I looked around, where were they? The team, where the hell were they?

It had started simple enough. Batman had assigned us a mission; Robin had later jokingly called it the ultimate mission. If only he'd know how right he was.

So we boarded the Bio-Ship and headed off. The mission was simple: A robbery in progress at a Wayne Tech facility, we had to stop it.

But we didn't know who we were facing.

If we had known, maybe things would have turned out differently. Maybe. I doubt it.

When we got there the robber was just leaving the premises, or robbers should I say.

There were eight of them.

One for each of us.

Artemis notched in an arrow.

She never got to aim it.

She had just disappeared.

Robin tried to attack next.

He made the joke about the ultimate mission.

He through a projectile.

He disappeared.

The intended target flipped away, like only Robin could.

Kid Flash, so impulsive.

The two people he cared about most were gone.

He tried.

The same thing happened.

With Rocket.

Super Boy.

Miss Martian.


There was just me left.

I had lost the team.

Just like my dad.

This sucked.

The eight figures approached me.

I looked at them.











I felt a sudden pull.

I dissipated like mist.

Like mist that flowed into me.

Actually, the fake me.

And then I realized.

It was the real me.