Okay, so my last AVP story was…defiantly lacking I may continue but…it might not be likely, I started playing the AVP game again and I finally let go of my pride and played the Marine story, and to say the least I have gained a new respect for both Predator and Alien, they are both freaking terrifying! XD alright but here is my new crack at the AVP series.

Fear gripped me as I stumbled blindly down the corridor, the sounds never stopping. Screams, gun shots, and that clicking noise…I froze turning my eyes wide as I looked back nothing…at least that's what I prayed was there. I walked backwards slowly my heart stopping at every new sound, then it all stopped…

"Hello?" I whispered…

"Hello….Hello…Hello…" I held back a scream as my whisper was played back, then the clicking noises sounded again.

"God…kill me now…"

"Why?" I froze again, the black darkness had spoken but there was no one there…

I sat up in bed and regretted it as my head collided with the bunk above mine.

"Ow shit, Mother—"

"What the fuck just happened?" I glanced up from rubbing my soon to be bruised temple to my partner, Samantha.

"Besides me losing a few more brain cells nothing out of the ordinary…" I sighed, she snickered.

"You have brain cells left?" I growled softly pulling my sweat drenched pillow from the floor and whacking the black haired girl, she dodged my swipe easily still laughing about my admission of still housing brain cells.

"So…why did you whack your head?" I sighed leaning against the wall of our room.

"Bad dream." Her head hung back down, I was tempted to swipe at her again but decided against the attack.

"About?" I sighed.

"No clue, I was running and there was gun fire, and xeno screams, along with people screams…and something else." She looked to me her blue eyes alight with interest.

"Sounds pretty spooky…" I nodded silently, remembering the eerie recording of my fearful whisper and then the reply…I shivered.

"You cold?" I sighed, looking to her I smiled softly.

"Nah…" She sighed, and pulled back up.

"Go back to bed, Corporal is making us take early rounds tomorrow." I sighed hugging my pillow close as I lay back down, sleep over came my fear and thankfully no more dreams plagued me that night.

"Why does he make us do this every damn morning!" I winced as Sam gripped once more about our ever-present situation of landing the ship, Corporal Smith usually had us on this duty, maybe because he was still pissed that Sam had turned down his lunch date…or because I was one of the few people that could pilot the craft. Sam sat in the secondary control seat glaring at the instant coffee in her cup.

"You keep making that face it'll freeze like that…" I mumbled as I checked all the usual aircraft stats. Making sure all engines worked at regular capacity, and if the main deck areas, where many of the other Marines worked was stable with oxygen flow and gravity deployment. I sighed leaning back in my chair.

"So where are we going again?" Sam looked to me her blue eyes dull with lack of sleep.

"Some planet that sent a distress beacon, I think it's a Weyland Yutani colony." Sam perked up a bit.

"Ooo maybe they have a club! And cute colony boys!" I rolled my eyes and checked of the systems deploying some of the power to the back thrusters, we were the one ship of about 10, so it was a simple mission, a drop and go kind of thing.

"Alright Marina, Sam you two are off duty till someone calls and asks for your assistance." I turned there was Corporal Smith, he was your average jar head, clean cut, well built, tanned skin from being out in the sun, and charcoal black eyes. He watched Sam pass; I rolled my eyes holding back a groan. He was practically a dog in heat whenever Sam was around, and sometimes she tended to use that to her benefit. Sam glared ahead and pushed past him, I followed hoping to get in a shower before we landed.

"Hey Marina where are you going?" I turned to smile at Sam.

"I need a shower meet you in the mess hall 'kay?" She nodded and turned left disappearing from sight. I sighed that dream still absorbed in my head. I went to the female wash racks and removed the standard space travel suit, a plain navy blue suit that did nothing for curves. I sighed, I used to be different I had never planed on joining the armed forces, but when Earth began to show signs of becoming uninhabitable many choices where taken from me. Either stay on Earth and die, join the space colony project, or in my case the armed forces….They had placed me in basic training and tested me, one of the only reasons I got into the Marines was because I didn't panic very easily…I blame too much cartoons. I sighed stepping in the warmed liquid solution, it wasn't pure water, no that was saved for drinking instead this chemical solution was used as both cleansing product and energy. I sighed rubbing my neck, Earth had been dead for…15 years now, I was beginning to forget what life was like living on solid ground. I shrugged my shoulders moving them about a little bit then I stretched sighing softly as my joint popped and shifted into place. The shower stopped and I walked out the chemical solution dried almost instantly from my skin, and hair, I paused looking into a mirror across from me, Sam had long black locks beautiful blue eyes and a nice sun kissed tanned skin. I was plain not to say I wasn't somewhat attractive, long brown hair and green eyes, with a soft pale skin and thanks to constant exercise a slim lithe body. I shook my head focus now is not the time to be vain. I pulled on my suit and walked out, only to hear the sirens start blaring…this was new but like any other situation I stayed calm and ran forward to the artillery room, I needed my pistol and my armor.

"Everyone who is not of importance to help get to a damn seat!" I ignored the gruff voice of the Commander, jogging down the hall to the armory, I entered to find a few others had the same idea as me, I pulled on my armor and head set, with both communicator and motion detector…and prayed.

"Marina!" I turned there was Sam ready and armed she threw me my pistol, She and I cried out as the ship jolted and we both felt to the floor.

"We are going down I repeat we are going down!" I looked up and Sam did as well, we grabbed on to something closed our eyes and waited.

All right here is my first crack at it, please read a review.