Notes: So, I've been gone for a while. Had some crazy real life stuff happen, not sure when I'll be back again. This is based off of the movie Poltergeist Report (Which I can't decide if it fits into the time line before or after the fourth season so let's say after? But for some reason everyone is still hanging around the temple? What?) and also any time you happened to see Youko throughout the series.

Dress the Part

"Can I ask a question?"


"I wasn't talking to you Hiei, so butt out!" Yusuke fumed, which Hiei pointedly ignored in favor of watching the tree line. Poker had ended in too many arguments so Kurama had made them quit for the day. As previously stated, the temple could be very boring.

Kurama looked up from his reading, for once not doing homework, and his shoulders fell with a soft sigh. "Yes, I suppose you could."

Yusuke did the most worrying thing to date and looked completely unsure of himself. The fox braced himself for that meant it must be a delicate question and Yusuke sucked at delicate. "So, um, I'm kinda hoping this isn't too soon or anything. . . But um, it's about your past. Y'know? Er, Kuronue specifically."

"Honestly, did they not give you communication skills when you were in Makai? Or your human school for that?" Hiei sneered, and Kurama quietly thanked him for the slight distraction. Hiei was always one to look out for his own, but Kurama was fine with talking of the past.

Before Yusuke could raise to the bait, Kurama waved a hand encouragingly in his direction saying, "Ask Yusuke, it's fine."

Yusuke went from prickly back to unsure, but nodded and cleared his throat. "So, that demon we fought. . . You said he was an exact copy of him?"

"Yes." These questions were getting old, but the fox was a master at polite control.

"So. . . You two were top thieves?"

Hiei rolled his eyes at that one, but Kurama gave an affirmative once more.

"Are you sure you two weren't like. . . Male strippers on the side? I mean, no offence but you had some interesting fashion sense. For thieving? Seriously? I've seen what Youko wore."

Polite control was wearing thin, and perhaps Yusuke was starting to see that subtle change for he gave a rushed, "never mind," and found a fast excuse to go check on Yukina.

Hiei turned curious eyes to the fox, who scowled at his unstated accusations. "We weren't."

"If you say so. Yusuke makes a valid point though, for once."

Kurama honestly wasn't sure why he hung out with these people anymore.