Why do I now write all of my stories at 2 A.M? Regardless, this story is complete, so all the chapters should be posted shorty. I still own nothing.

Chapter One-This Step is Once Again Our First

Some say that just before you die, your life flashes before you eyes. You see all of the vital moments of your life in stark contrast just as the end is nearing. All of your greatest triumphs. All of your biggest regrets. Everything that was ever important to you and no longer is. I never believed such hogwash.

Death, I always assumed, was meant to be just as miserable as life. Most likely painfully sharp and probably quite cold. It would seem to last an eternity, but would also end far too quickly. Everything did. Life sucks and then you die, as put by some god-awful writer. Although I would never put it in such a way, I was generally inclined to agree. After my miserable existence and my terrible choices, I had no hope that there was anything good waiting for me afterwards.

And I was correct. My life did not flash before my eyes when I died. But something entirely other did.

Five words. Five words that had haunted me since the day, since every day, that she and I had made the fatal choices that led her away from me and me away from the light. If she had chosen me. If only. Perhaps this was that world. Perhaps it was another world. Perhaps it was my true world.

A moment under the tree. Our tree. She is a child still. "I'm a freak, I think," she says, looking at the water like this is a casual statement. It is quiet. It is scared. Magic still makes her skittish. She feels she sticks out from this ho-hum world of ours. And those who stick out are outcast and hated before they even understand what is happening.

I pretend, for a moment, that I am brave. That I sweep her off her feet and kiss her senseless, that I am the hero from the adventure novels I like so much. Alas, I am only ten. And yet, I pretend so hard that I surprise myself and almost against my will my hand finds hers. "You could never be a freak," I say quietly-intensely, I like to think. "You're far too special…" to me.

She smiles the smile that makes my insides melt and flutter a little. She squeezes my hand and I'm flying…

I'm under a hat. It is whispering things to be. Your ambition is strong…your rage is passionate…you will be very successful if you learn to channel your talents…and with the right connections….

I am barely listening. She is smiling at me from the Gryffindor table. She mouths 'You'll be fine' and shoots me a little thumbs up from under the table. A boy across the table tries to catch her attention, and succeeds. She looks annoyed at the moment, but for how long? My blood sizzles. I find myself interrupting the hat. PUT ME WITH HER! My words echo in the sudden silence in my head. The hat, which appeared to have just made up its mind, pauses, its mouth partway open.

Ah…so you have already found a direction for your passionate nature…your loyalty moves me. I shall leave it in your hands. You could do great things in Slytherin house…you could change our world, go down in wizarding history, if you play your cards right. Or you could go with her and make your own fate. It is up to you now…

It isn't even really a thought. Despite the hat's words, I hardly even think it should qualify as a choice. Eternal glory would sway me at any other place or time. But without her, it would be worth nothing to me. I wonder if this is what real bravery is. Choosing to make your own destiny, rather than just accepting the one intended for you. Her. Just put me with her. I can almost feel the hat smirking above me. As you wish.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The table is cheering, despite the suspicion on some of their faces. They see the darkness inside of me. The boy is glaring at me, elbowing his cronies. I have chosen a difficult fate. But she is cheering the loudest of all and nothing else matters as I take my place next to her…

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