A/N: Okay, here we are - the final chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I am updating this out of order. I wanted to finish this one, and of course, fix that nasty cliffhanger from the last chapter. To those looking for 'Captivated', it will be up next. My wrist is finally beginning to heal, so I should be returning to a fuller writing schedule very soon. Thank you all for your continued support. Closing comments are greatly appreciated! :)

Chapter 10

~~~ Six Hours Later – Metropolitan Hospital, New York ~~~

Brian paced back and forth in the surgical waiting area, his face becoming haggard under the strain, eyes bloodshot from lack of rest and tears; although, he'd probably shoot anyone who called him on the latter. He was oblivious to Carl and Debbie looking at him in a state of shocked concern, their hands clasped together as they awaited the outcome. Running a hand through his unkempt hair, Brian snarled, "Fuck! How long does it take? Shouldn't we have had some kind of word by now!?"

Carl sighed, his own gaze continuously pulling to the doors where young Justin Taylor had been wheeled through so many hours ago. "Brian, you know the drill. He was shot. These things take time."

"Time." Brian sneered. "He should have neverbeen shot! He was innocent. It should have been me at the end of that bullet!"

Debbie jumped up in a rush, her arms reaching out to clasp around Brian's middle from behind. "You listen here, Brian Kinney – I don't want to ever hear you say that! This young boy was an innocent victim, but it's not your fault. This all rests on that bastard, Jim Stockwell. Don't you forget that."

"Stockwell." Brian's eyes blazed in an unforgiving fury. "I hope the mother fucker bleeds out and dies..."

Carl cleared his throat. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. But, it looks as if he will be standing trial... and, I think we know how many postponements his lawyers will probably request. I received word that he pulled through surgery."

"Professionalism be damned, Carl. That son-of-a-bitch tried to kill Brian, and got an innocent boy instead. He doesn't deserve any respect," Debbie snapped, whirling to face her husband. "Prison will be good for him!"

"Not now, Debbie," Carl told her in a low, controlled voice. "Brian has a certain decorum to adhere to. There will be enough scandal befalling us without Brian crossing any more lines." Carl looked pointedly at Abbot Reynolds as he spoke. "I trust I can trust you to hold to our confidences, Abbot?"

Nodding, the Abbot responded gruffly, "Of course Sargent Horvath. It is not in the best interest of the monastery for all these various scandalous events to be made public."

Brian rolled his eyes, in disbelief that the Abbot still remained. He looked at him suspiciously. "Why are you even still here? You've made your feelings regarding me and my stay at the monastery more than clear from day one."

"That's true, Detective Kinney. However, I have another responsibility as well." He looked at each of them solemnly. "Justin was in my charge. Until his parents arrive, I am responsible for his keeping."

"Parents..." Brian sneered. "I've heard all about his parents... his father in particular. I can hardly wait." Brian's voice was almost sinister as he completed the sentence.

Clearing his throat nervously, Carl suggested, "Maybe you should step out for awhile, Brian. I'm sure Justin's parents will be arriving soon, and they'll want to spend some time with him."

"Detective Kinney?" a sober voice sounded from behind them.

All heads turned to watch the doctor in the blue scrubs approaching from a short distance. Brian all but sprinted to the doctor's side, his eyes wild with worry as he tried to read the other man's gaze. "Justin? How is he?"

The doctor smiled. "Justin will be fine. A bit sore for awhile, but he will recover. The bullet passed through him, but there was a great deal of internal bleeding. Thankfully no organs were damaged."

"Thank God," Debbie sighed in relief.

A bitter voice spoke from behind them. "God had nothing to do with it."

"Craig, not now..." a gentler voice hissed in response.

Brian's eyes became glacial. "Thank you for everything, Doctor." Carl and Debbie both groaned simultaneously as Brian began to approach who they all knew would be the Taylor's. "Well well, you must be the infamous Mr. Taylor."

"Who the hell are you?" Craig demanded, ignoring the shocked gasps surrounding him.

The doctor broke what became a sudden silence. "I have other patients to check on. If anyone has any questions, feel free to have one of the nurses page me."

Debbie smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you again, Doctor. When can Justin have visitors? I'm sure Brian and his family are anxious to see him."

"As long as he responds favorably in the recovery room, Justin should be in his own room within an hour." The doctor nodded to them all one last time before leaving as quickly as he'd entered.

Brian's eyes narrowed on Justin's father as he moved closer, barely keeping his rage under control. Justin could have died and all he viewed in Craig Taylor's eyes was contempt mixed in with a lack of concern. His eyes softened slightly as they fell on Justin's mother. Tears and anxiety clearly registered in her gaze. He stepped up to her first. "Mrs. Taylor, I presume?"

"Yes, I'm Jennifer Taylor. And, you are?" she asked him uncertainly, clearly unsure of whether he was friend or foe.

"The name is Brian Kinney, Mrs. Taylor. Detective Kinney. I have spent a great deal of time with your son recently." Knowing this could be his career on the line, and uncaring of that fact, Brian continued, "We have become very close. I care a great deal about him."

"How touching." Craig openly sneered. "Another fucking faggot. Do you realize that my son is still a minor, Mr. Kinney? I could have you brought up on charges."

Debbie prodded Carl in the back. "Do something!" she hissed.

"What do you suggest?" Carl grumbled. "Brian is going to do or say what he wants – exactly as he always does!"

"Craig please," Jennifer snapped. "Obviously Detective Kinney didn't realize that. As it is, we should be thanking him for getting him the medical attention he needed."

"Thank the queer that further pulled him into this disgusting life?" Craig's eyes nearly popped out of the sockets as his rage boiled to the surface. "I've heard all about your relationship with Justin. You are the lowest form of filth. It will be my pleasure to see that you lose your badge."

Carl clenched his fists, his teeth grinding together in fury. Who did this man think he was? And, what sort of man remained so cold in the face of his own son's tragedy?Stepping forward, he got directly in Craig Taylor's face. "I'd advise you to ease off on the threats, Mr. Taylor."

"Or what? Are you his mouthpiece now? Is he such a little faggot he can't speak for himself?" Craig drawled insultingly.

"Craig! That's enough!" Jennifer whispered, her face coloring in embarrassment.

Carl waved Jennifer's concerns away. "Don't worry about it, Ma'am. I've encountered his type more times than I care to count. As for your questions, Mr. Taylor, Detective Kinney works for me." Carl looked Craig Taylor square in the eyes. "I support him completely."

Abbot Reynolds shuffled nervously from behind them. "Everything seems well in hand here. I think I should return to the monastery."

Brian bestowed a rare smile upon the Abbot that had done nothing but provoke him in recent days. "That's probably best, Abbot."

The Abbot looked back and forth between Craig and Jennifer Taylor uncertainly. "I'm assuming Justin will be returning home with you following his recovery."

"Of course," Jennifer answered indignantly.

"Like hell he will!" Craig snarled.

"We'll discuss this in private," Jennifer hissed under his breath.

All eyes were on Craig, his continued uncaring attitude towards his own son stunning them all. "There's nothing to discuss. I sent him here for a reason. I can't condone his actions, nor his choice of lifestyle. I told him back in Pittsburgh – he is dead to me! I'm going to get some coffee. Let me know when you've assured yourself that your son is well... then, we can return home."

Jennifer gasped as she watched her husband's retreat, at the moment unable to fathom what she'd ever saw in him. She looked at them all apologetically. "Craig doesn't speak for me. In fact, we're not even living together right now. Justin would be staying with me... not his father."

"That's good to know, Mrs. Taylor... however, I don't think it's in Justin's best interest to return to Pittsburgh right now. Despite that you aren't living with his father, I just can't foresee anything good coming of this." Brian wasn't sure what he thought Justin's living arrangements should be – but, this was definitely not it.

"What are you suggesting, Mr. Kinney? That he stay with you?" she demanded. "I can tell you right now – his father won't agree to that, nor will I."

"No. I wasn't suggesting that. There must be another option."

Debbie and Carl exchanged a glance, before Debbie stepped forward. "I have one." She extended her hand toward Jennifer. "I am Debbie Horvath, Carl's wife. We'd be happy to have Justin stay with us." She eyed Brian sharply for a moment. "I can guarantee no sleepovers will be allowed."

Brian snorted, eyeing Debbie up and down. "Trust me, Mrs. Taylor – Debbie would guard Justin more fiercely than any monastery ever could."

Jennifer laughed. "Please call me Jennifer." She appeared to give the matter a great deal of thought. "I want Justin to come home... but, I think Justin should decide. He's nearly eighteen and it is his life."

Carl placed an arm around his wife, pulling her close. "That sounds like the best idea yet. Now, how about we pass the rest of the time by getting some coffee. I don't know about any of you – but, I could use some."

They all moved towards the nearest cafeteria, each of them knowing Justin's decision would play a large part in all of their lives.

"Open your eyes. I know you can hear me, you disgusting little freak!" Craig hissed into his son's ear, uncaring of the monitors and devices attached to his motionless son. He had stood by Justin's room, playing the concerned father role to the hilt. He had begged the nurse to allow him inside once Justin was settled. Craig didn't want to be delayed in delivering his personal message to his son... as well as hoping his presence would cause his weakened son some added stress as well. It had all been too easy really. The nurse had stated she needed to take Justin's vitals, then she would give them a few minutes of privacy. That was more than enough time to make his position more than understood.

"Do you hear me, faggot? Open your fucking eyes now!"

Justin's eyes slowly began to open, his gaze momentarily blurred until he finally pulled his father into focus. "W-where am I? What are you doing here?" Justin barely managed to croak.

Craig laughed coldly. "Don't worry, I'm not staying long. This is what happens when you flaunt your disgusting choices in front of good people. Next time you might not be so lucky. My only regret is that I won't be around to watch."

No more had the words left his mouth when Craig Taylor was yanked unceremoniously from Justin's bedside to be flung against the nearest wall. A hand brutally clasped around the odious man's throat, as the enraged man stared at him with murder in his eyes. Brian's lips twisted into the shape of a snarl. "Visiting hours have been terminated for you, Mr. Taylor."

Gasping for air, Craig demanded, "Let me go or I swear I'll sue both you and the NYPD!"

"Go ahead," Brian whispered ominously, his grip tightening. "I'll ruin you, Taylor. I know you are a business man of sorts. Your kind always is." He tightened his grip until Craig was coughing in his exertion to free himself. "You breathe a word of what happened in this room or anything else that you think you know – I will not only ruin you, I will kill you as well."

When he was slammed fiercely into the wall repetitively, Craig panted until his airwaves became more clear. "You're a cop. You won't do a damned thing."

"Try me and see," Brian whispered into the face that suddenly looked on him in fear. "This is your first and last warning, Taylor. Stay away from Justin. Fail to do this and the consequences are very clear – I will hunt and destroy you. Then after I've done that – I will kill you!"

Craig passed a withering glance over both his son and his apparent protector. "I'm leaving. I said all I came to say. As far as I'm concerned – the two of you deserve each other."

Brian's eyes flickered over him coldly, before he flashed him a gracious smile. "Thank you, Taylor. I think we do too."

Justin's eyes widened as he watched his father's retreat. "My hero..."

Brian advanced toward the bed, his lips lowering to brush against Justin's forehead. "No, you're my hero." Brian's eyes were pained and full of emotion. "If you ever take such a risk again, I swear..."

Tired and emotion filled eyes looked on Brian in wonder. "Thank you for sticking up for me."

Brian didn't speak the words that immediately came to mind – I'll always stick up for you. "Get some rest, Justin." Brian's eyes lowered to hide the pain reflected in his own as he looked at the frailty Justin displayed. He didn't know how it had happened, but this blond had completely penetrated his walls. At this point, Brian wasn't certain what the future would bring them... but he did know a couple things for certain. One, he wanted Justin Taylor to continue being a part of his life... and two, he would never let anyone hurt this beautiful young man again.

Justin beamed as he sat across from Debbie and Carl. Today was finally his eighteenth birthday, and the man he loved was upstairs showering – despite Debbie's rules. Brian had broken them time and time again, but never overtly so. He looked sheepishly at the woman who had become a second mother to him, his heart swelling with such love for her. "Sorry," he mouthed as he took a bite of his toast.

Carl laughed. "Your lucky its your birthday, son."

"Damned right," she grumbled, glaring as Brian rushed down the stairs. "What have I told you about sleepovers, asshole?"

Brian pulled his lip under as he approached Debbie, playful lights dancing in his eyes. He hugged her to him tightly, before whispering, "Now don't be like that, Mother. I had to give the boy a birthday to remember, right?"

Debbie swatted him away as she motioned for him to be seated. "Speaking of – what did you get him?"

Justin choked on his juice at the same time Carl and Brian burst out into laughter. Composing himself, Justin answered, "He doesn't need to get me anything. Nor do any of you. All of you have given me so much already."

"We do it because we love you, Sunshine." Debbie's eyes softened as she looked at Justin. Never would she had imagined how her heart could be so overwhelmed by love for this young man when she'd met him over a month ago. So much he had suffered, but now he was all the better for it. She kept in close contact with Justin's mother, each of them knowing this is exactly where Justin needed to be. As she looked at Justin's adoring eyes on Brian, she knew the boy would be a part of their lives forever. She couldn't be happier about that.

"I agree with my wife, Justin. We love having you here. And, we want you to know that this is your home as long as you like," Carl spoke to Justin with the greatest sincerity, knowing he would have another ordeal to face on the day Justin did decide to leave their home. Debbie was hopelessly attached to Justin... and he couldn't deny feeling exactly the same.

Tears appeared in Justin's eyes. "Thank you so much. Both of you. I love both of you so much."

Brian cleared his throat, deciding now was the time to reveal his gift to Justin. The practical part of his mind thinking he may as well continue on with the lesbionic pattern the rest of them were currently exhibiting. He pulled an envelope out of his jacket, passing it to Justin across the table. "Happy Birthday, Justin." Brian's eyes were warm and full of love and promise, feelings he never thought to feel for one man... but the fight was over – he was completely in love with this adorable blond.

Debbie and Carl looked on expectantly. The first one to lose patience was Debbie. "Well, open it, Sunshine."

Justin smiled as he quickly opened the envelope. His eyes widened as he read the printed letter, tears escaping in waterfalls as the printed words began to make sense. "I – I don't believe it, Brian. This is too much. I j-just don't believe you'd do this for me."

"Well, believe it. You told me what you wanted to do with your life. All I've done is see that you get a good start." Brian was unable to look away from the awe and love in Justin's eyes.

Debbie looked at them impatiently. "What is it, Justin? What did he give you?"

"He paid for my full tuition in one of the greatest art institutes in the country - Department of Fine Arts & Institute of Fine Arts, New York University." Justin passed Debbie the acceptance letter, his own hand shaking in the process.

Eyes scanning the letter, Debbie shook her head in amazement. "This is fucking amazing, Justin. I swear you will be a fucking Picasso!"

Carl hugged his wife close to his side, knowing the tide of emotions would soon break through. "That's a fine gift, Justin. One I know you'll make the most of." Carl looked at Brian in astounded wonder. "You never cease to amaze me, Brian. This time, I'm more than pleased about that."

Justin's eyes were clouded by happy tears as he stood up and sat down fully on Brian's lap. He began to rain kisses all over Brian's face, his heart bursting with love. "I love you so much, Detective Kinney. Not just for this – but, for everything." Justin looked at his lover analytically for a long moment. "You didn't do this grand gesture to push me out of your life and into a new one?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "Fuck that. Do you have any idea how much this cost me? You're stuck with me, Taylor – like it or not."

"Oh I like it. Yes, I like that a lot." Justin closed his eyes as their lips met again. He didn't care that Brian hadn't verbalized a returned declaration of love. Brian had shown that to him in so many ways since the night he had been shot. Each day, Brian displayed his feelings even more. His life had changed when his father had forced him into the monastery. Justin had never thought that change would bring him the greatest happiness he could ever know... but, it had done exactly that. His life was full and complete now. He vowed to himself to bring Brian as much happiness for the rest of his life.

Whether Justin realized it or not, he had done exactly that.


A/N: I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a one-chapter epilogue. Let me know if it stands good here or if that would make it better. Thank you for reading! *Hugsss*