Disclaimer: Not mine. Not yours. Only JK Rowling's.

A/N: So hey, here's a new Dramione story! I know, I know, I've been a little scarce in the Dramione world of fanfiction. I got a little busy with my crossover fic and, well, life, generally. But hey, look at the bright side! Here's a new Dramione fic for you guys.

A little downside - this will only be a five-chaptered story. I have another Dramione story in progress and that's the novel-length one but I'm nowhere near finished. School's about to start and, well, I have this hunch I won't be able to post it anytime sooner.

ANYWAY, so here's a little something that I've been working on for almost a year ago. Truth be told, I almost abandoned it and I was glad I did not post it earlier before. First chapter's a little short, but chapters will be longer as the story progresses :)

It's a spin-off of a chapter in one of my stories, "Alphabet Love", specifically, "Inspector Draco Malfoy". It can stand alone, but it would still be best if you try to read that one first.

So, review afterwards! Enjoy this story :)

Title: Mister Granger's Mission
Author: WickedlyAwesomeMe
Form: Multi-Chaptered
Genre: Family/Humor/Romance
Rating: T, just to be safe
Warning/s: Cussing and some innuendos
Ship: Draco/Hermione
Summary: …AKA the "Do-Anything-To-Keep-Precious-Hermione-Away-From-Draco-Malfoy" mission. Every father fears the day when they will meet the person who will steal their daughters away from them. Mister Granger is afraid he already met his match. Due to public demand, this is a 5-chaptered sequel to Alphabet Love: Inspector Draco Malfoy. Read it first before this. Review afterwards!

Mr. Granger's Mission

Chapter One: Friend

Mister Harold Granger, a handsome and well-respected dentist of the town, watched with a visible scowl on his face as his precious five-year-old daughter dashed to-and-fro from the front door to her room with obvious excitement.

"Is he here yet, Daddy?" she bubbled merrily, climbing up their sofa and peeked outside the window. "Inspector Draco Malfoy said he'll be here soon!"

"Hermione, please," he said, a disapproving tone in his voice. His daughter seemed to overlook that fact because she bounded off the couch and ran to the door, opening it with a bang and looked left to right for any telltale signs of her new friend.

'Lord,' Mister Granger mused with an audible sigh, 'did I do the right thing by agreeing to invite the boy for dinner?'

A fortnight ago, Mister Granger, together with his wife, arrived from the veterinarian only to see five-year-old Draco Malfoy beside his daughter. It somehow stirred an alarmed feeling inside his stomach when Hermione bid him goodbye with an innocent kiss on the little boy's cheek. It was innocent, yes, but it had set-off the alarming bells inside his head.

"He's just a boy," his wife had assured him but still

Mister Granger released a disgruntled noise at the back of his throat and shook his head. He loves his daughter, oh so much, but from the moment he saw her in the arms of his mother, he knew he would have a hard time being a father of a little girl. He had fervently prayed when he discovered that his wife was pregnant that the God above would bless them with a boy. Because, he knew that if he had a son instead of a daughter, he wouldn't be worrying like this over something as trivial as his child befriending the opposite sex.

"Dinner's almost ready," Mrs. Jean Granger announced from the kitchen, making Hermione jump up and down in excitement.

"He's almost here!" she announced gleefully, once again repeating her climb-sofa, peek-window, and open-door routine.

"Sweetheart, can you help your mother in the kitchen?" Mister Granger asked in exhaustion, a migraine already forming because of her constant merriment. "I'll call you once Draco is here."

Hermione nodded her head enthusiastically and dashed off to the kitchen.

The Granger patriarch looked at his watch and waited.

Now that his daughter was out of the room, he muttered a soft curse under his breath. He somehow hated the fact that he was wrapped around the finger of his daughter.

"Daddy, can we invite Inspector Draco Malfoy for dinner?" she asked, complete with the puppy dog eyes of hers that seemed to hypnotize him into sheer stupidity.

"Of course, sweetheart. Anything you want." See what he meant by 'sheer stupidity'?

He had voiced out his concern to Jean but as usual, she just laughed at his ridiculousness and waved a dismissive hand. "It's part of growing up," she told him. She continued with saying the painful reality that no matter how much he protected his precious daughter from 'monstrous' boys, she still would be exposed to them, especially once Hermione starts to go to school.

Hence, he merely watched as Hermione wrote a short invitation to her new friend. It still made him suspicious that they were keeping in contact through an owl he deemed intelligent. Draco's owl, Andros, had swooped down in their dining table one lunch time and dropped a letter on Hermione's lap. The little brunette opened the letter and it turned out it was from Draco, and after that, they were writing each other letters.

Knock. Knock.

The sound of knocking followed by an excited scream from the kitchen had cut Mister Granger off his musing. Little Hermione's bare feet padded against the floor, slightly muffled by their carpet. In just a few seconds, she was in front of the door and she opened it with a bang. There stood the handsome young boy, this time wearing a simple brown shirt and small khaki shorts. He was sporting a small smile, flaunting his adorable dimple on his left cheek.

"Hi, Hermione," he said.

Hermione, unable to contain her joy, launched herself into his arms and hugged him. "I'm so happy you came!"

Mister Granger's eyes turned into thin slits as the blond boy's cheeks turned into pink.

Newton, Hermione's cat, came out of nowhere and was now rubbing his cheek against the boy's legs. Draco chuckled, and then bent down to scoop the cat into his arms. "Hello, Newton."

"Draco," Jean said, announcing her arrival.

Draco's eyes landed on him and his wife. He placed Newton back on the floor and straightened up. His face was the epitome of utter respect, despite his young age, as he bent down. "Good evening, Hermione's Mommy and Daddy."

Mrs. Granger laughed and approached the young boy, straightening him up. "No need to be formal, honey." Jean looked at her husband and raised an eyebrow.

Harold scowled and subtly rolled his eyes. "Draco Malfoy," he merely said and the little boy looked back at him with wide eyes.

Jean cleared her throat. Mister Granger's eyes landed on his wife and raised an eyebrow. "Remember what you promised," he mouthed and Mrs. Granger released an exhausted sigh.

"Well," she said, "who wants to help me make the pudding?"

Hermione exclaimed an excited "me" and bounded off towards her mother. She then looked back at Draco. "Do you want to help, too?"

Before the little boy could even answer, Mrs. Granger piped in, "Let him explore our house first, sweetheart. Your father will keep him company."

It was obvious that Hermione wanted to interject but in the end allowed her mother to pull her into the kitchen.

Newton stared at the man and boy with his yellow eyes and decided to follow his mistress. Harold thought the cat could sense something tensioned coming.

Now, only her father and Hermione's new friend were left in the living room. A good minute passed between the two, the older still staring down at Draco. The blond grew uneasy under his gaze and started to rub the back of his neck.

"Sit down," Mister Granger said, gesturing at the sofa. Draco wordlessly nodded his head and sat down. Harold sat down on his favorite chair, opposite the sofa, and the crossed his arms.

"What is your whole name?" he interrogated.

The little boy blinked, clearly not expecting his question, but answered nonetheless. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, sir," he said.

He raised an eyebrow at his address. 'He seems… too polite for a little boy,' he concluded. Draco started to swing his short legs and shot a longing look at the kitchen door.

"Where do you live, Draco?" he continued.

"Near here, Hermione's Daddy," he answered back, his silver eyes averted away from his questioning gaze.

"Where?" he pressed on.

Draco blinked. "Near," he repeated.

Harold released a disgruntled sigh. 'Fine,' he thought. "What is the name of your father?"

"Lucius Malfoy," he said.

Mister Granger raised an eyebrow. Another weird name, he thought. "And what does he do for a living?"

"Um… he's the boss of our company," the little boy said with a slight pout.

"A company?" he asked, surprised. He was more surprised with the fact that his father was heading it. "What does your company do?"

Draco looked ashamedly on his hands. "I can't tell, Hermione's Daddy," he said apologetically. "My Mommy said I can't tell those kinds of things to Muggles."

"Muggles?" Harlod inquired. He was surprised when Draco suddenly realized what he said and clapped a hand against his mouth.

"Oh no," he said, his voice slightly muffled by his hand. "Daddy will be mad at me."

Harold was growing more and more confused as the minutes passed by. "What can't you tell me, boy?" he softly growled, slightly glaring at the five-year-old.

Draco shivered under his gaze and looked away. "I can't tell, Hermione's Daddy! I can't tell!" He sounded panicky, almost close to hysteria that Mister Granger chose to drop the subject off. After all (which was fairly unfair to him), Draco Malfoy was still just a boy.

"Fine," he said. "Tell me something about your mother, then."

"M-my Mommy?" he asked, still reeling from what had happened a while ago. "Her name's Narcissa Malfoy."

"And yet another weird name," Harold cried aloud, ignoring the surprised look on the blond's face. "What does your mother do now?"

Draco frowned. "She poses on magazines, Hermione's Daddy," he claimed. "And… and hosts huge balls every time we have our birthdays and… and during Chrstimases, too."

"Magazines? Balls?" he said, eyes bulging every after word. "I am starting to think that you are from a rich family, Draco."

He nodded his head enthusiastically. "We are! We are!" he announced. "We live in a huge manor and… and famous people go to our house." Draco proudly puffed out his chest, pride oozing out from his five-year-old form. "I have all the toys I ask from my parents that other children do not have."

"Ah," Mister Granger said, raising an eyebrow. 'A spoiled child,' he thought, shaking his head. 'Not good for my Hermione.'

Harold then took a deep breath, stood up into his fullest height and approached the little boy. Draco looked up at him, his adorable gray eyes wide with wonder and slight fear, and waited for him to talk.

"Okay, let's get down to business, shall we?" he asked. Mister Granger slightly leaned down, almost nose-to-nose with Draco. "We are currently having this man-to-boy talk, Draco Malfoy, because I want to know what you want from my Hermione."

Draco blinked. Thrice. "I-I want to be her friend, sir," he said, his respectful tone back once again. Harold concluded that if he was being guarded, his politeness would resurface, no matter how unsuitable it was for a little child like him.

"A friend, you say," Mister Granger said, rolling his eyes. He straightened up and started to pace back and forth, Draco's eyes following his every step. "Say, Mister Malfoy, have you heard of the word" – he stopped right in front of Draco – "marriage?"

A confused look settled on his face. "Ma-wage?"

"Marriage," Harold corrected.

Draco pouted. "Is that a game, Hermione's Daddy?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "It sounds fun."

Mister Granger scoffed, slightly affronted with what he was saying. "Marriage, little boy, is something sacred. Yes, it can be fun, but it is not supposed to be something deemed as merely a game. Do you understand me?"

The blond only stared.

Harold sighed tiredly to the heavens above and once again leaned closer to the blond. "If you are thinking of whisking away my daughter from me for marriage, child, then you are making a grievous mistake." Mister Granger's cheeks slightly colored with irritation. "I am warning you, despite your young age, I want you to stay away from my daughter. You will grow up as a handsome, fine boy and I am positive that you will be breaking the hearts of a lot of girls." He took a deep breath and stared squarely into his eyes. "I do not want my Hermione to experience that from the likes of you. Understand, boy?"

Draco, at first, only stared at him, unadulterated surprise on his face as he stared back at the grown man in front of him. But then, to Harold's sheer astonishment, the tell-tale signs of tears appeared. Draco's bottom lip quivered and tears gathered at the corner of his eyes.

"Good God," he announced at the same time the little boy burst into loud sobbing.

"DADDY!" Hermione exclaimed, stomping out of the kitchen with her small face screwed up into fury. "Why did you make him cry?"

Harold's eyes widened in disbelief. "I did not, Hermione. I swear," he promised, watching as his little princess dashed pass him and towards the crying boy.

"Oh, Harold," was Mrs. Granger's disapproving greeting, also stepping out of the kitchen. She was still wearing her apron as she shook her head. "Real mature."

"I did not!" he cried, looking wildly at Draco. "I was merely asking a question about marriage and he burst into tears."

"Marriage?" she asked incredulously. Jean scoffed. "He's just a boy, mister. What are you doing asking ridiculous questions to a mere five-year-old?"

Mister Granger scowled. "I don't care if he's a boy or a man or a bloody" – "HAROLD!" – "minotaur. All I am asking is for him to stay away from my daughter."

Mrs. Granger's face morphed into irritation and wagged a finger in front of his face. "We are going to talk about this later, Harold." And just like Hermione, she brushed pass him.

"I didn't do anything!" he cried once again. "Why can't anybody believe me?" He swiveled around and glared at the crying boy who was now wiping his tears with the use of his little hands.

"Stop crying, Inspector Draco Malfoy," Hermione said, also already tearful. "Please stop crying already."

And, to Mister Granger's extreme horror, Hermione enveloped him into her arms. And the insolent boy had the nerve to wrap his arms around her torso and to hold her tight.

While his wife and daughter were busily fawning over the hysterical boy, Mister Granger chanced a glare at the blond's direction, and to his surprise, he was looking at him, too. And, to increase his surprise, ten-fold, the scared and lost look on his face momentarily disappeared just so he could smirk above Hermione's shoulders and triumphantly stick out his tongue. The little boy even made a huge show of tightening his hold around Hermione.

Harold almost had a heart attack, eyes staring disbelievingly at the boy. 'An act!" he cried inside his mind. 'He was merely acting!' Oh, he had never seen such a sly and cunning person in his whole life... a five-year-old, no less!

Mister Granger labeled Draco Malfoy as a very dangerous person, no matter what his age was. Therefore, a mission had started; a mission he knew would cause him either life or death; a mission he knew would save his daughter's happiness and love.

'You want to play?' Harold said, glaring holes into the blond's form. 'Fine. Then let's play a game.'

Ever since that day, Mister Harold Granger knew his life would never be the same anymore.

And it was all thanks to Draco Malfoy.

A/N: Well, that's was the first chapter! How'd you like it?

This little plot bunny bit me out of nowhere after reading one of the reviews for the "Inspector Draco Malfoy" part. So, I gave it a shot. I mean, there are quite a lot of stories about Lucius' and Narcissa's reactions every time Draco falls in love with Hermione and vice versa and there were a few, if not none at all, that even tells the story of what Hermione's parents' reaction would be towards this development between the supposedly enemies.

The next few chapters will be... interesting, I suppose. Harold Granger can be a little possessive, eh? I'm still in the process of finishing the last chapter so don't worry about the update. I think I'll update on Sunday or Monday, I'm not really sure.

That's it for now! Once again, I'll be more infrequent in this site. Who knew college preparations would be so busy? What more if I'm already a college student? I just know that I will be writing again soon so do watch out for me.

With love,