Me: Hi everyone. Here's the next chapter. I don't own anyone except Marissa Burtonburger. Please review. I apologize if anyone is out of character…although…this chapter is basically all about Fiona going out of character.

Old Lady Munson carried Fiona in the house, and she set her down. Fiona crossed her arms, and she pouted a bit.

"Stay away from Burtonburger Fiona. He's a gnome smashin', yard wreckin', shed blastin', juvenile delinquent who rots his pants. He can't even finish a simple sentence!" Mrs. Munson said.

"Well, it's no wonder he can't. You always interrupt him and never let him explain his side of the story," Fiona thought to herself.

"He even stole the wiener water on Hot Dog Day!" Mrs. Munson continued.

"His name is COOP," Fiona mumbled.

"What was that?"

"His name is not BURTONBURGER. It's COOP!" Fiona said turning toward her aunt, "And another thing, he didn't even STEAL the wiener water. Milly's cat chased him out of town, and Coop fled from Kat so that he wouldn't spill! Also, he's not a juvenile delinquent. Coop Burtonburger is the sweetest boy I've EVER met!"

"You don't know half the things he does Fiona," Mrs. Munson scolded.

"No YOU don't know half the things he does for YOU and the whole world! Listen up HAG, I've put up with you forbidding me from loving Coop and you being so mean to him, but now I'm putting my foot down! Coop Burtonburger is NOT a juvenile delinquent. In fact, he's saving the world all the time because Mr. Kat is an evil alien! Coop risks his life for you and me and all the entire EARTH! The only reason he doesn't finish a sentence is because you never LET HIM! You never let him have a chance to explain his side of the story! I love him Auntie Munson! DEAL WITH IT HAG! If I you won't let me love Coop, then I'll just run away and live with someone else!" Fiona yelled, and she stormed off outside.

Old Lady Munson stood there with her jaw dropped. Her niece, her Fiona…just yelled at her and called her a hag. Maybe she was right. Maybe she SHOULD give him a chance. If Fiona was right about him risking his life for the entire world, maybe he was a Burtonburger worthy of her great great great great great grandniece. She closed her mouth, and she sat down.

"What do you think Growler? Should I give that Burtonburger a chance?" Old Lady Munson asked.

Growler only snored, for he hadn't heard any of the conversation. Mrs. Munson thought for a while, and she made her decision.

Meanwhile Coop and Marissa sat in Coop's room playing a racing game. Marissa's car just pulled in front of Coop's.

"Ha ha eat my dust Coop!" she said, and she noticed that Coop wasn't really trying.

She knew very well that Coop loved Fiona, and she knew she liked Coop, but with Old Lady Munson, their love would be suicide for the both of them. In fact, it would be dangerous on both ends because of Kat, not to mention the fact that Phoebe would freak and go after Fiona if she ever knew. The biggest obstacle for their love was Old Lady Munson. She was after all Fiona's great great great great great grand aunt. If anybody was required to get permission, it was hers. Sadly their love reminded Marissa of Romeo and Juliet.

"Hey Coop, are you alright?" she asked her love struck brother.

"Yeah, I just…I wish Old Lady Munson would give me a chance, but what are chances of that ever happening?"

"Yeah, and poor Fiona takes it without ever standing up to that hag. She needs to stand up to her, but again what are the chances of that?"

"Slim to none," they both said in sad, annoyed unison.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. The two ran down, and opened the door.


Well that's it for this chapter. Please review, and to those of you PnF and Twilight fans, I would love if you check out and review my crossover "Lost Little Vampire in Eclipse". Thanks!