Summary: Tag to season 9 finale. 'Till Death Do Us Part' Gibbs/Tony Slash.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their owners. No copyright infringement is intended. I am just playing.
A/N: So, I have never written a story like this before. I was very nervous about posting it so, I had a few people look it over and they all gave me very different advice. I went through and did what I thought was right, if there are mistakes they are mine. Thanks to all of you wonderful people who helped me out and gave me the courage to post!
Gibbs awoke to the sound of Abby's panicked voice. She was shaking him. Her voice sounded higher than normal, the way it only sounded when she gets anxious.
"Gibbs, please wake up. A bomb went off. It's bad, Gibbs. Let's go!"
The bomb…he remembered now. His ears were ringing and he felt like someone had hit him with a two-by-four, but as far as he could tell, he had escaped the brunt of the explosion. Gibbs sat up slowly and took in the sight around him. There was broken glass everywhere, machines in pieces, tables knocked over. Looking closer at Abby, he saw she had cuts on her face and arms, but didn't seem to be hurt too badly.
He pulled a shaking Abby close to him, pressed a kiss to the top of her head and said in a gentle voice, "It's all right Abs. Everything's going to be all right." He rose, pulling Abby with him and leading the way through the debris, careful to make sure that Abby didn't get hurt more than she already was.
Looking around, he was stunned by the destruction the bomb blast had caused. He moved Abby out of the way when he saw other agents and emergency personnel rushing to help victims pinned down by the twisted wreckage. Once they were outside, he got his first good look at the remains of the building and felt like he had been punched in the gut.
It was destroyed. The windows were shattered and huge hole was now present in the side of the building. Scanning the area he tried to find the other members of his team. McGee was being treated by an EMT, blood was running down his lip and he had a huge gash over his eye, but he was alert and talking to the paramedic in a shaky voice. Vance was barking out orders to whoever would listen. Realizing that Tony and Ziva were nowhere to be seen, a terrifying thought entered his head. "Tony…What if Tony didn't make it?"
"Abby, go with McGee. I need to find Tony and Ziva."
Fighting down the fear that threatened to overwhelm him, Gibbs ran back into the building looking for his SFA, knowing that if something happened to Tony, he wouldn't be able to handle it. He needed Tony in a way that he hadn't felt since Shannon. All at once, images of Tony flooded his mind.
The first time he met Tony, back in Baltimore. When Tony pinned him to the ground and how it felt to have Tony on top of him, staring down at him with those intense green eyes.
The first time he touched Tony's face, back when Gibbs was convincing him to join NCIS and he felt an exhilarating shiver run through him.
When Tony showed up in his basement after Wendy had broken off their engagement, and he just sat on the steps in silence. As if Gibbs' presence made everything better. And how, for Gibbs, it felt so right to have the younger man in his home.
Forcing those thoughts away, he continued his path through the devastation. He focused on the task in front of him - he needed to find Tony. That was all that mattered now. Making his way into the bullpen, he was almost unable to recognize the place where he had spent most of the last 20 years. Desks were knocked over, papers scattered everywhere, and the smell of smoke was burning his nostrils. He saw no signs of Tony or Ziva. Then he heard it, a thumping sound coming from the elevator. He ran closer over to the doors.
"DiNozzo? That you?" Gibbs yelled. Thump. "You okay?" Thump. "Is Ziva with you? Thump. "I am going to get you out, just hang on."
He tried to open the doors but couldn't get them apart. Scanning the room, he looked everywhere to find something he could use to pry the doors open. Finally, he found a long piece of metal that looked like it had broken off a desk when the bomb exploded. He stuck the metal piece, heavy enough to use as a crowbar, between the doors and used all of his strength to pry the door open as far as he could.
Gibbs reached his hand in and grabbed Ziva, helping her out. As she was making her way through the doors, the elevator dropped a little and she scrambled to safety, looking scared. Gibbs knew that meant the cable had been weakened by the explosion and was most likely about to snap. "Come on Tony, you have to get out now!" he ordered. Reaching back to grab Tony's hand, he almost had it when the elevator dropped a little more. Gibbs pulled back to regain his position and then the cable snapped, sending the elevator plummeting to the ground. Gibbs felt his heart stop as he watched the elevator car that held his SFA, the man he had secretly loved for so many years, fall, and crash to the bottom of the shaft.
"Tony! Get the paramedics in here now, Ziva!" Gibbs yelled as he ran for the staircase, needing to get to Tony. When he opened the door to the stairwell, he was stunned at the sight in front of him, the stairs had collapsed. He couldn't think straight, his head spinning. How was he going to get down there? "Screw it," he thought to himself as he started to make his way down the stairs, trying to avoid the damaged areas. The stairs were crumbling around him and he was barely able to keep his footing. Getting to the bottom floor, he ran to the elevator doors and slammed his fist against them.
"Tony? Can you hear me?" He heard no response. Gibbs started clawing at the doors using all his strength to try and get the doors apart. All of a sudden, someone was pushing him away. It was Ziva. She had three firefighters with her, who quickly began to work to get Tony out.
"Gibbs, you are just going to get in the way! You have to let them work!" Ziva commanded.
Gibbs felt like he was going to pass out. He leaned against the wall and ran his hands down his face. ", no." he thought." This can't be happening." Tony couldn't be dead. Death was not an option. Gibbs sat there, his world slipping away; wishing Tony would jump up and make a joke or reference some movie. He closed his eyes silently praying. "Please, I need more time with him."
He sat there for what felt like hours. He was aware of voices around him, but they were background noise. He couldn't hear what they were saying. His pulse was beating so loudly in his ears. He felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up he saw Ziva.
"Gibbs, they got Tony out. He is alive, but his injuries look bad. They are taking him to Bethesda."
"Tony's alive." he thought. In somewhat of a haze, he rose and followed Ziva out of the building, feeling out of it. Making his way to his car, Gibbs kept repeating in his head "Tony is fine. He is going to be fine." As he worked desperately to convince himself it was true, he tried to open the door with shaking hands. Out of the blue, he felt Ziva's hand on his. He hadn't realized she was still with him.
She had a worried expression, one he had never seen before. "Let me drive?" she offered softly.
He couldn't find his voice. All he could muster was a small nod of his head before he walked around the car and got in the passenger side. This was one time he was thankful for Ziva's aggressive driving. Sitting in his car, he tried to get his hands to stop shaking. He knew that it wasn't a good idea to let people see him like this, but all he could think about was getting to the hospital, getting to Tony.