Happy Father's Day guys! (June 17, 2012)
Idea: Buying a father's day present for Bruce - polarbear1355
Special appearances by Bart and Babs
Happy Father's Day
Dick couldn't help but show his amusement at Tim trying to figure out what he'd bought Bruce for Father's Day. After nine years of living with the guy, he'd still struggled picking something out- but not as much as Tim.
"Why won't you tell me what it is?"
"It's a secret."
"At least let me put my name on it!"
"Because you weren't the one who got it!"
Tim huffed and groaned, putting his face in his hands. What was one supposed to get for a man whose hobbies were dressing up as a bat and stopping crime at night? Maybe a giant jumbo pack of energy drinks? Nah, Bruce never needed those, so why would he need them now?
"Can you help me pick something out then?"
Although Tim had meant surfing the Internet for good ideas, Dick had decided to drag him to the mall. Tim was usually used to spending his time holed up in his room on his laptop doing geeky computer nerd stuff, and he usually only went out at night. And Dick chose to go to an outlet mall. In Metropolis. The sunlight burned.
"So which store has stuff you think Bruce would like?" Tim asked, trying to get Dick to hurry up and find something for him so they could leave.
"I don't know."
"You're not much of a help," Tim grumbled.
He looked around through the windows. Many of the stores displayed signs showing that they were giving discounts for Father's Day, but much of the merchandise wasn't anything Tim thought Bruce was interested in. And whatever did seem pretty cool, Bruce either already owned or could easily afford.
There was a sudden flash of light, then laughter. Tim opened his eyes and saw none other than Bart Allen. Armed with a camera and dangerous.
"Hey!" Tim exclaimed.
Bart laughed some more and examined the picture, "Not bad, not bad." Tim felt the need to hide. Bart wasn't supposed to know who he was. It could compromise everything, it could- Wait. Bart already knew who he was. Crap.
He showed it to Dick, who burst into a fit of laughter.
Tim narrowed his eyes at the speedster, "What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Central City?"
"Are you kidding me? Tomorrow's Father's Day and I haven't gotten Grandpa a gift yet!"
"That doesn't explain-"
"I'm running super fast across the country to take pictures and make an awesome scrapbook. Duh."
Tim sighed and wondered why he had to buy a gift for Batman of all people. He'd know exactly what to get for anyone else.
"So what're you getting?" Bart asked.
"Uh… Well we don't have all the details worked out just yet, but-"
"I get it. You have no idea! Well I gotta run and get some pictures of the Statue of Liberty and the Golden Gate. See ya later Timmy!" Bart grinned, running off.
"He does know those are on opposite sides of the country, right?" Tim asked. But Dick didn't reply. Dick was too busy trying to decide how to tell Bart that he wasn't allowed to use his powers all the time- and have him actually listen this time.
Tim dragged Dick into a store that promised the perfect gift for dad when Dick's phone started ringing. He answered it and immediately started smiling.
"Babs has a mission for us. Let's go," he said, pulling Tim away.
And so the trip to the mall yielded Tim no results, save an embarrassing picture and a tan.
"Having trouble finding Bruce a Father's Day present?" Batgirl finally asked Robin as he moped on the rooftop. She'd noticed his gloomier than normal behavior as they scoped out a greenhouse where Poison Ivy was reported to be hiding out in.
"How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess. I know he's not the easiest person to shop for. Christmas shopping was pretty crazy after I became Batgirl."
Tim chuckled, wondering exactly what trials Barbara had to go through to find something suitable for Bruce. She was the probably the one who gave him the tie with the bats on it.
"Any ideas?"
"The guy has everything. Of course I don't have any ideas."
"Then why'd you bring it up?"
"Because we're about to go in and I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be too distracted. Let's go kick some plant butt now and worry about gifts later."
Tim finally got home around eleven o' clock at night. It was too late to buy anything.
"Are you sure I can't put my name on your gift?" he asked Dick.
Dick shook his head, "Nah, it's personalized. It wouldn't make sense if you put your name on it."
Tim sighed, defeated, and marched upstairs to his room where he picked up his laptop and sat on his bed, opening it up.
He played with the birdarangs from his utility belt and thought about the mission earlier that day. It had been tough beating Poison Ivy what with her crazy psycho plants. Plants were not made to terrorize people, but in her hands, they totally could. At least they weren't as terrifying as Scarecrow's fear gas. If only they had masks to filter it out. That would make fighting him a lot easier.
That's it, Tim thought, filter masks!
If Scarecrow could filter out the fear gas with his freaky cloth bag mask thing, then Tim could totally build a filter in the cowl. It could be activated when dangerous gases were detected, and slide out from slide out from the sides of the cowl.
So Tim snuck down into the Batcave where he retrieved one of many cowls Batman owned to make a prototype of his invention. He'd probably refine it later on and give the new one to Bruce for his birthday.
"Happy Father's Day!" Dick, Tim, and Alfred chorused as Bruce walked downstairs for breakfast.
Alfred didn't let either of the boys cook due to the fiasco that happened when they tried to help out on Alfred's birthday.
So the meal was a delicious combination of omelets, sausages, pancakes, waffles, bacon, and apples. Because in this family, health was important. And apples were healthy.
Bruce couldn't help but smile at the two gifts laying on the table behind the fantastic breakfast. Dick had wrapped his gift in blue, and Tim had wrapped his in red. The two boys beamed at Bruce as he ate his breakfast, itching for him to open up the gifts.
First, Bruce reached for the present from Tim. Tim had enclosed it in a cardboard box so the shape wouldn't give it away, and then wrapped it in his favorite color- red.
Bruce tore off the wrapping paper and opened up the box. He pulled out a cowl.
"Thanks Tim," he said, a little puzzled.
"Watch." Tim took the cowl and put it in filter mode. A breathing filter extended out from the sides of the cowl and enclosed the mouth area.
Bruce couldn't believe he hadn't thought of that, "This is wonderful!"
Tim sighed with relief. Mission accomplished.
Bruce picked up Dick's present next and opened it up. There was a picture of Batman and Robin on patrol, except this Robin was Dick. He was grinning in the picture while Batman brooded. A note came with the picture.
Although you're famous for your glares and your ever frowning face, thanks for the smiles and the encouragement you've given me along the way when I needed it. Thanks for always knowing what to do and how to make me feel better. And most of all, thanks for being my father.
Love, Dick.
(A/N:) Sometimes, the best present is something from the heart. Or something totally cool that can help your dad defeat crazy psychopaths who possess fear gas. If your dad is into that kinda stuff.
Ironically my dad is mad at me right now. Oh well.
Love, Safirel