This little one-shot came to me after the season fianle. it's totally McDanno. Listen to, "Saving Josh"

Weight of the World

Steve's heartbeat was beating faster than it should've been, he was more nervous about meet this Shelburn than going on a mission because at least he knew what he had to do but this knowing that possible all his answers would be answer with this person scared him to death. His hands were a little sweaty and he felt flushed. He took a deep breath and knocked. When the door opened he did not expect HIS MOTHER to open the door. The color drained from his face, he sucked in more air and he blinked a couple of times to make sure what he was seeing was real and not just imagined, "Mom?" was all he could manage to get out.

He back away from the door, his anger rising, he felt like he was drowning and he needed some air even though he was outside-he just needed to get away. This was not what he was expecting at all and needed the one person he knew he could turn to, the one person that loved him-his Danno. He called in a favor to his SEAL buddy to let him fly home on a cargo flight that was coming back from a classified mission and of course he said yes. When they landed in Oahu his friend drove him home and Steve thanked him. Steve turned to go in the house, he could see the lights on and he heard Danny's laughter, he could tell Danny's laugh anywhere-he had that deep gutterial but it was warm and filled with life. He kind of rushed into the house startling Danny and Grace both screaming.


"StepSteve!" Grace shouted as she threw herself at him and hugged him. He bent down and picked her up wrapping his arms tighter around her trying to keep the tears at bay but they slipped out. Gracie knew something was wrong in Steve's deminor so she pulled back and looked at him, placing her small hand on his cheek, "What's wrong StepSteve?"

"Nothing Gracie"

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Grace knew that he was lying, "Steven, don't lie to me, I know something's wrong. Did something bad happen?"

"No, not bad just surprising"

"Is that why you came back home?"


Danny walked over and pulled Grace from Steve's grasp, "Okay kiddo, Steve and I need to have some grown up time. Besides it's time for bed."

"Okay...make Steve feel better for me. I don't like to see him sad." She wisphered in Danny's ear when she hugged him. He nodded as she pulled away and hugged Steve then went upstairs.

They stood there looking at each for a few moments before Steve went and got a bottle of Scotch hidden in the cabnet. Danny knew this was major because he only got that bottle out when something really bad happened, like really bad. Then they went out to the lenai and Steve sat down with a loud sigh.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really"

"Okay, well I'm here when you're ready. Thanks for leaving me a message this time and telling me where you were going."

"Wished I hadn't gone in the first place."

Now Danny was worried, he was looking at Steve-he noticed that Steve's hair was a bit of a mess; it looked like it hadn't been brushed in a day; his shoulders were slumped and he was drinking down that Scotch like it was going out of style. This is when Danny decided to take action, he set his own beer down, got up and took away the bottle. Steve glared at him but Danny glared back. He bent down till he was eye level with him, "Talk to me Steven. Please. What happened in Japan?"

Steve sighed and closed his eyes then opened them again, "She's alive Danny, she's alive."



"Is she Shelburn?"



"Same here...oh god it's just not fair!" By this point Steve pushed passed Danny and walked out to ocean shore letting the waves come on his feet. Then it just hit him and he fell to his knees-his legs no longer wanting to hold him up. Danny followed him then stood in front of him and when Steve went down on his knees so did Danny. Danny hated to see his beautiful lover breaking in front of him so he wrapped his arms around Steve, "It's okay babe, I'm right here; I will not ever leave you-let it Steve-let it all out!" That's when Steve broke down-he sobbed, screamed, hit and Danny took it all in because that's how much he loved him. Danny would do anything to take away this pain.

"It's not fair, I mourned her, Danny, for 20 freaking years, I have mourned her. I watched her be buried, went to her grave to talk to her and left flowers on her birthday every freaking year! And then all of sudden she's alive! She's SHELBURN! HOW COULD JOE NOT TELL ME! HE HAD NO RIGHT TO KEEP THIS FROM ME AND IF DAD KNEW THEN HE ALSO HAD NO RIGHT! AHHHHH! EVERYTHING I'VE EVER KNOWN HAS BEEN A DAMN LIE-MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN ONE BIG LIE!"

For some reason Danny was hurt by that last sentence so he looked Steve in the eyes, "Even me?"

Steve shook his head, "No Danny, no you and Grace have been the only truth in my life even Chin and Kono are the only truth I know. I love you Danny."

"I love you too" Danny thought this wasn't the best time to bring up the custady battle that would soon start but he knew that Steve would do everything in his power to keep Grace here even Chin and Kono would fight with him.

Steve sighed and leaned his head against Danny's forehead, "Make love to me, help me forget my pain." Steve wisphered. Danny smiled, "I will babe, I will"

They went up to their room and locked the door. Steve let Danny take lead on this because frankly he just wanted to forget everything that happened in the past 24 hours. "First of all lets get you into a shower. You are a mess." Danny stated.

Steve just nodded and headed into the bathroom where he stripped and got into the shower. He let the hot water run over him, he just stood there wishing those memories would be washed away. He felt hands on his back massaging his shoulders, he knew it was Danny-he'd know those hands anywhere-he leaned back into Danny's touch. Danny turned him around and kissed him fully on the lips. Steve kissed back with force, kissing Danny like he was drowning and needed saving. It was like a light had been turned on and now Steve needed to be in control and Danny knew this and didn't try to combat him on it. The next thing Danny knew was that he flush up against the wall, his arms above his head, their hands intertwined and Steve was in him hard; yeah it hurt at first but he got used to it, Steve was being so rough with him that it turned him on even further. "Oh god! Don't stop!" Danny breathed out as Steve placed bite marks on his neck and shoulders that would surely leave marks for days. Steve rolled his hips and Danny lost it and so did Steve. They were both panting, trying to regulate their breathing back to normal as they were both coming down from their high. They quickly rinsed and dried off.

Steve was again pulling Danny to the bed where he got on top and began kissing him like his life depended on it. Danny just held him tighter as he wrapped his legs around Steve's narrow waist; Steve thrust inside him so hard Danny saw stars as he arched his back. They began moving as one beat-Danny taking Steve all in-the pain, hurt, betryal and anger, Danny took it all because his love for Steve was so great that he was willing to do anything to make him whole again; to make him see that he was there and always will be.

They'd worry about the battle that's to come with Grace's custody later because right now; all that matter was healing Steve's shattered heart and if making love all night long was somehow going to help then by george he was going to do it, any and all of it. He hated that Steve kept getting this shit thrown in his face and he wanted despriately to take it away, wanted to go punch out Joe White for doing this to him.

Danny never thought he could feel this strongely about anyone in his life, not even Rachel, and yeah at first his feelings did scare him but once they finally admitted their feelings, everything seemed to fall in place like puzzles pieces fitting together. They ended up making love all night and fell asleep in each other's arms around 7:00AM. A few minutes had passed before Gracie came banging on the door, "Daddy! Step Steve! Open the door!" They both jumped up and put their nightclothes on before Danno opened the door and Gracie launched herself into his arms, "Morning Danno!"

"Morning monkey"

"StepSteve!" She yelled as she wriggled out of Danny's grasp and went over to Steve who was sitting on the side of the bed. He picked her up and sat her in his lap, "You're smiling again-yay! Danno made you feel better, right?"

His smile got wider to where his eyes lit up, "Yes baby, he helped to see that you and he are still here for me. So want some breakfast?"


"Alright you two...come on, I've gotta have some coffee before I start dealing with you two at this ungodly hour. How can you two be so engerized at 7:30 in the morning?" Danny stated as he followed Gracie out and this earned a slap on the butt by Steve. He turned around, "None of that while Gracie's awake."

"Just showing you why I'm so engerized, I think it was something you did last night or was that this morning?" Steve wisphered with a smirk that made anyone melt. Danny just laughed as they went downstairs to start their new life together even though they'd been doing this for about a year now but something about today made it different, made it seem like whatever life throughs at them; they'll handle it together.

AN:Review please