I am Dekker(Part four)

Author notes: I know that you guys thought that I had abandoned this story...But I didn't. Last chapter of the story coming up!

Jayden's Pov:

The next morning, I had woken up with the sun pierced through my eyes. I didn't get too much sleep since waking up in the early hours of the morning. I was still thinking about him.Right now I felt like going to the dojo to take my mine off of strange feeling that I have been having. Rubbing my eyes, I removed the covers and climbed out of the bed. Going to the bathroom to take care of my need once I was dressed into my dojo robes, I made my way outside meeting with my teammates. I found that they were quietly having a conversation...about me. I laid by back against the back door, Listening.

''You guys,We are not doing a very good job of protecting Jayden.'' Kevin began.

''He's been acting wired for the last couple of days. I guessed being kidnapped by Decker took a toll on him.''

''He seems lost.'' Mia replied. ''I was planning to fix him a nice breakfast to cheer him up, but Antonio beat me to it.''

''I'm sure Jayden appreciates your hospitably, Mia. But the bottom line is we have move quicker. Think faster. We're better than this. Jayden is the only one that can master the symbol power it our sworn duty to protect him.''

I can let this conversation go on any longer. I have to interrupt them. I'm sorry. But they must not put themselves at risk because of me.

Walking outside of the door, I came face to face with my teammates ignoring the concern looks on their faces I have to focus on my task practicing my strategy of destroy the nighlock.

''Save yourselves. There's no need to protect me.''

''But we must! It is our sworn duty!'' Kevin exclaimed.

''No! That too much burden to bear.''Turning towards him, I can see the sudden look of defeat in his face. I'm sorry, but I have to stay focus. I will not let know my secret.

''Jayden,What's wrong?'' Mia asked. I looked into her eyes and I can see the concern in them. ''You know you can always talk to us.''

''I'm fine,'' I ensured her. ''There's nothing to talk about.'' I can't let my personal feeling get the best of me I have to stay focus to protect them and the innocent people.

''I don't want to talk about my ordeal. The conversation's over.''

Suddenly the gap sensor went off. ''Jayden,''Mentor began as he ran outside of the house. ''Dayu's attacking locals around the area. You must hurry!''

''Master Xandred must had sent her. Let go!''

I got into to make my move when suddenly, I felt this odd feeling that I was being watched. My sense kicked into high gear walking towards to green trees. Just a few inches from the house, I stopped almost instantly when I found myself standing in the center of forest and I knew damn well that I wasn't alone. I waited for the first move of this mysterious creƤture. It was quiet for only a second. There was a whoosh! and I turned my head quickly to come face to face with the one person that I dread but deeply craved to see...

Decker's Pov:

He stands still, Stunned by my presence. I draw my sword imasa towards him. My eyes fixed directly on him.

''Red ranger, You must come with me.'' I turned in my nighlock form. ''I will not be delayed any longer.''

He just stand there with a sudden mean look on his face panting heavily.''I'm not going anywhere with you!''

''We're just see about that!'' Just as I am running towards him ready for kill my blow was blocked by the red ranger's sidekick.

''Noone's not taking anyone!'' The gold ranger replied ripping out his barracuda blazes.

''This doesn't concern you, gold ranger! How dare you try to stop me!'' I ran towards him,trying to duck from his blows. He was fast but I was faster. With a slash of my sword, he falls down to the ground with a grunt. Now that he was out of way, I turned my attention towards my prey but I found that he was laying on the ground. Turning back into my human form, I walked to the unconscious teen placing my finger to his neck. I could feel his pulse point. It appears that he had fainted during the middle of my brawl. From what reason I wasn't sure, but I must claim him and once again come to his aid.

Picking him up in my arms, I once again turned into my nighlock form.

''No! You're not taking him!'' I turned toward the gold ranger struggling to stand on his feet.

''I'm afraid that I it is my destiny.'' I escaped through the crack of the nearest tree with him in my arms. Soon and finally I will have my battle once he awakens...

To be continued...