On Stranger Tides

Chapter Two

Summary: Due to a curse placed on Sesshoumaru he needs a mate and fast, what will happen when he decides Kagome will be the best choice, will love bloom between the two or will it only bring pain to everyone around them?

I do not own Inuyasha!

A/N: I want to thank my Beta kitana411!

"Kagome." The name barely escaped his lips as he dashed into the dense forest. He left a stream of curses behind him and something along the lines of, "That bastard better not touched her or I'll cut his other arm off and shove it up his ass!"

"I should've been there!" Inuyasha thought guiltily. He ran furiously through the trees as a moving blur of silver and red. "I shouldn't have been so stupid."

"I should have known something was up when I smelt Sesshoumaru around the village!" The Hanyou felt guilt whelming up inside of his stomach making him sick with each fast paced step he took towards the

"I knew I shouldn't have been so careless in picking up Kagome. I shouldn't have cared if I had to wait a little bit longer until she came back." Inuyasha felt the well pull him closer, only hoping Kagome was safe.

His companions could only watch as he disappeared deep into the trees. Sango's eyes followed him until he was out of sight, saddened by the desperate name that came off his lips.

She swallowed and looked at the rest of the group. Inuyasha had quickly put all the pieces together. She relayed the news to her companions.

"Sesshoumaru only led us away from the village so he could capture Kagome," she whispered with realization.

Miroku almost missed it if he had not been right next to Sango. "Why did we not notice?" Miroku rubbed his chin for a moment. "It was all a well strategic trap, to lure use away." The monk said as he looked at Sango, understanding what she had said,

"Let's go, Kirara!" The demon cat transformed in a tornado of flame, Sango quickly hopped on, the monk and young kitsune following suit. They were up in the air with one bound and following the red streak appearing now and then between the trees.

"What's happening Sango?" Shippo yelled over the wind, clutching onto Miroku's robe with his tiny fists.

Sango remained silent, focusing on Inuyasha and thinking hard. Miroku answered for her. "Sesshoumaru led us away from the village to capture Kagome. That's why she never came."

"But why?"

"I don't know, Shippo," he narrowed his eyes. "I just hope she's safe."

"B-but..." Shippo blinked a few times. "What if he hurts Kagome?"

"He has gone through the trouble of keeping us away from her," Miroku pointed out. "If he was to harm her, he would've already done so. And Inuyasha would've known."

"Do you think he's still after Inuyasha's sword?" Sango cut in. "You know Inuyasha would give anything to have Kagome back into his arms unharmed."

"I'm positive he is not," Miroku inhaled deeply. "He could not wield it without a human arm nonetheless."

"Will he take Kagome's arm?" Shippo asked horrified.

"He has had many chances before," he replied evenly. "There no such reason for him to do so now."

Inuyasha watched as he got closer to the entrance of the forest, once again Sesshoumaru's scent was over whelming his senses. He could smell him in every direction, but Inuyasha knew where he was, the Hanyou wasn't going to be tricked twice in the same day.

"How dumb do I look Sesshoumaru? I'm not gonna fall for you're stupid trick twice you sick bastard!" Inuyasha screamed hoping that Sesshoumaru would hear him.

"Kagome I'm coming for yeah!"

With extra endurance he could already see the clearing of the well coming in sight. He burst out of the trees. He could smell Sesshoumaru everywhere. Sniffing the air Inuyasha could smell Kagomes blood mixed with Sesshoumarus poison.

"You son of a bitch, where are you?"

"I can smell Kagomes blood; I swear you better not have hurt her! This better be some kind of a trick." Swiveling in each direction with his massive sword drawn, Inuyasha looked for any clues as to where Kagome could be.

"You bastard!" Inuyasha shouted to the wind. "Where the hell is Kagome?"

"Tell me Sesshoumaru! I swear I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!"

"Wah! There's Inuyasha!" Shippo shouted into the ear of Miroku.

The trio began descending; watching as Inuyasha circled the well over and over again, sniffing frantically and cursing. They all hopped off Kirara and waited for him to calm down. But after a seemingly long time, Sango finally interrupted him.

"Inuyasha, what's wrong?" Her eyes followed him. "Where's Kagome?"

"She's not here!" Inuyasha skid to a stop in front of her. "I can smell her blood but she's not here!"

"Blood?" Miroku furrowed his brow. "Did Sesshoumaru hurt her then?"

"I can smell his poison in the air," Inuyasha spat angrily. "I'm gonna skin his hide when I see him!"

"B-but I...where's Kagome?" Shippo clutched onto the monks' leg hopefully.

"I don't know!" Inuyasha glared at him venomously. "I don't know where the hell she'd be!"

"Don't yell at him, Inuyasha," Sango quickly intervened. "It's not his fault."

"Then whose fault is it?" Inuyasha turned his fury on her.

"Inuyasha," Miroku quickly got between them before blood was shed. "It's no one's fault. We all need to calm down and think about why Sesshoumaru would take Kagome and where he'd go. I'm sure Kagome is fine; Sesshoumaru must need her for something, so he will not hurt her," stating this, the monk turned to the crying Shippo. "Shippo I need you to stop crying. We'll find Kagome, but we're going to need your help."

Sniffling, he nodded.

"We need you to sniff out Kagome where Inuyasha cannot," Miroku said.


Inuyasha exhaled harshly and sat on the edge of the well. The crew began looking around for any signs of Kagome or Sesshoumaru. He fell into a very deep thought whilst pulling all the information from his brain on Sesshoumaru. He suddenly stood in realization.


Miroku looked at him funny. "What?"

"Not what," Inuyasha looked off in the distance. "West."

"What's in the west?" Sango got curious as well.

"His castle."

"I didn't know he had a castle," Miroku raised his eyebrows.

"Almost no one does," Inuyasha shrugged. "It's well-known to youkai but you humans don't know."

"So you know where it is?" Shippo looked at him expectantly.

"Keh, of course I do."

"Alright then," Miroku looked at all of them. "Let's stay in the village for the night and we can head out in the morning."

"Head out in the MORNING? Are you insane Miroku?" Inuyasha was practically vibrating with energy.

"We can't leave Kagome with Sesshoumaru for THAT long!"

"Inuyasha, it's getting dark out," Miroku looked up at the sky as he said this. "There is no way we can track Sesshoumaru in the dark. We need to make a plan and pack up our supplies. We need to be smart about this so Sesshoumaru doesn't trick us again."

"I agree with Miroku on this Inuyasha," Sango sighed. "I want Kagome back safe and sound but we cannot risk another mistake like we did earlier."

"Sesshoumaru will expect us to head straight out after Kagome so he has probably set traps for us."

"Keh whatever, if anything else happens to Kagome it's your ass on the line Miroku," huffing, Inuyasha began to walk to the village leaving the rest of them to watch his retreating back.

"This is going to be harder than I thought," Miroku spoke as he followed Inuyasha retreating form. Nodding their heads in agreement, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara began to walk to the village in silence, replying and pondering on today's events.

Two weeks later

Kagome tried to catch up to his long graceful strides with her shabby jog. "Sesshoumaru, why are you always trying to fight Inuyasha if you never want to kill him?" Kagome inquired as she walked beside the larger demon lord. It had been two weeks since he had taken her from the well.

It had been a long, boring, and tiring two weeks full of death glares and arguments; mostly one-sided though, being pinned up against countless trees for saying or doing something Sesshoumaru didn't like; which was pretty much everything she did!

She was constantly getting tossed over a shoulder when she refused to walk any further because she was tired or hungry, and even dropped in a half frozen lake once because she attempted to kick him in the shin when he called her a, "Incapable, dimwitted miko, who couldn't even walk on her own and didn't know when to stop walking because she was oblivious to her surroundings."

So what if she had tripped a couple times, and ran into him? It wasn't her fault that she would see something new and get distracted. It also wasn't her fault when he stopped short for no apparent reason and not give her a heads up.

Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru as he cleared his throat. It seemed he was pondering what she had asked him.

"Someone to protect," was his answer. He said no more for the rest of the day.

"Hmm...Okay," Kagome felt slightly contented and for once, didn't feel burdened any longer.

Both of them had relaxed into a somewhat comfortable pattern of being next to one another and that was Kagome's entire two weeks with the Lord of the West.