First story of my collection…

Who's excited? I know I am :D! Here I go…


-Rated K-

Kendall rolled over on his bed to face his boyfriend, who was currently next to him.

"Hey 'Litos?" The blonde whispered, gently nudging his nose against Carlos's chest.


"I love you," Kendall smiled to himself as he waited for a response.

Carlos was taken aback. It was the first time Kendall ever told him that. It took a few moments to realize he didn't respond. And that's when he heard a soft whimper.

"What's wrong Kenny?" Carlos asked, his heart breaking at every sound his boyfriend made.

"You don't love me," The blonde whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

The Latino gaped. Kendall honestly thought that? He placed his boyfriend's cheek leaning in to seal the open space






"Kendall, I'll love you no matter what"

Okay... Now that I think of it, This kind of sucks -_- Sorry everyone!