I finally got to updating. Sorry I was so late.

I had the sudden urge to scream and run and hide when I saw my prep team. They looked like something out of a tall tale – so grotesque and artificial, they couldn't possibly be real humans.

The one with piercings all over her face introduced herself as Cerella. She told me to take off all my clothes, and very self consciously, I did.

"Oh, by golly!" the guy with the pink, upright hair – who later revealed his name was Edd - gasped. "You're hairless!"

"Do you wax at home?" the freakiest looking one asked, as stunned as Edd.

What a stupid question. Why would I? Being hairy is no big deal in the districts. "No."

"How are you so hairless?" Their stupid Capitol accent and their stupid Capitol questions were irritating me.

"I don't know," I growled through gritted teeth, fingers clenched into fists. They took the hint and went straight to work. My own anger was surprising me. I was usually a calm and rational person, settling the matter with words, not weapons.

"Your stylist is ready for you!" Edd said, to my great relief. I've had enough of the trio for a day.

They lead me into a damp, cold room, where I was made to sit on a table and wait. The smell of roses lingered in the air. Although it was faint, it made me feel queasy.

Finally, my stylist sashayed through the door, her dramatically high heels clacking on the tiles.

If I thought my prep team was grotesque, she was monstrous. The thought that she was going to be in charge of how I looked wasn't very comforting.

"Dearie!" she piped. "My, you're a beauty. Look at that hair! Hourglass figure too." Her hands went to my chest. I almost smacked her hands off. "Hmm… these could be bigger." She giggled. "Dearie, you'll be gorgeous!"

I wasn't so sure.

She went on. "District 4 is… about the sea. And in the sea, you have beautiful creatures."

"Mermaids? Hasn't that been done before, a thousand times?" I quipped.

"No, dearie, not mermaids," she replied, looking wounded. "Sailors."

"Sailors? Can women be sailors?" Usually, women in District 4 wove nets and sold the fish the men caught.

"Who cares, dearie? You'll be one anyway!" And with that she made me close my eyes and slip into a dress that was so tight, I could barely breath. "Open your eyes, dearie! Look at how gorgeous you look!"

When I opened my eyes, my jaw fell instantly.

The dress was so short, it revealed more than half of my upper thigh. It was so low cut my chest was barely covered. The only District 4 touch there was to the outfit was the sailor's hat on my head.

"My, you're gorgeous!" she piped. "Gorgeous!"

My stylist ushered me into the stables and told me to smile confidently. "They're going to love you dearie!"

Rennard was already in the carriage, his face a deep shade of scarlet. I could see why - the only clothing he had on was the underwear with the nautical designs on it. And, of course, the hat.

His eyes flickered at me, and for just a moment we shared a moment of pity.

"Hey Amabel," a voice called. I turned my head to find Tate, a smirk playing on his lips. "Nice get-up!"

"Could say the same to you," I shot back. Even though he wasn't practically nude like I was, he was wrapped around in wires to symbolize District 5's electricity. In response, he stuck his tongue out, and then looked straight ahead of him, as if I weren't there.

"You seem to be getting on with District 5," Rennard muttered. He wasn't looking me in the eye, and instead seemed to be fascinated by the gates.

Oh no. What do I say? What could make him less suspicious? "We… we talked a bit at the archery station."

A sly smile replaced the frown on his face. "Archery? Never knew you could deal with a bow."

"I'm not," I bristled. For some reason I felt a bout of anger rise over me. "That's why we bonded. He helped me."

He mumbled something back, but his voice was drowned by the din the crowd was making once District 1 rolled out. Two followed – adorned tastefully with jewelry made of stone. The kids from three had scraps of metal stuck onto them.

Our horses neighed and jolted forward.

The bright lights hurt me eyes, but soon faded away into darkness. I couldn't see – all I could hear was the crowd screaming, screaming, screaming… until they sounded so distant I couldn't hear them.

It might be confusing (the ending, I mean), but I'll explain in later chapters. Review, please. I'll give you a cyberhug if you do.