and every house across Britain had fans on and air conditioners on full blast. Those of magical descent had cooling charms all over their houses which they renewed every couple of hours. Barely anyone was out shopping in London except for one or two who weren't deterred by Mother Nature's fiery temper. On the west coast of Britain, in a small town called Godric's Hollow one house was full of action as the three kids in the house ran up and down the stairs, trying to find everything they needed as their mother waited patiently in the hall.
'Ready Lils?' asked Ginny Potter as her daughter Lily Potter descended the stairs, her bag in one hand, going over everything she needed and checking that she had indeed grabbed it all.
'Yep,' Lily said brightly as she quickly tied up her shoelaces. Lily's older brother James soon made his way downstairs and they could hear Albus rushing around his room frantically upstairs. Ginny sighed before telling the other two to stay in the hall before going upstairs to see what was going on.
'You really should clean this room up,' she commented as she glanced into her middle child's room and found it in complete disarray.
'I know I put it here,' Albus cried and Ginny shook her head before pulling out her wand.
'What have you lost this time?'
'I didn't lose it,' Albus muttered. 'I misplaced it, that's all.'
'What is it?' his mother repeated.
'The book Rose leant me, I finished it and was going to give it back today,' Albus explained while still searching under piles of paper and text books and Ginny muttered the summoning charm and the book came flying towards her from underneath Albus' bed.
'Whoops,' he muttered before thanking her. The two made their way down into the hall where James and Lily stood waiting. They hurried into the lounge room, knowing they were running slightly behind schedule.
'Alright, behave you lot,' she said giving James a pointed look. 'I don't want to hear about you blowing something up or something along those lines got it?'
'Yes, Mum,' James said.
'Have fun and I'll see you in a couple of days,' Ginny said, hugging her children before Albus and Lily clambered into the fireplace and then a few seconds later, they vanished in a blaze green fire.
James then stood in the fireplace and vanished soon after leaving Ginny in a peacefully quiet house.
The three kids appeared in the Burrows living room where their grandfather was reading The Daily Prophet.
'Gramps,' Lily cried as she stumbled out of the grate, brushing soot off her face
'Hey Lily Billy,' Arthur Weasley said as he hugged his bubbly granddaughter.
'Hey Gramps,' Al said and he too was given a warm hug from his grandfather.
'Where's that troublesome brother of yours?' Arthur asked.
'He should be coming along soon,' Al said and at that moment James appeared in the grate.
'Hi Gramps,' James said grinning and Arthur hugged his grandson who grinned before glancing around the room and through the window to the yard.
'Where's everyone else?' asked James.
'Oh, they're all out in the shed. You can leave your bags here and head out too,' Arthur said and they dumped their bags in the pile where everyone else' were.
'Are we the last here?' asked Al as they entered the kitchen.
'Yes,' said Arthur and then his wife Molly Weasley hurried over to them and hugged Al and Lily.
'How are you two?' she asked smiling as she released them and they beamed at.
'We're great Granny,' Lily said and Moly smiled even more.
'And how are you James?' she asked as she hugged him and he grinned at her.
'Perfectly fine Gran,' he said and she chuckled.
'I'm guessing you'll all want to join you cousins? Off you go. And dinner will be soon so don't wander too far,' she said and the three kids ran out the door and across the garden to Arthur's shed where the rest of the kids were.
'Hey guys,' James said as they entered the shed.
'Hey you lot,' Dominique Weasley said cheerfully. All the cousins were in here along with Scorpius Malfoy who had been staying at Rose's. Victoire Weasley and Teddy Lupin were talking quietly but both beamed at the three new arrivals and when Lily ran over to them Teddy gave her a big hug. Louis Weasley and Alice Longbottom were laughing together and further along Roxanne and Molly Weasley were chatting away happily. Lorcan and Lysander Scamander were standing with Hugo Weasley and Scorpius and Rose Weasley were going through an old box together. Lucy Weasley and Frank and Pomona Longbottom were sitting on the floor going through what looked like some old muggle records as Fred Weasley made his way towards them.
'Hey James,' he said grinning mischievously and James smirked at him.
'Hey yourself,' he said before the two of them vanished into the maze of shelves that were covered in muggle stuff leaving Albus to join Rose and Scorpius.
James and Fred made their way down an aisle that was dim and Fred leaned against a shelf and turned to James.
'Look what I found,' he whispered and James turned and saw his cousin holding something silver in his hand.
'What is it?' he murmured as he walked over to Fred for a closer look.
'No idea,' said Fred quietly. 'I just found it in this old box.'
'Hang on,' said James slowly. 'I know what that is. When Dad was telling us about something in his third year Lily had him draw what he was describing.'
'And?' asked Fred impatiently.
'And that looks a hell of a lot like it,' muttered James. 'It's a time-turner.'
'Cool,' whispered Fred. James glanced around and noticed Molly, who James knew wouldn't approve of this, standing nearby examining an old Muggle radio.
'C'mon,' murmured James and Fred nodded. The two of them managed to leave the shed where all their cousins were still looking through all of their grandfathers Muggle stuff and they snuck over to where an old chestnut tree was, hiding them from sight of the house.
Fred held out the silvery chain and they both looked at the small sparkling hour-glass that hung from it. Fred went to pass it to James but at that moment someone to their right spoke.
'What are you doing?' asked their younger cousin, Lucy. Fred jumped and, before James could take it, he dropped the time-turner which hit the ground with a loud crash.
A bang caused the two guilty boys and the confused Lucy to look around. All their cousins hurried out of the shed and over to the tree.
'What did you two do?' asked Victoire. Before either boy could answer Teddy caught sight of the shattered time-turner.
'You broke a time-turner?' he said and before anyone could react everything went dark and they all began to fall down what felt like a hole.
Okay, so I'm back and re-doing every chapter to get me back into the game. Hoped you enjoyed it and please let me know what you think.