- Everything will be fine, I hope -


Oblivious to everything that was happening in the other part of the hospital, Itachi sat in Sasuke's room reading his magazine. His father had left a long time ago and he was getting a little bored. Sitting in quiet hospital room wasn't his favorite choice of spending time.

A light groan caught his attention making him place his magazine back on the couch and to stand up from it to see his little brother. He was able to see Sasuke's face scrunching as he tried to open his eyes when he moved next to the bed.

"Sasuke, are you awake?" The question came out so softly as if it was even painful for him to say it even though it wasn't.

In response the teen let out a lightly louder groan and if Itachi heard right it sounded like 'yeah'.

Trying his best Sasuke tried to open his eyes. In mind he felt like he was wide awake but his body didn't react the way he wanted it and he wanted it to open his eyes. He had clearly heard Itachi's question but the word he let out sounded more like a painful groan of annoyance. But hopefully his brother understood it.

"Try opening your eyes." Itachi spoke softly again and now Sasuke was able to feel his hand being held by Itachi's warm one.

In his mind he was practically yelling at Itachi that no matter how much he tried he just couldn't open them. As if they were glued together as a really bad joke and he definitely wasn't laughing.

A deep sighed echoed to his ears and he was able to hear Itachi's sluggish steps furthering away from his place on the bed and a sound of someone sitting on something soft made him realize his older brother had taken a seat on the couch next to his bed. Sasuke was thankful he didn't leave the room - he didn't want to be alone at the moment. He could clearly remember what had happened before everything went blurry and then black.

As clear as some of the images were the more unclear they came the more he started to think about them. The though of Sakura being shot was clear in his mind and him holding her limp body in his arms too, it felt like it was happening again as he thought about the scene. But then everything starts to go blurry and unfocused and eventually he wasn't able to remember anything except the images of Sakura laying covered in blood.

A tear feel of his eyes on the pillow. He wanted to know was she okay and help her if she wasn't but he couldn't because he was trapped inside his body for now.

Itachi had taken a seat back on the couch. He didn't want to push Sasuke too much and decided to let things go on their own pace. Maybe he would wake up soon or maybe not but he didn't want to make things worst and either way he needed to keep Sasuke calm if he suddenly decides to struggle again and throw a tantrum of some sort.

He silently continued his reading occasionally gazing Sasuke whose face would have these tiny little twitches like he when he used to annoy him when they were younger. From then he knew that when Sasuke was upset he would have those tiny movements on his face. Then he noticed the tear falling from the corner of his eyes and he felt his heart clenching in his chest.

"Try to relax or fall back to sleep, little brother. It's not worth fighting something you can't beat." Itachi smirked as he said the word unsure whether he could be heard or not while trying to sound cheerful.

And like magic his face relaxed and after few moments the calmness in his breathing was evident. He was back asleep.

Sometime at 7am Itachi started wondering where his mother was. Usually she would already be heading back home to sleep around 10pm but her jacket was still in Sasuke's room where she had left it before and she hadn't even visited in the room since then.

But how can he tell if his mother had been here or not because soon after Sasuke had fallen back asleep he began feeling the after effects of sleepless nights. He wanted really badly to take a small nap and he did take one but not a small one but rather two hours long. So he wasn't entirely sure what had happen while he was out but as he looked around him everything seemed like it had before he had closed his eyes.

Aside from the weird feeling he felt when he thought about Mikoto, he felt really good. Who would knew that a small nap like that would give you so much energy?

He slowly stood up to stretch his stiff muscles letting out a groan of relief when his slightly jammed arms popped relieving the pressure in them. The sun shined through the blinds of the window illuminating Sasuke's sleeping form and blinding Itachi momentarily before turning his head away.

Taking a quick peak at his brother on the bed he almost had an heart attack when he saw Sasuke looking at him eyes open. He definitely wasn't expecting it.

"Sasuke!" He almost shouted and quickly went next to him.

"Itachi." Sasuke answered back his face passive as ever.

"Are you feeling fine? Should I get the doctor?" Itachih started asking worried if his brother was hurting anywhere but Sasuke didn't answer him just continued to look at him until, "I wanna see Sakura."

Itachi stopped his rambling and looked at Sasuke straight in the eye, "You want to see Sakura?" Sasuke gave a nod at him.

"I don't.. I don't know where she is." Itachi said truthfully.

Sasuke switched his gaze from Itachi to the ceiling and suddenly sat up on his bed making Itachi react asking him what was he doing but he ignored him and hoisted his legs over the bed and stood up.

Right then Itachi had moved next to him the other side of the bed trying to make him lay back down again but the younger male just brushed him off. Even though still wearing not-so-impressive t-shirt and sweat pants he began his way to the door not before picking his crutches leaning against the bed, only to be stopped by Itachi grabbing his hand.

"You can't go there. You need to rest."

Sasuke pulled his arm from Itachi's grasp, "I need to see her."

"Mother's been with Mrs Haruno all evening who has probably been next to Sakura this whole time. Let's just wait until mother comes and fills us with more details." Itachi tried to reassure Sasuke who didn't seem to even listen to him and started his way out of the room.

When in the hallway Sasuke stopped one of the nurse's and asked her if she knew where Sakura Haruno was. She thought it for a while until admited she hadn't even heard a word of her after she was taken away from this ward. Sasuke thanked the woman who smiled back at him and continued his way to find someone who could help him Itachi walking right next to him.

"Uchiha Sasuke? Where are you going?" A voice stopped both boys on their tracks.

It was Sasuke's doctor who stood behind them his hands crossed over his chest defensively.

"Sakura Haruno." Was all Sasuke said and that made the doctor huff a breath, "In ICU." The man casually said and left the two males alone in the hallways. Itachi gave a fast glance at Sasuke who just looked back at him and him too continued his way out of his ward to the ICU.

They got to the ICU quickly because it was situated above Sasuke's level so the elevator ride was fairly quick.

There wasn't much people around the ICU everything seemed so calm but Sasuke knew better. There was probably people dying in some of the rooms. But he didn't want to think about it because it made him think about Sakura dying and that was something he didn't want to experience not right now nor never.

As they headed further the white corridor Sasuke and Itachi could clearly recognize their mother. She was sitting on one of the many chair in the hall and was sitting alone her hand on her lap and head bowed down. For a moment it looked like she was crying and Sasuke felt like his heart would be ripped out off his chest but as they came closer he could she that she was praying.

Sasuke noticed the questioning look in Itachi's eyes when he quickly looks his way but didn't do anything to look back at him.

It was very rare scene for Sasuke and Itachi to see Mikoto praying. She wasn't one to pray much but if the situation calls for prayer their mother would do it. And Sasuke realized something bad must have happened. Last time Mikoto prayed was before Itachi and Sasuke's grandmother died so there definitely had to be something wrong: Sasuke could feel it.

She apparently heard the slight noise Sasuke's crutches gave away because she lifted her head to look at her sons. She looks a little pale and shocked but other than that looked okay.

"Mom.." Sasuke was the first one to open his mouth because he wanted to know was everything fine.

Mikoto looked at her youngest son and stood up slowly. She took even slower steps closer to her son who just stood still and took notice of everything Mikoto was giving out. the slight slouch in her shoulders and her stiff mouth pulled into a thin line.

"Sasuke-" Mikoto began but quested down before she could say anything. She just didn't know how to say it to him and she never even wanted something like this to happen to neither of her sons.

"Just say already." Sasuke suddenly snapped and both Itachi and Mikoto looked at him a little shocked but Mikoto nodded at him.

"Sakura's heart stopped," Mikoto was able to say when Sasuke started to wobble and she dashed to grab a hold of him with Itachi as Sasuke fell on the ground supported by his family members. A loud bang echoed though the halls as his crutches hit the white hospital floor.

Sasuke felt like he couldn't breath - everything went out but didn't come back in.

"Sasuke! Sasuke, darling!" He could hear his mother's desperate calls for him but he couldn't answer back. Everything felt impossible for him.

'This can't be happening,' the sentence replayed in his mind.


Everything was so unclear as it was yesterday: slow and blurry.

I felt this terrible nausea and wanted to throw up but that wouldn't probably work: I haven't eaten properly in a long time.

Aside from the bad feeling I can hear mumbled sound around me but nothing clear enough to understand even just one word. Hands on my shoulder shaking me, making me feel even more sick. I just wanted this feeling to go away, I wanna breath again but something pressing my lungs and I can't.

She's dead, I hear myself say but not sure did I say it out loud or just inside my head.

Suddenly the squeezing feeling became stronger and... warmer?

Something started to yell next to my ear causing my ears to ring and powering every other bad feeling I'm having right now.

Then more tugging and yanking.

"Sasuke!" A distant voice calls my name. It seems so familiar.

I blink few times and my vision slowly begins to clear out. A blob of color formed right before me.

He started to blink as the people were yelling around to each other and pulling and pushing. Few doctors were panicking for their patents' health and few nurses tried to calm everybody down but it appeared to be harder to accomplish.

To put it simply: it was a full chaos in the hallway.

"Sasuke!" A feminine voice yelled in the hall over everybody else's voices for the second time.

Another good thirty minutes passed by everyone still yelling and doing what ever was possible until a loud slapping sound echoed to everyone's ears and the hall became quiet.


Like a lightning bolt everything cam clear again and it hurt. And when I say it hurt it really hurt.

My head was forced to my right side from the force of the blow I received to my cheek. I'll admit that no one has ever hit me like that.

I was in a complete and utter shock.

I slowly turned my head back to look before me. It was so quiet in the hall that it felt almost awkward to move my head, like I was the only person moving which I probably was.

When my head was fully back in place I could see everything crystal clear: my mother looking probably even more shocked than me, Itachi's eyes widened and the hospital stuff looking like they weren't sure what to do.

But what caught my eye was the pink teen sitting on me, her pink eyebrows furrowed into a frown. And still it was the most beautiful scene I've ever seen.

"She-" My mother tried to mumble but couldn't get her words out.

Suddenly all my muscles came to action and as fast as I could I wrapped my hands around the tiny female on my lap and pulled her into a hug. My heart was thumbing inside my chest and I felt so good that I didn't even care about the people watching us. It didn't take long for her to respond either as she too wrapped her hands around my torso and placed her head in the crook of my neck.

It took probably few minutes until everybody got out of their shock and tried to let pry our hands off of each other.

One doctor was saying something about Sakura needing to be careful so that her stitches wouldn't open and cause a bleeding. That made me realize that Sakura wasn't okay and I undid my hands from her taking hold of her hands to make her look at me. She easily complied and when in good distance she looked at me tears falling from her eyes.

"You're alive." I said and she gave me one of her stunning smiles and I just had to kiss her.

I placed my hand behind her neck and pulled her face closer to mine into a deep kiss. It felt good to do this and have her next to me. Her lips were so soft against me - I didn't want it to end.

"Okay, okay! Sasuke! She needs to rest." My mom's voice intterrupted us and then Sakura was pulled off of me.

Itachi helped me up from the floor, "Who knew a little chaos could help your girlfriend to wake up." Itachi smirked as he said it and I just wanted to punching hi, but decided against it.

Sakura was lead back in to her room slowly to lay down and me, mother, her mother, Itachi and few doctors fallowed after. As I ws expecting the doctors started their rant of how dangerous stunt it was for her to go to me and she looked like she couldn't care less, just smiled at me cutely.


Sakura was pretty sure her brain just died. She gave a glance at Sasuke who didn't look surprised at all as if he had already known about this.

"Did you know about this?" Sakura asked her boyfriend who now looked now back at her and gave a smirk, "Itachi had a hunch." He replied making Sakura deadpanned.

"Itachi had a hunch." She mumbled to my hands.

"We thought that it would be a good idea because you're dating and stuff." Eiji went quiet in the end looking down on his lap and Fugaku nodded next to him.

"It would make our companies a lot stronger." Fugaku explained with his businessman voice.

"I'm sixteen!" Sakura yelled, "I'm too young to get married!"

"So you don't want to get married with me." Sasuke looked at her little hurt.

"I didn't mean it like that." Sakua quickly said to him reassuring him but his lips corner lifted up, "Then you're okay with getting married with me?"

Sakura huffed breath slouching her position, "Yeah. I'm fine with it, okay."

Sasuke walked to her and bend to hug her on the couch.

She was allowled out of the hospital a week ago few days after Sasuke was let out an since than she's been mostly at home or Sasuke's house. School was banned from her for a while and she had to study home. Today when Sasuke said he wanted to spend the day in his house she knew something was up the way he looked at her.

And to be honest she didn't even give a thought of Eiji being there and Fugaku also saying them that they wanted to speak with us. Sasuke insisted that she sat down because she still had pains on the bullet wound area and he himself stood next to her when Eiji sat on the next couch with Fugaku sitting next to him.

Sakura of course insisted on Sasuke to sit too but apparently he was comfortable standing up.

"So I guess we're getting married." Sakura admited receiving smirks from the Uchiha's and a small smile from her father but she quickly added, "But I wannna finish school before that."

"Of course." Eiji reassured her while shaking hands with Fugaku to tie their agreement.



I know some of you were expecting a lemon but I didn't want to put one into this fanfic and also I do not have enough balls or courage to do it yet but if you want to see lemons between Sasuke and Sakura start reading my other fanfic Immortal Death. All I have to do is pick up my courage or grow some balls and I'll be able to write one but I'll promise there will be a lemon in my vampire fic soon so please read it.

And as you can see this is the end and I know it's nothing speacial but hey everything has to end sometime and this is the end of this fanfic. I just hope you had some excitement reading this one and not get too disappointed because of the lame end.

Well, I'm out and keep reading my fanfic because soon I'll start a new SasuSaku vampire fanfic called Her real life.
