Nina is a new Shinigami. She doesn't play by the rules, and William, her arranged husband to be, doesn't like it. He sends her to live with our favorite Undertaker until she learns to be a proper Shinigami, but things never go quite as planed.

(Hi guys! This is my first fanfiction in a while. I cut my finger and now I can bend it without it reopening, Im still working on my Hunger Games fic, so dont freak out. I DONT OWN BLACK BUTLER/KUROSHITSUJI!)

Williams Point of view

Nina Cliff-Field, our newest Dispatch Officer of the England Shinigami Corps. Her looks say shes of 18 years of age, but she was created 3 years ago. Her hair is long and wavy, and the color of she is a female Shinigami, her eyes are a different color then the males. Instead of the outside being yellow and the inside green, Female Shinigami's eyes are dark blue on the inside, and light purple on the outside.

Nina's glasses are thin black lined and rectangle shaped, with little violet roses on the corners. Her uniform dress is short in the front, showing off some of her thighs and her knee high boots, and long in the back. It is has long sleeves with very wide ends. And it is her favorite color, Violate.

Every Female shinigami needs a mate. If they don't then they will die. If a Female Shinigami is not married to a Male with-in 5 years of their creation , their body will start to rot and decay. The Male Shinigami makes a hormone that is vital to a Females life force. Since Nina's creation, I took the liberty of becoming her future mate.

Most females work in the office, how-ever Nina is... different. From the very beginning she was different. "I dont want to work in a boring old office with paper! I WANT TO END THE LIVES OF HUMANS!" Every single time I gave her paper work, she would just rip it up and say " This is NOT what I was born to do" Finally I gave in to her demands, and I started training her In the ways of a true Shinigami. I even ordered her a custom death scythe. A shovel.

Nina is my bride to be, we will be married with-in a year... If everything goes as planed that is...

Nina's Point of view

"Welcome to the end of your life!" I said as I swung my death Scythe. Allen Brooks, age 38. A drunkard who beat his wife, a bastard who deserved to die. As the blood splattered from his mouth I watched his cinematic record, nothing interesting. A prostitute here and there, and alot of booze.

I yawn and say "William, I always get the drunk guys. I need something interesting and exciting!" William, my husband to-be, pushed his glasses up his nose like always "Nina, you must be patient with these things. In a few more years you will be able to chose certain people on the "To Die" list"

I stuck my tongue out at him behind his back. Good Lord, he can be such a- oh whats the word- tight ass! In my 3, almost 4, years of living he hasn't even touched me once. Even though Im his soon to be mate. Does he even like me? Some times I dont think so. He IS handsome, I'll give him that, but... being near him, without him even saying something nice about me, just makes me feel lonely.

"Hey Will, Why do I have to use my Scythe to see the peoples cinematic records? I can see their memories just by touching them enyways so whats the point?" Thats another thing that makes me special. I can touch the person once to see their whole life. No one at H.Q. Knows why I can, but I do. " You need to do it with your Scythe because it creates an automatic file in the record libraries."

"Oh... I-uh... knew that" I gave a fake smile but William was unfazed. Suddenly I saw a streak of red and the clicking of heels, I knew just who it was. "BIG SISTER GRELL!" I hugged him so hard we fell to the ground laughing "Hows my FAVORITE little sister doing?" We got up and I smiled "I was sooooo bored until you came!"
Grell Sutcliff isn't my real brother/sister, we just shared a bond that was close to a brother sister relationship. Plus since he always acts like a girl, I just call him my SISTER instead.

"Was William not paying attention to you again? OH WILL! Nina is your future bride after all! YOU COULD AT LEAST HUG HER EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE!" He just pushed his glasses up again, "That is none of you concern Grell." William turned on his heels and flew back off to H.Q. I stuck my tongue back out at him "NYAAAA! Who needs a guy like Will anyways! I bet he wont even constimate the married with me!" (That means have sex) Grell hugged my head and said "Im sure he just has alot on his mind, He might come around"

We soon returned to H.Q. and we were preparing to go off to bed in our rooms, I was so tiered from my day of reaping. The dorms of the H.Q. Are like college dorms. Females to one set of dorms, and Males to another. I set my Scythe Shovel to one corner of my room, and I layed down on my massive bed. Large black certains over my windows, along with a massive dresser, filled with both my Reaper clothes and my human clothes. My bed has dark purple cartains aswell.

Everything I had received was from William T. Spears. But it was most likely pity tokens. I dressed in my night clothes, a frilly thigh length night gown with long stockings (If you need more imagery, just google Anju Maaka's night gown) Plopping down onto the bed I reached more my picture of the legendary Shinigami, The Undertaker.

His hair was long and silvery, his glasses were silver framed, and his scythe was massive and powerful. "Oh Undertaker, what should I do? I dont really like William, but we are to be married with-in a year. I want to find my own happiness, what should I do?" I wanted desperately to see The Undertaker in real life, but I had heard he retired long ago.

I started to cry, a long hiccupy cry. Ive never felt more lonely then I do now. Wanting to be held lovingly, kissed passionately. William probably doesn't even love me. I want love, I NEED LOVE! I want someone to love me. But ,IF I dont marry William, then I'll die.

(Sorry It was so long you guys! I wanted to make Williams P.O.V. Into a prolog of some kind, but ALOT of my prologs are short, so I wanted to get some Nina action in there aswell. I HOPE YOU EJOYED THIS! REVEIWS WILL BE AWSOME!)