Omg it's the last chapter again! Eek! The song that this entire story was named after, and the song that is featured in this chapter, is Louder Than Thunder by The Devil Wears Prada. So, without further ado, let us begin.
Warning: Sad
Abrielle, Age 14, District 11
What would it take
I sit on the edge of the bed, my hand resting on my stomach and my eyes set firmly out the window. I watch as a snowflake drifts to the ground, the white speck standing out against the green of the pines and the grey morning sky.
I find myself drifting off into memories, how I first met Sterling. I had been in the knot tying station in the Training Center when I heard Tanner and Walley talking to him. I'd looked up from what I was doing and watched as Tanner gave him tips on how to throw a spear. My eyes narrowed in suspicion as they walked away casually. Wanting to go see what had happened I made my way over to Sterling as he was pulling his spear out of the wall.
"Hi!" I said cheerily, wanting to convince him that I was just another one of the blonde bimbos that the Games seemed to get every year. I even said I was from the wrong district, but I don't think he noticed. "My name is Abrielle, but you can call me Abby. I'm the tribute from District Ten. It's nice to meet you, Sterling,"
And that was how it all had started, how I became pregnant, how I'm now carrying a child whose father is dead. A tear rolls down my cheek as I think of him dying in my arms, how he used his last breath to say he loves me. The guilt of not telling him about his child until he was on his death bed overwhelms me and I break into sobs, my eyes getting red and puffy and my breathing becoming labored.
Thoughts of what lies ahead bombard my mind. There are only four of us left. I don't want any of us to die, but I know that all three of them must if we are able to escape. We… I'm carrying a child. I need to get my baby out of here, it's too dangerous. With only four of us, there can't be much time left here. In fact, today is most likely the last day. Today is going to be the last day… I'm going to leave here. Just like Sterling promised.
For things to be quiet
Peregrine, Age 18, District 6
I have never felt curiosity before, but now it picks at my mind and crawls under my skin. I glance over at Walley who crouches over his backpack, taking inventory of its contents. "Walley," I say finally. He looks up and smiles sweetly. "What are you afraid of?" There is a long silence.
"Death," He answers, going back to his pack.
"Death?" I tilt my head. "Why?"
"Because," He says slowly. "I don't know what lies after it."
"So?" I shrug.
"So," He says looking up. "There might be nothing. Nothing at all, just a black hole of emptiness."
"In that case you won't be conscious to know about it," I say.
"That's what scares me."
Quiet like the snow
Hunter, Age 18, District 9
And I know, this isn't much
I wake up to the wolf puppy licking my face. Chuckling slightly, I sit up. My clothes are still damp from the dive into the lake but I'm just happy to see that I'm still alive. My breath billows in front of my face as I sit up and stretch. The pup plops on my lap and looks up at me with glittering amber eyes and his tongue hanging out. My smile fades as I remember Roshan slowly drifting out of sight in the ice-cold waters. I might have been able to save her… and I didn't.
But I know I could
I could be better
The pup barks at me and I shake my head, as if trying to dispel the thoughts. "I agree." My stomach growls and I glance around looking for food. If only I had a bow and a full quiver, I'd be set. The pup leaps off my lap and starts sniffing around at the base of a tree. I crawl over to where he went and he barks at me.
"What?" I ask. Brushing away the snow, I find small leaves poking up through the soil. I grin. Using my bare hands to dig into the frozen ground, I scoop the dirt out of the ground until I pull out several roots I recognize as eatable. They are hard to swallow but I manage to get them down. Rubbing my slightly blistered hands together I lean up against the trunk of the tree and look out across the lake. Feeling my dry throat I stand up on tired legs and make my way towards the water. I punch a hole in the ice and cup my hands under the surface. Raising them to my lips, I take a sip of the freezing liquid and frown at the pain of swallowing something so cold.
Rolling onto my stomach I rest my head on my arms and think about what is left for me here in the arena. Three other tributes, that is. Peregrine is going to be the biggest threat, with her lack of emotions and obvious mental strength, she is dangerous. Then there is Walley, the boy from District Seven. I remember him. When Velvet and I had that shooting contest he pretended to be a sports reporter on the sidelines. I don't want the kid to get hurt, but he's going to have to die if I'm going to make it out. And of course there is Abrielle. Her boyfriend died yesterday, I saw his face in the sky. Sterling, his name was. The one with the lint roller as a token. Abby is the youngest of us, she's only fourteen. I really don't want to hurt her; she has a certain innocence about her that makes it impossible to want to cause her harm. I hope that Peregrine or Walley get to her first.
I don't think I deserve it, selflessness
Resting my right ear up against the ground I allow myself to close my eyes for a few moments. I'm bone-tired, probably a result from almost freezing to death and drowning. It's so tempting to just let myself slip away into sleep, but I know that I should stay awake since it's unlikely that the other tributes will be sleeping as well. All is silent except for the chattering of the birds in the trees. It's so calm here, not like how I always thought a Hunger Games arena would feel like if I ever got into one. Suddenly, I hear a rumbling sound so loud I yelp out in pain and leap to my feet, my hands clutches over my ears. It sounds like a wolf growling times two hundred, coupled with a cat dragging its claws down a chalkboard.
"AAHHHH!" I cry out, doubling over. As quickly as it came the noise stops and I'm left curled up on the ground.
Walley, Age 15, District 7
"What is that?" I shout to Peregrine.
"I don't know!" She yells back, pressing her hands over her ears. The noise cuts off abruptly and each of us pulls out our weapons, backs against each other, waiting for an enemy to spring forward. But the forest remains as still as it always is the world motionless against our blind panic.
"Something is happening…" I whisper. I feel her moving beside me and look over to see her beautiful blue eyes directly in front of mine. Without saying another word she leans in to kiss me, her soft lips pressing up against mine and causing a shiver of delight to run down my spine.
Find your way into my heart
That all stops when I feel the knife pierce my heart.
"Why…?" Is all I manage to say before I fall to my knees. Kneeling down herself, Peregrine grabs my chin with her hand and forces me to look into her eyes. They're filled with tears and determination.
"I felt something."
Peregrine, Age 18, District 6
All stars could be brighter
I stand as his eyes glaze over and his limp body falls to the ground. I hold my breath until his cannon sounds and study his face, his beautiful features that I have destroyed. I had to do it. I need to get home so I can apologize to my brother, tell him I love him. And I do love him. I turn and prepare to take steps away from the body… but I can't. Something holds me there, something rooted in the pit of my gut. It works its way up through my insides, gnawing at my heart until it hurts as if a blade had sliced open my stomach. I fall to my hands and knees and, with tears running down my cheeks, turn again to look at Walley's body. His empty blue eyes stare into the nothing. I gently close them and allow myself one last kiss.
"Goodbye," I whisper. I stand and walk away from him, and this time I don't look back.
All hearts could be warmer
Abrielle, Age 14, District 11
I freeze beside the cornucopia when I hear the cannon sound. So it has begun. I grab what I can before darting back inside. I'm going to be ready for when they come, and they will come. Where else would the Gamemakers drive the tributes to besides here? I head back to my room and get all of my things together. I look out my window one last time and touch the side of the mattress Sterling slept on. If I focus hard enough I can still feel his warmth on the sheets. Slowly walking out into the hallway and closing the door behind me I know that after today nothing will ever be the same.
What would it take
Peregrine, Age 18, District 6
For things to be quiet
The snow crunches under my feet as I walk through the forest, the evergreens towering over my head and an owl hooting somewhere in the distance. That's odd, owls are nocturnal. But I suppose nothing in this place is actually natural, is it? The Gamemakers created all of it just for the tributes, just for us.
Quiet like the snow
As I go I think over all of the tributes lost, thought I'm not entirely sure why. Gleam was crazy, I could always see it by the look in her eyes and the way she twisted her words. She wanted more then anything to win; it was so easy to see. Her district partner, Raith, wanted it just as badly as she did, if not more so. I heard about what happened with his fiancé and Jessamine's brother. Speaking of Jessamine, she was always an odd one. She grew up a Career but was never quite there. Oplarran didn't even belong with the Careers; he was the odd one out. He was their rock. I took him out and the entire Career alliance came crumbling. Now there are none of them left. Madilynn was sweet, a little too much if you asked me. A little off, too. Thaddeus had some serious issues, but he was a good tribute and a strong fighter. I respect him for that. Vencitiy was the girly-girl of the Games. I don't know how she made it further then the other Careers. Tanner was a jerk. That's all I have to say about him. Ramona and Elias were… nonexistent. No one even noticed them, except for me. They had great potential; it was such a shame when they went down. My district partner always mourned over that dead dog of his. I wonder how that felt. Ivy's life burned short and bright, her good start slowly fading away like the ink on the pages of the old books that she read. Walley is dead because of me. I don't want to think about that, though. Velvet had talent. Such a waste. Sterling was… unique. I know I was surprised by how far Roshan got, she was the youngest in this year's Hunger Games. Hunter is still out there, plotting my demise. I don't really mind, though. I'm plotting his. Sky had a dark secret hidden in her soul. Ryden was the only one she let in. I don't believe Abrielle is a threat to me, although I do wonder how she managed to get this far. Dillon was a simple-minded person. He had no bravery but he did have a heart. I wish I had one. Dream was too arrogant and it got her killed. Taylor was a bit too relaxed for my taste.
Are we meant to be empty-handed?
I'm not entirely sure how long I've been walking, but it must have been several hours, for the sun is at its peak in the sky and the day is at its warmest. I climb one final ridge before I reach something I had almost completely forgotten about: the mansion.
Hunter, Age 18, District 9
I slowly stumble into the cemetery. My legs feel like lead. Honestly I'm not sure why I chose to come back here, but I knew that I needed to keep moving; otherwise one of the others might have found me. After all, someone or something did just kill one of us. It was most likely Abrielle that died; the poor thing. I shrug it off and sit down, leaning up against one of the tombstones.
I know I could
I could be better
I can't help but getting a little paranoid at this point. The other tributes could be anywhere now, at the frozen lake or even the mansion. They could be watching me for the shadows right now. I don't know who's left now, most likely Peregrine and Walley but you can never be sure. I feel like I should be doing something more then just sitting here. Maybe I should try to hunt down the others or at least be searching for food. I know that it's pointless, though. Today is the final day; the Gamemakers will no doubt drive us together. And even if I wanted to look for the others, I wouldn't have a place to start. And as for food… if I survive I'll be getting out of this arena today. I'll return to the Capitol and eat some of their disgustingly delicious food before they send me on the Victor's tour.
I don't think I deserve it, selflessness
As I sit there I look up at the sky to find the light dimming and becoming darker, until the stars appear and a blood-red moon takes the place of the sun, painting the cemetery a shade of crimson.
The pup runs over to me, barking. I have no idea why, but he followed me all the way from the lake back to where I am now. I had to cross the entire arena to get here; I don't know why he bothered. Nonetheless, he continues barking at me. Or maybe… not me. He is looking towards me but his eyes are a little to the left, looking at the tombstone. Slowly turning my head I read the name on the tombstone in utter disbelief. Velvet Ross.
Find your way into my heart
My heart drops into my stomach and I scurry away from the tombstone. I keep going until my back hits something and my hand hits empty space. I almost tumble backwards but catch myself. Sitting on my knees, I find an empty tomb below me, the ground carved out six feet under the ground. I don't think this was here before when I first came here to the cemetery with the Careers, the empty tomb that is. Craning my neck around the grey stone I read the name. Hunter Putnar. That's my name. I leap to my feet and back away in horror, almost falling over in my haste.
Just as this happens, something else does, too. The same noise from before fills my ears and I slap my hands over them, trying to block out the nightmarish sound. It breaks through my barrier, however, piercing my soul and rocking me to my very core. I hold one of my hands in front of my eyes to find blood on my fingers. I see something moving in the background and my hands drop to my sides because the bodies of the dead tributes… and coming back to life. Their hands shout out of the ground and they claw their way out of the grave, their flesh rotting and covered in bugs and dirt, and their bloodshot eyes set right on me. But what scares me the most is the corpse of Velvet. It's as if my worst nightmare has come to life. Her black hair is thinned out to reveal her green-tinted skin underneath that is eroding away. I can see her rib cage and her bones show so much its sickening. When an earthworm crawls out of her eye socket and onto her cheek I can't take it anymore. I turn tail and run, as fast as I possible can.
All stars could be brighter
They follow me. All of them. Their decaying feet slap against the snow and odd rumbles and shrieks escape their throats. I think I'm finally loosing them just as Gleam's corpse drops down from one of the trees and wrestles me to the ground. I throw her off but don't have time to get up and keep running before Velvet reaches me, her disgusting hands grabbing at my neck and cutting off my oxygen. I see the pup race by but the zombies ignore him completely. He doesn't even glance back as he bolts away. The last thing I see before I loose consciousness are Velvet's black, unforgiving eyes.
Peregrine, Age 18, District 6
I make my way around the corner and there she is just standing there, not armed or anything. Abrielle just stares at the picture on the wall, one of a beautiful garden full of blooming flowers and complete with a gorgeous sunrise in the background. Her hands rest on her stomach and I narrow my eyes in suspicion. I slowly take a few steps into the corridor and she doesn't even notice my presence, her blue eyes still fixated on the painting. I can't help but smile slightly. I might be able to go home.
All hearts could be warmer
But a cannon sounds, its blast slightly muffled from inside the mansion, causing her head to snap around and her eyes to look straight at me. I waste no time charging at her, a battle axe gripped in each of my hands. I raise one for a killing strike but she rolls out of the way at the last second and kicks my feet out from under me, sending me tumbling to the ground. I stand in time to see her darting out of sight.
My feet pound against the carpeted floor as I race after her, my hands swinging at my sides. I turn the corner without slowing down and suddenly a flash of silver flies at my neck. I lean backwards and the knife soars barely a centimeter above my eyes and sticks into the wall behind me. Abrielle is in a fighting stance a little ways away, a dagger clutched in each of her hands and her eyes narrowed dangerously.
"I have to get back home to my brother," I growl.
"I have to get back home," She replies in a matching tone. "For my child." My eyes widen as I realize why she had her hand on her belly before. She is pregnant with Sterling's baby. She leaps at the opportunity provided by my shock, sending two daggers at my hands. They both hit their targets, one cutting off the ring finger of my right hand and the other sinking deep into my palm. I scream out and drop my axes, the weapons hitting the ground along with my severed finger. She launches another knife and I leap out of the way just in time. I yank the knife out of my hand, blood dripping from its blade, and launch it back at her. It misses badly, shattering a nearby vase instead.
I have no weapons left and she has a belt full of knives. I'm not an idiot. Turning my back on her I race down another hallway, past a blood stain on the wall. I look around feverishly trying to find a place to hide or a place I might be able to get weapons from. Suddenly, I remember how I stayed here the first night, how almost every single room has a trap hidden inside. I don't know any of these rooms; I've never been down this hallway. I'm not stupid enough to go through any of the doors.
But maybe Abrielle is.
Opening a large, heavy one I hide behind it. I hear Abrielle coming down the hallway, her breathing labored and her footsteps echoing. Without hesitation she darts into the room that I hold to door open to, thinking I went inside. Or maybe not really thinking at all. I slam the door behind her and lean against it as she pounds on the wood. I hear a grinding noise coming from inside and I cannot help but wonder how she will die.
What would it take for things to be quiet?
Abrielle, Age 14, District 11
I step inside the all-white room just as the door slams behind me. There are no doors, no windows. Just an empty white room and I. I remember this room. I'm dead. There is no one left to save me. My unborn child and I… we're going to die here. The walls begin to move and I know that it's true. I'm going to die. We're going to die. But… Sterling promised…
I rest my hand on my stomach as the walls grind closer. My baby is going to die here with me and I could have protected them. If only I hadn't been stupid enough to race blindly in here… I shake my head. If I'm going to die then I'm going to die without regrets.
The walls are so close now I could reach out with my arms and each of my hands would be touching one. That is when it occurs to me to look up. I do and I cannot believe my eyes. A trap door resides on the ceiling ten feet above me, a handle sitting there on it. Only animal instinct drives me now as I jump from wall to wall like a squirrel, my hands and arms getting scrapped up in the process. When I'm five feet up it gets to narrow to jump and I'm reduced to crawling. The rough surfaces scratch my arms and my blood leaves small, scarlet stains on the pure white walls.
Finally, my hand reaches the silver handle. I pull the door open to reveal the air vents, just big enough for me to fit inside. Pulling myself up, I slid inside just as the walls make contact and crunch the trap door between the two of them. They move apart almost instantly, resetting themselves back to where they had been before when I first entered the room. I shake my head and crawl through the shadows of the air vents, musty oxygen moving past me in a lazy breeze. I dodge cobwebs as I go and it gets so dark at one point that I can't see my own hands.
I come to a light in the floor of the vents and peer through the rectangular holes to see Peregrine standing in front of the door I had gone through, her expression blank. Soundlessly, I stick my fingers through the grates and pull it upward effortlessly. Placing it beside me, I ready myself to drop down. I freeze when Peregrine turns impatiently, opening the door with her pale hands to find the room empty. She narrows her eyes in suspicion. I push myself out of the vent and land behind her. She wheels around shocked, and I kick my leg out and into her stomach, sending her backwards into the room.
"I'm sorry," I whisper, closing the door. My guts twist inside me as I hear the walls begin to grind. I lean up against the door and slide down it until I'm sitting on the carpet. A single tear falls from my face as I here Peregrine's rapid breathing through the wood. I plug my ears and try hard not to let the haunting sounds reach me, but they do anyway. My body shakes as she begins to scream.
I cannot let this affect me, I have to stay sane. My name is Abrielle Maddox but I prefer people to call me Abby. I come from District Eleven. I am a tribute in the Hunger Games. I fell in love with another tribute. His name was Sterling. He is dead. Now I carry his child. The last remaining tribute is behind this door, being crushed to death.
Peregrine's blood seeps under the doorframe and the warm liquid reaches my hands. I hold my trembling fingers in front of my face and my tears wash the ruby liquid off of me. The sound of cheers from the Capitol citizens echo threw the hallway as I stand and walk outside, my hand resting on my belly. I step onto the stone ground of the courtyard and watch as a hovercraft descends from the sky to take me away from this place. Far away.
My name is Abrielle Maddox but I prefer people to call me Abby. I come from District Eleven. I was a tribute in the Hunger Games. I fell in love with another tribute. His name was Sterling. He is dead. Now I carry his child. I am going to be a mother. I am a Victor.
What would it take for things to be quiet?
Abrielle, Age 14, District 11