Another Silentshipping fic I've had for a while. This one is not related to any of my other fics, it explores the idea of Serenity being understanding about Seto often being gone away on business trips and things like that instead of being upset by it.

Seto glared at the offending white flakes while the phone rang and he tried to ignore the hustle and bustle behind going on behind him.

[Hello?] a soft voice answered.

"Serenity, it's me."

[Seto? What's wrong?]

"They're saying the storm is too bad," Seto explained. Once again cursing the sudden snowfall and all those who had wished for a white Christmas. "They can't fly."

[Are you alright?]

"I'm fine. I'll rent a car and drive home. It's our anniversary; I promised I'd be there and I will." He could hear the smile in her voice. He'd never had any reason to celebrate the 24th before and now that he did things like this kept happening. He thought he'd been in the clear by having his plane due to arrive home on the 23rd, but apparently not.

[I'll wait for you,] she assured him as though he wasn't missing their first wedding anniversary. [Like I did two Christmases ago with Mokuba. When you missed your flight from New York and the gifts stayed wrapped until you got home. Don't worry Seto, this isn't anything new. I'll wait up for you my love. Drive safe.]

Seto sat alone on his hotel bed, talking on video to the one he loved and always would.

He hated going on business trips, he felt his heart ache because she was alone and he knew hers was breaking because she just wanted him home.

[I'll wait for you like in 2016,] she softly assured him. [When Serrah was due, but I said 'she'll have to wait until her dad gets here and stands by my side'. Remember, dear, our girl's first cry?]

Seto nodded wordlessly, he remembered holding that bundle of pink and when his baby girl's tiny little hands grabbed his finger. He couldn't believe his baby girl was already sixteen.

And not once in those sixteen years had he missed her birthday. He had walked out of meetings to make sure he was home in time for the dinner party. Even though he was gone now on just a normal business trip, he hated to leave his family behind.

[Oh Seto,] Serenity sighed, brushing her silver streaked hair out from her eyes. [This isn't anything new. Sweetheart, we'll wait for you.]

Seto didn't stop once, he had his private jet fly straight through and when they landed he already had a car waiting. He hadn't eaten since the previous day, but it didn't matter. He just needed to get home.

It was after midnight by the time Seto burst through the doors. Serrah, her husband and their son had gone home by then leaving just the doctor they kept on staff.

"She's in a better place," he said softly. "She said to give this you this note, just in case."

Seto sat at the side of the bed and held his wife's hand as he shakily opened the note.


If you're reading this, I wish I had been able to give you one more kiss.

I'll wait for you at Heaven's gate. I don't care how long it takes and I'll tell God Himself I can't come in without my love and my best friend.

This isn't anything new, but know that I love you too.

P.S. I'll wait for you.