Rikava(me): Hi everyone! As you can see, I am Wolf Rikava, but you can call me Rikava. Or whatever you want to call me. But don't give me rude nicknames. Okay, I won't be alone most of the time. There will be three people with me. One of them is my best friend Zer0Espada. *gestures to my best friend*

Zer0Espada: Yo! *bored tone*

Me: O-kay! *sweatdrops* Well, some of you know her, I think, because she writes storys for Bleach aswell. The other two people are from anime Bleach. They are Ichigo Kurosaki and his hallow Hichigo Ogichi Shirosaki (I call him that, 'cause I can't decide which name's better. XD), but Hichigo is better known as Shiro. Oh, Ichigo and Shiro aren't from this story. They are from the anime, just so you all know. Now, Introduce yourselves, boys.

Ichigo: Yeah, hi! It's nice to meet you all. As Rikava said I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, but you can call me Ichigo. And this is my hollow Shiro.

Shiro: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Ichigo: *glares at Shiro*

Shiro: What now, King? *bored tone*

Ichigo: Nothing, Horse!

Shiro and Zer0: Since when did he call me/him Horse? *raises eyebrows*

Ichigo: *turns to me and smirks*

Me: *shakes her head* Okay, if you are done, than let's continue. Ichigo!

Ichigo: Wolf Rikava doesn't own any of the characters in Bleach or the anime: Bleach.

Me: Thank you very much, Ichi!

Ichigo: *nods to me*

Shiro and Zer0: *O_o*

Ichigo: *smirks at the two dumbfounded guests*

Me: Well, I know that you all are annoyed with us talking, so I will give you the first chapter. Enjoy!

It was a cool autumn night. Everything was covered in a dark blanket. The only source of light were the street lights and the big full moon. It was shining brightly, lighting up the places it could reach. The calm, cool wind blew over the Karakura town, making no sound. Everything was quiet. The streets weren't crowded like they were at daytime. Most of the people were home already sound asleep. So it left everything peacefull and quiet. But too bad that all good things have to come to an end. When everything was going great, something crushed into a street, leaving a fog of dust, but the street wasn't destroyed, like nothing happened. When the fog cleared, a tall woman with long, blonde hair and grey eyes rounded a corner, taking the street, where the crash happened. Since the woman didn't see the unusal site, she didn't know the street is actually dangerous. When she almost made it to the end of the street, she found herself being lifted by something she couldn't see. She started yelling, but was quickly silenced by something wrapping around her mouth. She panicked, so she started thrashing, but it didn't do her any good. Suddenly she felt that something cut her arms' delicate skin, making large wounds, which were bleeding furiously. The woman's eyes widened in fear. She started squirming and kicking, trying to hurt the thing, that had her in it's grip. Suddenly she felt an unbearable pain. She was getting squeezed painfully. She couldn't breathe or even move. The poor woman started to feel herself loosing consciousness, but the thing stopped squeezing her, leaving her conscious, so she would feel herself die. The moment the woman wanted to try thrashing and yelling, the invisible monster sliced her throat open and started to drink her blood while devouring her soul aswell. After the late night's snack the monster dropped the dead body on the ground. The woman's body was laying unmoving, her beautiful grey eyes opened widely, the light in them gone forever, leaving them with pain and fear, and death. The monster laughed to the sky, enjoying the sight before him. When he was about to leave for another snack, he was stopped by getting kicked and sent flying into the ground. He got up and lifted his head to see who's fault it was for kicking and sending him flying into the street below him. There, before him, stood three figures. All three of them had short coats, hoods covering their heads completely, only showing their eyes.

„ Who are you?" the demon growled out.

„ My, my! You don't know? And I thought that every demon knew about us," the figure with teal eyes snorted.

„ Tch! Who cares? I don't. But that's not what matters. Since you three came here and attacked me, I guess I will have to kill you and eat you. Do you see the woman over there?" the demon pointed to the woman's dead body, „ The same fait awaits you!" And with that the demon launged at the three strangers, but before the monster knew it, all three of them dodged the attack, standing in three directions around the demon.

„ Do you really think you can take all three of us? Pathetic!" the teal – eyed stranger said.

„ Be carefull. Don't let your guard down," the figure with green eyes informed the teal – eyed figure.

„ Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

„ You should listen to what the green – eyed stranger says," the demon spoke, „ He may be right."

„ Oh yeah? Well I think that you're not as strong as you say," wow, the figure with the teal eyes doesn't seem to understand who he's dealing with.

„ Don't judge a book by it's cover, you useless peace of trash," the dark creature growled.

„ Who's a useless peace of trash here?" everyone looked at the figure with gold on black eyes.

„ You three. Who else?" the monster taunted smirking.

The stranger with gold on black eyes just shook his head before disappearing in thin air. The demon looked at the spot where the stranger was standing not too long ago with his eyes wide open. Before the creature knew it, one of his arms was sliced off. The creature roared in pain and rage. He pounced at the attacker, but wasn't as fast as he was, so he crushed in the street. Than the demon pounced at the teal – eyed stranger, but didn't get him, because he was also fast. When he tried to pounce on both his attackers, he felt himself being tied up by someone. He turned to his right. 'Damn! I forgot about him.' It seems the one who tied him up was the figure with green eyes. He had two tails which he used as ropes to hold the demon back.

„ It seems you forgot about me," the green – eyed stranger said with no emotion.

„ Damn you! Who are you three?" the monster asked.

„ Who are we?" everyone turned to the figure with gold on black eyes, „ Who are we, you ask? Well, let us show you and tell you." And then the golden – eyed stranger took his hood off, revealing snow – white skin and white hair. His hair was spiked, facing all the directions. The teal – eyed stranger took off his hood, revealing tanned skin and blue hair. His hair was the same color his eyes were. The green – eyed figure did the same thing the other two did, revealing pale skin with black hair. His hair reached his shoulders. But the strangest thing the demon thought were the painted tears from the strangers eyes, leaving an uncomfortable feeling. But than it hit the demon.

„ I-I know you. Yo-you three are the ones I've heard about. One of you is a vampire, a werewolf and a freak," the monster said a bit nervously.

„ A freak? How dear you call him that? You will pay! After we'll be done with you, you will be the freak! Oh, no, wait! YOU WILL BE DEAD!" the teal – eyed person yelled, bitting the monsters other arm, making it bleed nonstop. The demon roared in pain, trying to get the attacker off. The teal – eyed person let go the demons arm turning into an animal, a wolf.

„ So, you're the werewolf? If you're the mut and that green – eyed friend of your's is the freak, that leaves you to be the vampire, the leader of your pack," the dark creature turned to the white – haired person.

„ Tch! You're right. But that's not the reason we came here."

„ We came here-" the werewolf started.

„ To kill you," the figure with two tails and green eyes fonished.

„ Ha! You think you can kill me?" the monster asked. Suddenly he started to change. After the change his teeth were larger and sharper, he was more demon like (yes, he was close to a human) and he had a tail with four sharp ends. He also had two horns above his eyes and a doglike snout with a large horn, and his claws were also larger and sharper, so sharp, they could slice you like butter. „ Now, let's see who will be the winner of this battle."

„ Tch!" the vampire smirked.

„ What's so funny? Is this funny to you?"

„ Yeas, demon! You think that by changing you will beat us? When we came here, you were already weak. A LOT weaker than we are. Eveni f you change, you won't be able to beat us." vampire explained.

„ Why you! I will destroy you!" and with that the demon launched at the white – haired vampire.

„ You never learn, do you?"

And with that blood started to pour. But not from the vampire. The demon was hanging above the fearless vampire, almost covering him in his blood.

„ W-wh-hat?" the monster looked down and saw that he was stabed in the place where his heart was. It seems that while he was distracted, the werewolf took a large metal bar he found and showed it in the demon's heart. Then, suddenly, the monster felt pain in his head and found that the black – haired starnger used his tail to show it in his head. „ D-d-amn! D-DAMN Y-YOU!" and with these last words the demon turned into dust.

„ Well, that was easy," the werewolf said, turning back into a human.

„ Yeah, this was easy, but that doesn't mean that the other souls are as weak as this creature was," the vampire spoke.

„ That's right. But there's something strange," the vampire and werewolf turned to their partner, „ Something's not right. Lately demons and other souls have been showing up more often. And they seem smarter than before. It's like someone's controling them, making them do these things. But what's the reason for all this?"

„ I don't know. But you're right. Something's off. We should contact the others. Maybe they're dealing with the same thing we are," the vampire said, his gold on black eyes glowing.

„ Yes, sir! We should better head back home. Than we can call them and see what's going on," the teal – eyed werewolf suggested. Both his companions nodded and all three of them went home, but not before taking the dead woman's corpse, trying to find her family and tell them what happened, of course making up a little lie about being too late to save her when a man killed her and ran away, and hoping that the poor human will be happy in Heaven.

(The next day: Karakura college)

The next day was beautiful. Sun was shining brightly and warming everyone up, the warm wind blowing, birds singing and some small animals sitting in the trees. Everything was peacefull and quiet. Well, maybe not so peacefull and quiet.

„ I-CHI-GO!" a guy with brown hair and grey eyes yelled with happines. When he was about to hug his friend Ichigo, Ichigo stepped aside, making the brown – haired guy crash into a wall. „ G-goodm-morning m-my fr-iend!"

„ Goodmorning, Keigo!" the boy named Ichigo greeted his grey – eyed frien Keigo.

„ Goodmorning, everyone!" Ichigo turned to see his other friends come to greet them.

„ Goodmorning!" Ichigo said, slightly smiling. I guess I should introduce them. Ichigo is a twenty two years old student. He is tall, he has orange hair, which is spiked, facing all the directions, and he has chocolate – brown eyes. He's a person who smiles and is happy with his friens. Oh, and he lives alone, but he visits his dad.

Well, you know Keigo Asano by how he looks, but you should know, he's pretty annoying. Funny, but annoying. Ichigo's other friends are Inoue Orihime, Tatsuki Arisawa, Mizuiro Kojima, Sado Yasutora or Chad and Uryu Ishida.

„ So, how did you spend Saturday and Sunday?" Orihime asked cheerfully.

„ Great! I had karate and I beat those weaklings without even trying," Tatsuki said smirking.

„ Me and Keigo stayed at my place talking about girls, playing video games and etc.," ah, yes, Mizuiro isn't the nice guy you think he is. Actually, he's a player.

„ I didn't do much. Went for walks, visited an old friend," Chad said simply.

„ I found a lot of interesting books and read most of them. Only one left," Uryu said, showing the books he read and the book he has to read. Ichigo sweatdropped and thought, 'O-kay! I know that I read, but seriously, does this guy have anything else to do or what? Doesn't look like it, but, oh well! It's not my problem.'

Orihime looked at Ichigo, waiting for him to answer. Ichigo just sighed and said: „ Nothing special with me. I did my homework on Friday, so I had Saturday and Sunday free. I also read a book, cleaned my house, visited my dad and went for walks."

„ Oh, well, I also did my homework on Friday, than I went shopping, because I was making my special-" and so Orihime told everyone about her making a new recipe wor spaghety and everything else. Everyone barely calmed down their stomachs, because the recipe Orihime made noone liked. But, when Tatsuki said about Orihime making weird stuff, everyone just laughed, including Orihime. After their fun time the bell rang, signaling that the teacher will be here soon, and that it is time for the lesson to start.

Me: Whew! Finnaly, done. I'm so tired.

Ichigo: Wow! I didn't think that the first chapter will be this long. Usually the beggining is shorter.

Me: Nah, who cares? Atleast I did it.

Zer0: Woow! That was interesting.

Shiro: Seriously, woman? You're that crazy?

Ichigo: *glares at Shiro*

Shiro: Whaaat? I just asked.

Ichigo: Yeah, sure. Are you jealous?

Shiro: WHAT? NO!

Ichigo: Than shut your mouth and stop whining like a baby.

Shiro: HEY! I'M NOT A BABY! *glares at Ichigo*

Ichigo: *shrugs* Whatever you say, but you can't deny it.

Me: Okay, enough! *yawns* Okay, this was the first chapter. Please rewiev. Tell me what you think. But I really hope you liked it. And don't worry. It will get interesting. Just wait. Okay, see you soon. Bye~bye! *falls asleep*

Shiro, Ichigo and Zer0: *looks at me and shrugs*

Ichigo: Oh well! Since she's fallen asleep, I think we should go to slepp aswell. Bye, everyone! See ya!

Shiro and Zer0: Bye!