Kingdom Hearts © Square Enix

Episode XXV: Eureka

All that happened in an approximate span of 7 days—have a shortcut: a week—went by in a blur.

Yes. Definitely, a blur.

For Naminé Ridley—no, no, we should call her Shinra now, approximately 24 years of age, her life has been a fucking blur the day her boss found out that Rufus Shinra, along with his family which happens to be a family Naminé is a part of (unfortunately), is alive and standing in front of him while she'd been sweating buckets in her seat as her dad and stalker go on a staring contest of all things. Her mother raised a surprised hand to her mouth—which is clichéd and no one cares—, Tidus was looking at the scene obliviously and Charles—call him Cloud. Cloud the Strife. Cloud Strife at your service—stood there awkwardly behind their dad, staring at Vanitas like he grew a Black Chocobo on his head.

Said man dared to blink.

A multitude of events happening all at once was what Vanitas would like to call it. Everything was suddenly moving! No, I mean, really. No sooner than a nanosecond, chaos surrounded him, feet scrambling and the lights suddenly going out and the blinds being drawn. Vaguely, he could hear Naminé's panicked voice somewhere, but honestly he didn't have the sanity to care at the moment. Shoko quickly shut the doors. Naminé fastened the blinds to a close. Tidus suddenly kicked the lights off and everything was so dark.

Moreover, why wasn't he doing anything!? Sitting here like a useless piece of mannequin while the Ridley, or should we call it, SHINRA residence descend into an incomprehensible tangle of chaos.

Jesus fucking Christ. He says the word Shinra once and everyone loses their minds. What is it with people and their issues with the Shinra family!? Most importantly, what is this branch of Shinra's deal with their own kin!?

A few seconds later, everything settled down. The voices hushed to conspiratorial whispers (it sounded so, get off his back!) and Vanitas finds himself staring and in the dark of what exactly is happening. A single light illuminated the center of the table and the chairs scraped to seat its owners. At the very front sat Rufus Shinra himself.

Out of Vanitas' own volition, he began to feel uncharacteristically nervous. Then again, who wouldn't? He was sitting in front of the man everyone thought had been dead and whatever. He might as well been a ghost! …was he? What if his third eye had already opened and he is witnessing the gathering of a dead family (but that would mean Naminé is too, but…)!? Holy shit. Vanitas felt like he was one of those people taken in for questioning in a dark, awful room with a swinging lamp at the ceiling, trying to intimidate him. Psh. No one, nothing intimidates Vanitas Fair.

They were all staring at him now, and he put on his most-serious game face. Pfft. Yeah, right.

Just what the fuck has happened, and what the fuck is President Rufus Shinra doing here?

"What the fuck just happened?" he asked, eyes wide as he stood up. Actually, cancel that idiotic statement about his most serious-game face. This is no time to be serious. It's time for hysterics, and demanding answers!


"—you never told me you—" he made wild gestures gesturing the family.

"—I was but—"

"—oh man, what a discovery! I—"

"—sit down—"

"—NO! I mean the Shinras are standing in front of me—" Vanitas pointed to her, eye twitching.

"—would you PLEASE—"


"—can you let me speak for God's sake—"

"—you're a Shinra." He breathed, deflating back to his seat, after a solid minute of overreacting. Naminé threw her hands up with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, thank you for your consideration." She narrowed her eyes at him, and stiffened when she heard her father clear his throat behind her. Vanitas' stare went towards the most powerful man from years and years ago.

Vanitas Fair was star-struck. And he never is most of the time, so this is big news. Big news indeed. IT'S PRACTICALLY WORLDWIDE NEWS! Who wouldn't be shocked when they find out that the most influential man from years ago, who had ran away with his woman and disowned himself for said woman, the man who wore expensive white suits now wore worn-out jeans and a dirty brown coat, the man that had been proclaimed missing and people are still looking for him, is standing right here, right there, in this house, in this isolate village? And who wouldn't be surprised that his daughter was his secretary that he'd been shamelessly mooching off with for the last few months? Tell me. Name a person who wouldn't be stunned to silence.

Maybe you, but hey, what are the odds?

Oh God.

He was sitting in the Shinra family's dining table while said family is in hiding from the masses. He is sitting, in front of the Shinra family. He is sitting, in front of Rufus Shinra himself. Holy fuck, Rufus Shinra is sitting across him.

"It's been a while since we met, haven't we? Son of Zack?" That authoritative voice belonged to no one but the Shinra president himself indeed. And more so, he finds himself straightening up in his seat out of own self-preservation. He could have sworn he saw the man crack a small smile through the poor lighting. "I can safely suffice you've grown the last time I saw you."

"Yes…sir." He's allowed to feel breathless right? Right. You are so not cool today.

"It must be coincidence that you met my daughter." He chuckled. Said daughter shrunk on her seat and refused to look at him. "And it really is a coincidence that you are here. Is that right, Naminé?"

She sighed. "Dad, believe me. It was not any of my intention to bring—" she gestured to all of Vanitas, who scowled lightly at her, "—him, here with me." Rufus gave her a pointed look. "Alright, alright. We made a bet. I lost. I lost, so he helped me come here despite my wishes—"

"Wait," Tidus rose in his seat slightly, "You're the reason why sis is here?"

"—and I'm not done talking yet," Naminé interrupted, while Tidus only shot her a grin. "So, he wouldn't go back and refused to go home. I prayed he wouldn't find out, but he did anyway."

"It's part of the plot." Vanitas shrugged. "I was bound to know somehow."

"Yeah, I know." Naminé glared at him. " Hence, "the truth shall set you free" blah blah blah—"

"Alright, that's enough, Naminé." Rufus said, smiling in amusement. "Mr. Fair, let's get down to business shall we?"

Uh-oh. He gulped inaudibly.

"Yes, Mr. President." Vanitas nodded, keeping his cool intact, although it was getting harder and harder by the seconds that pass. What kind of business, exactly? He wished—as he caught a glimpse of 2 proud shotguns hanging in a rack behind Cloud—it wouldn't include murder. Life is rather shitty, but he liked to live, frankly speaking.

Rufus Shinra laughed. "Boy, I haven't been called by that title in so long!" the laughter died. "The last time I was called that was a close encounter with the Turks. And Shoko here almost shot." said woman rubbed an arm self-consciously. "Well. I don't want this to be long, but please. Please, keep this a secret." Rufus sighed. "With the search still on, it isn't exactly safe for us being here or being anywhere. We had to move from town to town, city to city, slums to suburbs…everywhere. We can't go out of the country either. Witnesses are around and some had already told on us, and we had to move again."

"Thankfully, Midgar is the nicest place we've been into for years," Shoko cut in, and Rufus smiled softly at her as she continued, "People understood us. As long as you treat them the way you want them to treat you, your deepest secrets are kept. That's why Naminé here was able to go and study. And I can see how much she's grown over the years."

Vanitas glanced at said blonde, who was pointedly ignoring him, cheeks red.

"Only Naminé had been able to go." Tidus pouted, crossing his arms. "Cloud and I couldn't since there were already reports about me and him. Not sis though."

"I had to thread through dangerous waters, pipsqueak." Naminé shuddered. "It's not easy."

"Of course it wouldn't." Cloud, who had been silent through the conversation, spoke, startling his sister. "Everything had to be falsified. Papers, birth certificates, passports…it was a good thing mom knew how to do those things."

"Isn't that...uh, kind of illegal?" Vanitas finally asked, and Naminé nodded at his question.

"Well, duh." She shrugged.

"Naminé." Shoko chastised.

The golden-eyed Fair snickered quietly. "What?" Naminé whined. Shoko just rolled her eyes. "Pfft…going back, everything is illegal alright. Those papers that I gave you when you hired me, though, were not all lies. I did graduate in Radiant Garden Uni and my birthday is on May 4. Oh and, the Ridley is obviously fake."

"I can see that." Vanitas sat up straighter. "You know…once someone finds out they're fake, you know you'll get caught. What happens then?"

"We know." Rufus laced his fingers together. "That is why we would need your cooperation on this, son of Zack."

"Please call me Vanitas." He offered, and Rufus looked at him for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"...Vanitas, alright." Rufus released a deep breath. "Now that you know I'm, well, alive…I would like you to keep it a closed book." His tone was serious. "No one should ever find out, and since you are obviously well-acquainted with my daughter, I would like you to keep her safe from anything that might reveal her real identity." If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now for sure. Naminé's his daughter for sure. "This is very crucial, and as much as I hate to have my family suffering like this because of me, I have to take measures to keep them safe." Rufus sighed regretfully. "It's never been my intention to place anyone in this family in danger, and it's all my fault." Icy blue cobalt clashed against golden amber. "So, please. It's a risky situation, but we are going to trust you."


"Please, Vanitas." The latter was rendered mute with the emotions he saw through the former President's eyes. The windows to the soul, they say.

Rufus Shinra was desperate. Rufus Shinra was confused. Rufus Shinra was scared. Rufus Shinra was determined. Rufus Shinra was afraid.

What he saw in front of him, right now, was not Rufus the mighty president of the Shinra Corporations. A man. A man torn by pride and family, his family's sole safety being his only burden. The image was so clear and vivid. And this man trusted him to keep this secret. It can't ever be described as light and small, this secret. Vanitas swallowed the lump in his throat. Keeping secrets are so not his forte, but if it meant keeping a man's family by his side and not torn by his other family's doing, to hell with keeping secrets not being his forte.

"Alright, sir Rufus."

He spared a look towards Naminé. She had his wide-eyed look in her face and she looked so fricking grateful and he looked away because he was beginning to get googly-eyed again. Damn it.

He heard the loud sigh of relief from Shoko, and the excited 'whoop' of Tidus as he jumped, and Cloud's silent chuckle of approval. Rufus smiled at him and offered him a handshake, which he returned. Well, that went better than they thought. Naminé was able to slump in her seat from being too nervous.

Now she could breathe nicely—

"I'd like a preposition, though, Mr. Shinra." Naminé stopped moving.

"Oh, well, alright." Her father said, shrugging, as he looked at Vanitas with a questioning stare. "What is it?"

Cloud and Tidus were helping their mother open the blinds, curtains and doors, leaving the three in the dining room alone with one occupant sitting frozen in her seat.

Vanitas sent the Shinra daughter a smug smirk.

"In exchange of your identities, would you please allow me to court your daughter? Seeing as how she always refuses to go on dates with me?"

You. Little. Shit.

Naminé watched, gaping, as he asked her father, telling him that "Maybe she would want her father's permission first before saying yes." and while her father laughed, she took all willpower to not hurl that still-cooling candle wax unto his smug face.

"I don't see why not." Rufus smiled at his daughter, and his answer made her gape wider,

"…Why, dad? Oh, this betrayal is a grand one, dad." she groaned, burying her reddening face unto her hands. SHAME. BEAR IT, BITCH.

"I'd like some grandchildren too, Nami. Seeing as Cloud here isn't making any effort to get himself a wife."

"Stop encouraging him dad!" she squeaked, seeing the grin on Vanitas' face to stretch wider, "You're giving him ideas!"

"I'll leave you two alone, then." Her father had this mischievous glint in his eyes as he went out of the dining room, and Vanitas turned to the scowling, but blushing blonde and placed his hands on his hips, smirking victoriously.

"Court me? Really?" she almost shrilled.

"What's wrong with it?" Vanitas shrugged at her, "Would you rather I drag you somewhere dark and do you? Because you know, it isn't a bad idea—"

"You speak another word; this fucking candle will go down your throat,"

"That's what she said."

"…I give up."

Vanitas grinned at her and leaned on he table. "Although, to be honest, Goldilocks, I didn't expect you to be, well…"

"A Shinra?" she chuckled. "Mom tells me I look more like dad, but no one ever notices."

"Who cares?' he shrugged. "Now I can blackmail you." He grinned.

"See, this is EXACTLY one of the reasons I didn't want to tell you." She glared at him helplessly. "How am I supposed to know that we, I, can trust you with this?" Vanitas blinked. "You're careless with your words and you don't care with whatever you say and do, and you even asked my father to court me. Really? How am I going to trust you on this?"

"Do I look like a guy who lets big secrets like these out in the open?" he opened his arms wide, as if welcoming her. A slap, a punch, a kiss, anything.


"So blunt," Vanitas rolled his eyes. "Listen," he took her forearms and forced her to look into his eyes—wide and close-up, and she gulped quietly at the lack of distance between them."What do you see?"

"…uhh…yellow eyes?" she asked stupidly.

"You're officially an idiot." He knocked his forehead to hers lightly, and she glared at him at the comment. "Look, Naminé. Look."

And she did.

She searched for any signs that he would reveal her. Anything, any reason or lie or explanation—nothing. Anything that will hurt her trust. Anything that will say otherwise. Anything he couldn't say and wouldn't say. Anything, something, one thing that will lose her from him. But, you know? Here is the truth, and there is none that she sees that will break her trust. He was telling the truth. Just honest-to-God truth. Naminé sighed. Fine.

"Alright." She pouted in frustration, to cover up her insecurity. It's been a while since she was looked into the eyes that close—she felt her soul being bared in front of him then and there, exposing her fears and weaknesses that she kept bay behind tall walls of concrete. It made her shudder. "I believe you."






"Dammit." She sighed, fighting off a smile, "Crystal."

Vanitas pinched her cheek in a strangely adoring manner. "There's that smile." Naminé couldn't hold back a blush. You simply don't hold in a blush. It takes a lot of effort to hold back a fluster. She wished someone knew how to hold back a blush, and she'd make them teach her how to hold back a blush, because it is so not cool to blush uncontrollably from a generically simple compliment. Especially with this guy. No compliment is ever simple with this man.


There. She admits it already, shut up.

"So," his hands took an unexpected detour to the hem of her shirt and began to tug, as if he wanted it off, and the blush that Naminé has been holding back for so long sprang up like a couch spring. No shame. Absolutely, no shame at all. The bastard. "Let's go cliff-diving."

"What?" Now where the fuck did he get this crazy idea?

"Let's go cliff-diving." He repeated with a cheeky smile.

Naminé held one up. "Wait. One, where the hell are we going to go cliff-diving? Two, what the hell for? Three, what the hell?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. He does know, actually. What, did you think he's not going to do a bit of research on the place that his beloved Nami-chan was planning to go? What if it's unsafe? What if she gets into trouble? What if she's been away for so long that she forgot just how hazardous Midgar really is? Gasp! What if she dies? Now, that possibility is one thing he would never want to live with no matter how inevitable. A Vanitas Regis would only ever be as good enough with a Naminé Shinra. She actually means a lot more to him than he lets on, you know.

There. He admits it already, shut up.

Okay, something light turned dark and serious than expected. Let's go back.

"I just felt like it. Come on," he drawled, pulling her a little more closer. Naminé huffs out a flustered, stuttering breath. "Let's go. It's our vacation, right? There's a reason why

"My vacation! Shut up!" she whined.

"Let's go to Healen Lodge!" Tidus interjected. Shoko seconded the motion. Cloud moved to close the decision. Rufus announced the decision is final. Naminé cried out in despair.

Thoroughly spent and psychologically exhausted from all the heights she was forced to jump by a certain douchebag, Naminé saw no reason why she couldn't go ahead and collapse on her bed the moment she entered after a long hot bath. She also saw no reason to give a care when said douchebag followed her inside her room, since, technically, it was also where he was supposed to sleep in. When asked why, please refer to Shoko Shinra for help.

Okay she said it was okay because apparently to her knowledge, Vanitas was Naminé's boyfriend.

The Shinra men were too beat to protest and simply waved off Naminé's desperate calls for help.

Vanitas had shared a high-five with her mom.

Naminé hated him so much as much as she wanted to tear his hair out for being Adonis-incarnate. Wait what?

"I do not want to do that again." She whined through the mattress. "My knees are still shaking!"

Vanitas laughed somewhere around her room. "You say that, but you were laughing so much earlier." A finger poked her head and she groaned. "Admit it. You had fun, goldilocks."

"No comment."

"Psh. By saying "No comment" you already commented. Seriously. Use your brain, woman."

"Are you calling me brainless, fucker?"

"Ah, well, I didn't say that now…you did, stupid."

Naminé twitched and rose as quick as she could. Vanitas was quick to be on the defense with a pillow. The wind picked up and a tumbleweed passed by as our two main characters stared; the calm before a storm! Lightning cracked and the wind whistled its chime. A battle cry—

"Prepare for trouble!" from our blonde heroine!

"And make it double!" cries our gorgeous manwhore adversary!

And so, cue the pillowfight!

Naminé used Battle Cry! Foe Vanitas used Taunt! Naminé's anger rose! Naminé used Death Tackle! Foe Vanitas' defense lowered! Foe Vanitas used Haul and Smack! It was very effective! What shall Naminé do? Fight? Item? Fight? Run? There is no running from Foe Vanitas Fair! Naminé used Growl! It wasn't very effective...Foe Vanitas used Surprise Attack!

Naminé yelped when the bastard slipped in the midst of his attack.

"Hey look out!" She cried, eyeing the severity and the major major problem that he'll have if he continues that oh so graceful descent to the floor. So she resorted to the most clichest thing possible. She pulled him to her.

A decision she knows she would surely and positively regret like drinking orange juice after brushing one's teeth.


A whine.

A curse.

Then everyone's best friend: silence.

Is this a pillow? I hope it's a pillow. Pretty please please please. She hoped, until Naminé opened her eyes and realized that, no, it was not a pillow at all, and yes, the mother cliche of all cliches has happened yet again with the culprit of their fight currently staring at her. On top of her. To her chagrin.

Though the door was locked, there was no guarantee that the men of her family would no doubt kick it down from all that scuffle they've been doing. What, running and shrieking and stomping and yelling of course someone would have to wonder just what the hell is going on between their daughter and her apparent-but-not-really-boyfriend all alone in the same room? No, nope. Nothing. Lies.

What makes matters worse is that he's managed to trap her again, for the umpteenth time, and she doesn't know how to take it as she was pinned to the side of her own bed. And the pinner was just creepily staring at her like a wax statue.

"Hey, hey you." Feeling immensely awkward, she slapped one of his cheeks.

Vanitas scowled at her. "I like you, but sometimes your hand is made of iron, y'know?" He whines.

"W-well, that's not my problem, douchebag. I mean you can both do us an extremely huge favor if you just, I don't know, get off me, maybe?" Naminé retorts hotly, her reply as scorching as her cheeks.

"But it's cozier and warmer this way. Wouldn't you agree, baby?" He smirked when he could literally feel the way her skin crawled from disgust. She was so easy to rile up; maybe he should do a list of all the things that made her tick, so he could just pick a random number or something and do it just to annoy her. He grinned wider at her; yeah, that's a good plan indeed.

Her grimace, however, told him that it wasn't. He doesn't care. Not like he'll actually do that…maybe. Possibly.…Or maybe not on her specifically. Someone like…the Hellcat from Hell? Or Naminé? Or the Hellcat from Hell? Vanitas shrugged.

"Oh my god, can I just, like, get my memory wiped from you calling me that? Ugh, ew, seriously." Vanitas locked her in an embrace and stole a kiss to her cheek.

"Hey! Stop that!"

And another. "Douchebag!"

And another… "Stop, please."

So he did, with a pleased smile.

She stared at him seriously, fingers clutching his shirt, not a word said, which boggled his mind. She doesn't last very long when it comes to silence. Silence is not her friend. Speaking her mind is. Which is why he grew uncomfortable; this Naminé is a stranger to him and she is staring at him oh so seriously and all he could think about is what would happen if he kissed her.

Vanitas dug his forehead against hers instead, and basked on the annoyed frown that appeared when he did. Yes, here is the Naminé he knew. He vaguely wondered if he was ready to face the other Naminé yet.

"You're awfully sweet today." Naminé mutters. He follows the direction of her fingers with his eyes, once clutching his shirt, now going up his shoulders, up, and up until her nails are scratching on the hairs on his nape, leaving a tingly sensation of heat that spread throughout his body. He is very sensitive there, but she doesn't need to know that. He doesn't bother to hide his pleased disposition either; a small smirk that made her scoff. "Ass."

"How do say I'm sweet today? I'm always sweet." He counters. He wraps his hands and arms around her small waist fully, leaning back and saving her from a sore back and on the floor. He could barely care if it was probably dirty—missing a chance to see a gorgeous woman above you was a chance he won't take.

Naminé grunts, blushing. "I don't know. You just…seem like it. Tidus liked you. Cloud actually gave you tips about riding chocobos, which does not happen often. Mom likes you too much. Dad…well, I don't really know…but he seems, approving of you. You've met my family. You've spent time with my family and goddamn it, I can already see how much they like you already. You now know who I really am, what my background is, and even though you had all the chance to call anyone about what you discovered today, you didn't. Yet." She ducked her head. "Any person who has the knowledge of this will be on the run to tell my grandparents. Or anyone, for the matter."

The conflict in her voice is real. "This matters greatly to me, Vanitas. I love my family. And with you knowing, we have our lives basically at stake here. I don't want Tidus to experience what Cloud and I have been through before he was born."

"I'm not blind nor am I a complete asshole, Naminé." Vanitas grins. But he sees the expression on her face, far on the mood for jokes, and drops the grin, opting for a more serious grimace. "Besides, I may be an asshole, but this asshole is in-love with you."

"You're getting married." She retaliates with a blank expression, most likely to repel the blush on her cheeks.

"I don't have a choice."

"You do have a choice. You're just not acting on it enough for your mother to actually take you seriously, dumbass." At this, Vanitas silenced. Naminé blinked at him in incredulity, fully realizing just exactly what his situation was. In her months of being in a "affair" with this genius of moronic antics, she knew him well enough to say that he isn't being taken seriously because of his frequent bouts of mischief and careless bullshit.

"You know, you actually do have a point on that one." He hummed. "But you know, how am I sure that it's not too late to act now? How are you sure that I still have the right to choose after all the shit I've done? How are we both sure that whatever's going to happen after I made a choice that I want and not for the benefit of anyone, that it will accepted? How am I sure? How are you sure? Because I sure as hell aren't sure, Naminé. That's the fucking truth right there."

Her mouth opens for a little. Which is kind of a bad move, considering whom she was with and what position they currently are in. Vanitas could barely control the urge to kiss her there and then. This is such a bad time to be turned on, man, he berated himself for ever giving into his libido every time that he couldn't even build up a resistance. Being attracted to a hard-headed woman like Naminé, however, had made him a bit more concrete. Barely. The walls were kind of brittle and weak as of the moment.

Then, she shrugs. "It's not too late to change, Vanitas. Maybe then, you'd know."


Funny how easily she speaks of that.

Does he even deserve change, too?

He's not too sure. No confidence about that. None at all. Null. Nil.

He's been a complete…he didn't even know. He fooled around with various shit enough ever since he could run. Too late to make amends for those.

So Vanitas resorts to the last thing he knows: does what he can do best in. "Whatever." Evasion. "I'll take the floor. Take the bed." Vanitas mumbles as he moved away from her, and he turns off the lamp, leaving a flabbergasted Naminé in his wake. She didn't move for a little while, just silently observing the shifts in his silhouette amid the darkness of her childhood room, still propped against the side of her bed. Sometimes the man uttered obscene swear words when he hit something from moving too much. She couldn't help but think, despite her confusion, that he should have just taken the fucking bed if he kept complaining like this.

From the looks of it, he never experienced the comforting hardness of the floor on one's back. Ha ha ha. She rolled her eyes. 'About time he did!' Inner Nami cried out.

But what did he mean, though? Is he hinting at something? What? What? What? She was dying to know what.

Grabbing all her pillows and blankets off her bed, she threw them near him and surprised the living daylights of Vanitas when she did.

"Hey, what the hell?"

"You're a guest, dumbass. You take the bed."

"Are you retarded? Who in their right minds would let a lady sleep on the cold, hard floor? Certainly not me, since I told you to take the bed, like, two minutes ago and yet here you are. What the fuck?" he shot back. He sounded almost annoyed. Naminé smirked at him even though he couldn't see.

"Fine, then I'll go join you to sleep here."

"On the floor?"

"Well, duh. I think you're the blonde here, Vanitas."

"We could really use the bed, darling, since the primary use of it is for people to sleep in it. Not leave it for the floor."

"Experience the floor experience, Fair. Now get under the blanket or you'll get a cold."

Shoko Shinra wondered in the morning just what the hell her daughter and her apparent boyfriend was doing on the floor when she went to call them down for breakfast. She'd never know, of course. The only thing she and the rest of the Shinra family sans Naminé will know is that he would be having an intense pain in the neck, as well as a sore back the moment he wakes up.

Um, yeah. I'm very very very rusty on this. A blind man can tell I wasn't even trying! Hellashit, man. Fight me about it so I can get my groove back up and be famazing about it. Also, no excuse. FIGHT ME ABOUT BEING IRRESPONSIBLE. YEAH COME AT ME! DDD: I HAVE NO EXCUSE.

What ending shit do I say again? idk bros omg.