A/N: Inspired by a conversation with a friend. A dialogue-only discussion about baby names.

"I like Donna. But, maybe as a middle name. Or Sarah Jane. She's marvelous."

"Barbara? Victoria? Jamie could be for boy or girl. But, since we know he's a boy, we should pick boy names."

"You never know!"

"Right, it is good to be prepared… I like Sarah Jane or Donna, too."

"Hmm, I like Bruce."


"What boy names d'you like, then?"

"Well, not Bruce. Alonso."


"Yeah! What's wrong with Alonso?"

"You just want to be able to say 'Allons-y, Alonso!' every day."

"I do not!"

"Don't lie. I can see it in your smirk."

"Well, if we want to go classical, we can go with Rassilon. Nice, strong name, Rassilon. Rolls of the tongue nicely. What d'you think? Rassilon Tyler."

"That's terrible!"

"Or Omega. Omega Tyler, that's a bit better."

"Are you just being ridiculous now?"

"No! Omega's sacrifice allowed the Time Lords to Time Travel! It's a noble name."

"Not Omega."

"Alright, alright. The Other?"

"The Other. You want to name our baby 'The Other.'"

"What's wrong with that?"


"Alright, alright. Um, Morbius. Morbius is a great name!"


"Yeah, you're right. He was an evil dictator. So not Morbius."

"No. Not Morbius."


"We are not naming our son Jack. That is just asking for trouble."

"How about… Wilfred?"

"Sounds so old. What about Eugene?"

"Ulk. No. Never."

"Alright, then, what d'you think?"

"Alonso. Alonso Tyler."


"Alonso Peter Tyler?"

"Alonso Jack Tyler?"

"Alonso James Tyler?"

"Mm, I quite like the name James."

"Jamie. I like Jamie."

"Hmm, we should call him Alonso. It's grown on me. And how marvelous will it be to say 'Allons-y, Alonso!' every day?"

"I knew I liked you."

"Alonso… He'll need a middle name."

"Yes, Alonso… Alonso Alistair Tyler?"

"Alonso Alistair Tyler… It's a bit alliterative. James Alistair Tyler sounds much better."

"Alright, Alonso… Alonso Peter Tyler?"

"Alonso Peter Tyler… Alonso Peter Tyler. I like it."

"Alright. And our second child will be Jamie Alistair Tyler?"

"If he's a boy!"

"We could still name a girl Jamie Alistair Tyler."

"We'll think about it."

"Hello, Alonso, I'm your daddy. Of course, you already know your mummy since you're surrounded by her. But, we can't wait until we get to meet you, Alonso. So, allons-y!"

"Doctor, sometimes you just… Sometimes I love you."

"I love you, too, Rose."

A/N: There you have it in about 400 words of pure fluff.