Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way:
It's been a year since Corinne and Louis got married. That year was more peaceful than the last, there were still a couple attacks, nothing very serious though. Today was their First Anniversary. They were hosting a ball for the occasion, mostly because one of the court's traditionalists insisted.
"Your majesty, you must stay and greet the guests," One of the court members called to where Corinne was talking with the girls.
"Coming!" Corinne called back, then she said good-bye to the girls, and went to stand by her beloved Louis.
She sighed, "I'm queen, and still don't get to make my own decisions."
Louis looked at her, "It's all part of the royal thing. You have to listen to the court members." Corinne rested her head on his shoulder.
"Is being bored to death part of my job too?" Corinne asked. Louis laughed.
"Hey, you still get to go out on musketeer missions." He said.
"Only the boring ones, and I can't do anything myself." She said, "I'm always surrounded by escorts."
"Do you know how many people would want to kidnap the Queen of France." He said.
"No, not really." Corinne said. They greeted a Duke and Duchess. Corinne sighed, "And I really hate talking like this, I'm twenty-one not fifty-one."
Louis chuckled, "You'll get used to it."
"Easy for you to say, you've been trained to act boring." Corinne said, "I don't do boring."
"No, you don't," Louis said, "but it's not like you have to change."
"No, I just have to be nice all the time," Corinne said, "I'm not nice." She was right. She was kind, but not nice. She had her limits, and was everything but a pushover.
"I forgot how annoying you are." Louis said, "at least we're together." A smile appeared on the blonde's lips.
"Yeah, at least that'll never change." She said, "you know life isn't perfect, but I wouldn't want it to be any different." Louis smiled down at her. She was right. The only thing they could be sure of is that their life is not in any way perfect nor will it ever be, but for what is in their life, they wouldn't have it any other way.
It was as close to perfect as anyone's life could be.
Done. Finally done. This story was so much fun to write. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. Review please.