The End of an Era

A/N: No matter how much it kills me to say this, Paris had to end sometime, and this is my take on how it all went down. (Also- if cell phones had not yet been invented when this supposedly occurred, I have chosen to happily ignore this fact in order to make this story work the way I want it to. It depressed me to write this, because I am the world's biggest Jibbs fan- it made me think of a Coldplay song that I forget the name of.
R&R- I'm more than welcome to feedback!
Also- Check out my other story!

Disclaimer- I still don't own NCIS.
Or Coldplay, for that matter.

They had dreaded this day since the op began. The day that they had to go back to Washington- the day that reality would burn the pages of their fairytale.

Gibbs could tell that something was off with Jenny on the flight home. She wasn't her usual cocky self, and she seemed almost melancholy- like she was reminiscing about their days alone, with no one but each other to worry about.

On the other hand, Jenny could tell that Gibbs had something on his mind during the flight. He wasn't his usual cool, strong, and silent persona- he was filled with a jittery nervous energy that was overall unusual for him. He was anticipating something, but Jenny couldn't tell what.


As Gibbs helped Jenny into the car, he noticed her shivering, and saw the goose bumps on her arms. "Are you cold? Where's your coat?"

"I left it on the plane," she said.

"I'll get it for you," he replied, turning and walking toward the private plane that they had been flying on. He had his back turned, oblivious, to the single tear that rolled down her cheek as she watched him go.

Gibbs walked out of the plane, slipping a small black box into the pocket of Jenny's creamy white leather coat.

As he neared the car, he sped up, panic taking over.

Jen wasn't there. In her place was a small white envelope that he was sure contained a "Dear John" letter- a letter he was sure would probably break his heart over and over.

He fell to his knees, holding back a sob. He let the coat fall from his arms and in doing so the black box tumbled to the asphalt and broke open, sending the white gold, amethyst, and tiered diamond engagement ring clattering to a rest.

They say that if you love something, you have to let it go. In that case, Gibbs had let go a heck of a lot. Why did he always have to lose everything dear to his heart- why did he always have to break his own rules?

Never take anything for granted, he thought, cursing himself, as he fumbled with his phone.

"Duck- she's gone," he said, fighting sobs.

There was a silence on the other end as the ME processed the information.

"Oh, my friend- did you get to ask her?"

"No." In saying that, Gibbs finally broke down, sobbing.

Ducky sighed, knowing that fact would haunt his friend for the rest of his life.


Hope you liked it- R&R!