So... My friend Kristy spent the night with me last night, and I came to a conclusion. The Avengers would kill her. Every one of them would set out to kill her. She's just that kind of person that annoys people for fun, and she would annoy them to no end. Thus, this story was born. Vwallah. You're welcome. So, here goes. Wish me luck! Only kidding, but I don't own the Avengers, or Kristy. She owns herself. ;)
Nick Fury walked into Bruce Banner's office on a Thursday.
"Bruce," he said, announcing his arrival.
"hm?" the doctor said, looking up from whatever he was doing at the time.
"I have a new assignment for you,"
"Oh. Can I handle it?"
"That's a wonderful question, that we're about to find out. Bruce, meet Kristy."
A small red-headed girl walked into the room.
"A child?"
"A teenager," Fury corrected.
"Oh. Are you sure-"
"Bye Banner. Have fun, and don't hurt her."
Nick walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
"Hello there," Bruce said to the girl.
"Hi! I'm Kristy! And, you're Bruce Banner! My friend Lilly talks about you all the time! You're like, some green monster, right? Are you a zombie? Zombies are so cool! They like, eat brains and junk!"
Bruce sat down at his desk.
"No, I-I'm not a zombie. Could you please try and be a little quieter?"
The girl broke into an obnoctious laugh.
"What is so funny?"
"You're a ZOMBIE!" the girl exclaimed, breaking into another fit of laughter.
"No, I'm not. Please stop saying that."
Bruce looked back at the papers on his desk. He would tune her out. That had to work. Before, "HULK SMASH!" did it for him.
He tapped his pencil on his desk. It wasn't working. It had been five minuets now, he had been counting, and the girl hadn't stopped making noise once.
Why had Fury assigned him this? He knew right up front that he couldn't handle the pressure. Was this a test? Bruce didn't know, and really didn't care at this point.
"HAHAHA! I'm a banana, hear me roar, SQUACK!"
He tapped the pencil faster and faster.
This was getting bad.
The girl got up from her spot on the floor, and began to walk idaly around the room, which made Bruce more than nervous. Someone like that, should not be roaming aimlessly around such a highly organized office. Well, a little less than organized, but still.
She picked up random stacks of papers, rifled through them, and slung them back down in any order.
"K-kristy? Can you please sit still, and stop messing with my papers?"
"Haha! Why? Does it, MAKE YOU ANGRY?"
She's trying to provoke me, he thought. He couldn't let a mere teenager mess with him! And yet, she was doing such a good job...
"Kristy, please stop that," he suggested, with a little more force in his voice that time.
The girl just laughed, and shrugged it off.
It was all over with. The man grew to enormous sizes, and began to smash his office, in attempt to kill the girl once and for all.
Bruce wouldn't have killed her, per say, but she was asking for it...
Kristy ran out the door, down the hall, and into Nick Fury's car.
"That didn't last long," he mussed, as he put the car into drive, and sped down the road.
We all have a friend like Kristy. And, when he or she does annoy the crap out of you, just imagine them in a room with Hulk. See how that ends out if Nick Fury isn't there to save them.
So, I'm going to let you guys pick which Avenger Kristy messes with next! Please review, and let me know! !
Thanks for reading!- LightIsTheKey14