Hi guys! I'm back! And I promise I will get back to TWTA as soon as possible. This is just a little fic that has been begging me to write it. I have read so many unfinished fics like it and so decided to have a go myself! It's purely for fun so I hope you enjoy...


"Ugh! I'm sooo bored." Kyla moaned loudly. Being princess of the Fire Nation had its perks but on days like today when it was too hot do pretty much anything and still early enough in the day that people, her father and mother included, were still working, Kyla found herself incredibly bored. "I'm starting to miss school. I never thought I'd say that." She mumbled to herself. She couldn't go and bother her older brother because he was in a meeting with their father and their mother was out of the palace meeting someone important if she remembered correctly. Lying on her bed, frustrated that most of her friends had gone to Ember Island that summer, Kyla decided to get up and go for a walk hoping that somehow the distraction would take her mind off the boredom.

If there was one thing she loved about her home was that its beauty never ceased to amaze her. The paintings, though eerie at times were beautiful and the various flowers and plants that decorated the halls seemed to fill them with an explosion of colour not to mention the sweet smell that came with it. It was due to this that Kyla managed to find herself in one of the many gardens in the palace. This one was her favourite. It had a medium sized pond in the centre where the turtleducks would play and where she first found out that she was a waterbender. She briefly thought about doing some practice but then decided against it due to it being too hot. Instead she continued to walk around the garden until she was suddenly stopped in her tracks. A hooded figure sat under the Cherry Blossom tree and appeared to be watching her intensely. Even though Kyla could feel their gaze on her; she did not feel afraid and was more curious than anything. She had never seen anyone like them and was interested as to why anyone would were such a heavy cloak in such heat. As she walked closer and closer, a feeling in her gut told her that something was about to happen. What, she was not sure, but she was certain it had to do with this mysterious person.

"Hello, my name is Kyla, may I ask who you are?" She asked politely. The hood figure stood almost too gracefully and grinned.

"Why do you come up to me so fearlessly? Are you not afraid I could do you harm little one?" The hood figure replied.

"Little One! I'm 15 years old! And as for you doing me harm, if you were going to, you would have done so by now, and besides, I have a feeling that you are more of a friend than foe." Kyla said trying her hardest to look under the hood and get a glimpse of this person's face. The hooded figure smiled a little wider and began to slowly pull back their hood revealing her beautiful face and long black hair. Her skin was extremely pale, paler than her father's and her eyes were grey but empty looking. Kyla thought to herself that this beautiful woman is blind and must have lost her way somehow, thus finding herself here.

"My name is Min Yuin, and you are right about me being more friend than foe. I wish you no harm little one." Kyla rolled her eyes at that term but decided to let it pass.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here? Are you lost?" Kyla asked.

"Why do you think I'm lost?"

"Errr well, I've never seen you here before and well I see that you are blind and so I thought... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed." Kyla said sheepishly.

"That's alright little one, and you are correct. I am blind at least in the way you think I am, but I see in...Other ways." Min Yuin replied, grinning as if she was in on some personal joke.

"I suppose you're like my Aunt Toph. Are you an earthbender?"

"No. I'm not." Kyla was taken aback by the short reply. She looked at this odd woman who seemed to be looking out towards something that she herself could not see.

"So, why are you here Min Yuin? My father is in a meeting and my mother is outside the palace. You could wait here if you like but I think that they both might be a while."

"I'm not here to see either of your parents little one I'm..."

"It's Kyla. Besides, you look no older than my Mom so you couldn't be that much older than me to be calling me 'little one'." Kyla said slightly frustrated at her new nickname. Min Yuin on the other hand smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry Kyla, I am far older than I look and am here because I need your help."


"Yes you. I need you to push certain things along, and though time is of no consequence, I would rather you did this sooner rather than later."

"I think you have me confused with someone else. I have no idea what you are talking about." Kyla replied. A breezed passed between them causing brief relief from the heat that did not seem to be dying down.

"I am not confused Kyla. Will you help me?"

"What is it you want? I don't understand what you mean by 'move things along'."

"Things will become clear in time. Will you help me?"

"What is it I have to do? I can't say if I can help you if you don't tell me what you are asking of me." Kyla said becoming slightly frustrated at this woman's vagueness whilst placing her hands on her hips, a gesture she had picked up from her mother. Min Yuin on the other hand looked directly into Kyla eyes causing her bravado to falter slightly. Bending down to reach her level, Min Yuin cupped Kyla face and smiled gently.

"Will you help me?" she asked once again in a voice no more than a whisper. Kyla stared at this odd woman. For reasons unknown to her and against every fibre of her body, she trusted her. It was as though something, was telling her that this had all been decided long ago and was somehow out of her control. Though she did not like the idea of things not being under her control, she sighed and nodded. Min Yuin smiled and rose up slowly.

"Thank you." She said. "Here take this." She said handing Kyla a small bag of sweets. "These will help you settle in, the rest is up to you?"

"Wait, I don't understand. What is it you want me to do?"

"I just need you to push things along. They are hard headed though so it might take some time, but remember, time is relative and you are proof that it is meant to be so do not worry about it."

"Push what along? Who is hard headed?" Kyla asked becoming more and more frustrated.

"You'll see. Remember, just push things along, they will do the rest. Are you ready?" Min Yiun asked raising an eyebrow mischievously.

"Are you crazy? You're beginning to sound like my Uncle Iroh." Min Yiun laughed at her little outburst.

"No, I'm not crazy. Are you ready?"


"Well then, good luck Kyla."Min Yiun bent down and kissed Kyla on the forehead. Kyla on the other hand closed her eyes and sighed at the craziness of this all. Wasn't it a moment ago that she complaining about being bored? Eventually, she began to feel cold and like her body was no longer under her control. Her eyes could not open, and this feeling of coldness was become stronger and stronger. She began to shiver and become frightened at this feeling of helplessness. It felt as if she were moving but still remained stationary. Confused, blinded and afraid, Kyla tried her hardest to warm herself by wrapping her arms around herself, but she still had no control over her body. Suddenly her world went black and Kyla blacked out.


Eventually, Kyla awoke to find herself on an uncomfortable bed in room that was definitely not her own. Slowly, she sat up glad that she regained control of her body and rubbed her face groggily. She felt like she had been sleeping for ages. It was then that everything came back to her. That strange woman in the garden, agreeing to help her with some task, the sweets, and feeling really cold. She slowly stood up and looked at her surroundings. She was in a strange bedroom, not like any she had seen in the palace and it was a lot cooler than she remembered. The room itself lacked any personal belongings and looked as though it had been vacant for a very long time.

"Ugh! I'm so stupid agreeing to help that crazy woman that I don't even know. I never think these things through, now I have no idea where I am." She said clenching her fists. Her parents would be furious with her when she got back. If she got back. As she looked out the window of the odd bedroom, she saw that it was about early evening.

"Great." She thought to herself, now I am stuck here for the night. Kyla walked out of the room to try and get her bearings and find out where exactly she was. As she walked along the corridors of this place that seemed oddly familiar, she began to hear voices and see light coming from the distance. Slowly, she began walking to their source.


"Wow, I can't believe you guys saw dragons. I wish I had come with you now." Sokka said while stuffing his face with rice.

"They were pretty amazing." Aang replied absentmindedly playing with Momo.

"I'm just grateful that there are still dragons." Zuko said whilst playing with his food. For some reason he had felt restless today. Like something was about to happen but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Wait." Toph said, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. "Someone's coming." She said pointing towards the doorway that lead towards the opening where they were having dinner. No sooner than Toph had said it, a young girl no older than Katara emerged from the shadows. From what the gang could see, she was just as shocked to see them as they were to see her.

"Who are you?" Sokka asked directly. "And how did you find us, this Air Temple is only accessible by sky bison."

Kyla looked at the group of teenagers in both shock and horror. She understood now, or at least she thought she did. It wasn't where she was that she should have asked, but when? In front of her stood her parents, and their friends as teenagers. "This is weird." She thought to herself, unable to speak. "This is very weird."

"Answer." Sokka repeated. "How did you find us? Who sent you?"

"Sokka! You're probably scaring her which is why she hasn't spoken. Put the sword down before you hurt yourself." Katara said rolling her eyes, she then walked over to the mysterious girl and brought her toward the fire and the rest of the group. She noted that this girl had an odd look about her. Her hair was extremely straight but brown, and her eyes were just as blue as her own, but her clothes were definitely Fire Nation, though unlike any Fire Nation clothes she had seen before. As well as all this, she had the strange feeling that this girl was familiar in some way. As they reached the centre of the group, with all eyes on this new stranger Katara turned and introduced herself. "My name is Katara..."

"Don't tell her our real names! She could be a spy!" Sokka exaggerated.

"I'm not a spy!" Kyla said seeming to come out of her trance. Everyone looked at her after her sudden outburst then turned to look at Toph.

"She's telling the truth. "

"Fine!" Sokka grumbled.

"What is your name?" Katara asked ignoring him. Kyla thought quickly. She couldn't give a fake name because Toph would find her out, but then, she couldn't give her real name because that would be silly.

"Errr my name. Yeah... My name is...Errr..."

"Don't you know your own name?" Zuko asked suspiciously.

"Right, my name is Kei... Yes. Kei." Kyla praised herself mentally on her quick thinking. Her brother called her Kei, usually when he wanted a favour so she technically wasn't lying.

"Yep, she's still telling the truth." Toph added.

"How did you get here?" Sokka asked "And why have you come?"

"I... I... Don't remember how I got here, but I'm not an enemy. As to why I've come, well all I can say is that now that I'm here, I want to help. I know who all of you are and if my history is correct..."

"History?" Aang said confused.

"Err...Yeah. Anyway, I want to help, but don't have much to offer..." Kyla said looking down and placing her hands in her pockets. Suddenly, she felt a small lump, and berated herself for forgetting about it so quickly. "Except these." She added, taking out the small pouch of sweets Min Yiun had given her and handing them to Katara.

"What are they?" Katara said looking at the pouch curiously. Kyla opened it and popped a red sweet into her mouth.

"They're called Fire Candies. They're really nice. Try one."

"No!" Sokka said grabbing the pouch from Katara. "They could be poisoned."

"Sokka how can they be poisoned, she just ate one."

"Fine, I'll try one first, just in case..." Sokka said taking out a sweet while Katara simply rolled her eyes.

"So Kei, you're Fire Nation then?" Aang asked innocently. Zuko on the other hand looked on this new stranger intently. He did not trust her.

"Errrr, well my father is."

"And your mother?" Zuko asked directly.

"Errrm, well... You see."

"It's alright Kei. You don't have to answer. I believe you." Katara said resting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're only saying that because I asked her the question."

"Here we go..." Haru said whilst beginning to walk away. The novelty of the new stranger was wearing off, and it was beginning to get quite late. The other members of the group sensing an argument was approaching decided to make their way to their rooms.

"What? No Zuko! I only said that because we have been bombarding her with questions like she's some sort of criminal when it's obvious that she means us no harm."

"Ermm. Guys, there is really no need to..."

"Oh so, when she comes and says she's willing to help you welcome her with open arms, but when I come and say that I want to help, you treat me like I'm the plague."

"She, Zuko, has not tried to capture Aang countless times and chased us half way around the world!"

"Whatever." Zuko said walking away back towards the fire and sitting down angrily. Katara ignored him and turn to Kei.

"I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted is for there to be an argument over me, especially between you and Firelo...I mean Prince Zuko." Kyla thought inwardly how odd it was to call her dad by his title rather than just Dad.

"That's alright. Zuko is being foolish anyway." Katara saying waving her hand nonchalantly. Almost immediately after she had said that, Kyla's belly rumbled causing her to blush in embarrassment. "You must be hungry, here; we have a little rice left thanks to you coming along before Sokka could claim it. You're welcome to have it."

"Thank you...Errrr...Katara." Kyla said taking the bowl from her mother. It was weird calling her by her name. She would never get use to it, she thought to herself.

"That's alright. You can sleep in my room tonight. We normally sleep outside, but it's a cold tonight and I can feel rain coming. "Katara said looking up towards the sky.

"Thank you." Kyla said trying not to fill her mouth, but then, she really was very hungry.

"No problem, my room is the second room to the left in the corridor you came out of." Katara said, pointing in the direction f her room. "It's weird, I usually don't warm up to strangers so easily, but I trust you for some reason. I don't know why, just s a feeling I guess." Katara said shrugging. "Well goodnight Kei."

"Goodnight Katara." Kyla said smiling. She was glad she had at least one person on her side her, and the fact that it was her own mother made her feel all warm inside causing her to smile absent mindedly. After Katara had left, Kyla walked over to the fire where Zuko sat, and sat down opposite him, finishing her rice. It was odd, she thought to herself, how much he looked like her older brother. If it wasn't for his straight hair and the scar, she might have mistaken him for him. So caught up in her thoughts of her family back home she didn't realise that Zuko had got up and walked over to her. All of a sudden a pair of two black boots appeared in front of her and she abruptly stood up, trying her hardest not to spill he rice in the process.

"I don't know who you are but I know that it doesn't take a person 5 minutes to remember their name unless they have something to hide. I, unlike Katara, am not easily fooled. I do not trust you and if anything happens to anyone here because of you, you will have to answer to me." Zuko said bluntly, before walking back towards his room. Kyla stared blankly at the space that Zuko had just occupied then continued to eat her rice before chuckling to herself quietly.

"It's nice to see you too Dad."