"For today's lesson in pop culture, I've hired a very… special woman to help out. She goes by the name of Candy, and she's very nice, so just listen to what she says and watch what she does, and you'll be fine." Clint bit his tongue to stop the laughter coming out, as he and Tony walked out, leaving behind a very confused Steve in his bedroom.
Tony just grinned manically, and led the scantily clad 'Candy' into Steve's room as she wound blond ringlets around her finger and pouted. He only caught a moment of the shock of Steve's face before the door shut behind, but it was enough to convince Tony that he'd done the right-bad thing. The two men stood in front of the door just glanced at each other, and burst out giggling like a pair of teenage of girls, unable to hold it back anymore.
"Should we have really done this? I mean that's Steve in there! Socially-inept Steve! He probably doesn't even know what a bra looks like." Clint pointed out, without a trace of sarcasm present in his voice.
"Which is exactly why we are being good friends by doing this. We'll kill two birds with one stone. Hopefully. Anyway, how long do you reckon he'll last? I'll put money on a few minutes…" The grin on Tony's face grew wider as the scuffling from inside the room grew.
"I reckon he won't last more than a minute. You just wait and-" A shrill scream broke of Clint's speech, and the archer simply flashed a 'told you so' smile at the billionaire, who had lost his air of smugness. The door swung open, followed by a bright red super soldier, who came stumbling on top of Tony.
"What the hell! Tony, why actual hell does she have he parts! Why was the he-she stripping off?" At this, Tony was the one to look rather stunned. He had been pretty sure that Candy was a female hooker, nothing else. It was only when a familiar, God of Mischief poked his head around the corner with the widest of grins on his face that Tony and Clint clued in. Steve just blushed even more, his mouth gaping.