Our Lives In A Song

The First Line

Disclaimer: I do not own any of them. If I did, I would be rich, I would be writing screenplays and not fics, and I would be at a fundraiser with RDJ and the gang.

Author's note: So the plan is to write one scene or event (completely from my imagination or a continuation of a movie scene) using my favorite song by Dashboard Confessional. I will integrate the lyrics of a line from the song in each chapter. That being said, I'm not too sure how many chapters I will end up with but I hope it's worth your while. I have finished the first three chapters and will post them (hopefully) in a timely manner. See if you can find the lines between the lines. At the end of the series I will name that song if no one has guessed it by then.

AN II: So far it seems most of the chapters will be in third person POV (a very difficult POV to write from in my opinion) with the exception of this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!

AN III: Last one I promise. This chapter is Post Avengers (minor spoilers). If you have not seen it...what are you waiting for? By now I have seen it five times and I am willing to go a sixth *hint hint*.

The world didn't end. He was alive and so was she.

The door to their G650 jet opened to reveal all seventy inches of Pepper Potts. Her phone clutched over her heart. He could see from where he stood that her eyes were red from the tears she had shed.

He closed the door to the Audi and walked toward the plane with a sigh of relief. Each step he took felt lighter than the previous, but he could not get close to her fast enough. He was anxious to feel her against his chest.

After his near-death experience with the portal he vowed never to let a day go by where he didn't hold his Pepper. He closed his eyes as he smiled inwardly, thankful to have survived.

He came to a stand still just a few feet from the end of the stairs. His movements caught Pepper's attention as she looked up with watery eyes. He looked at her with a soft smile.

Seeing him standing there waiting for her not only melted her heart, but helped her wrap her head around the fact that he had survived his heroic act. She let out a shaky breath and smiled back.

During their reunion, nothing else mattered. Not the villains that were sure to surface, not the Avengers, not her position in his company, and certainly not her phone. Pepper let lose every thought that occupied her mind, even the most basic ones like how to grip a phone or walk on two feet. Her phone hit the stairs and tumbled down. Her feet could not carry her down fast enough without risking injury.

Tony stepped closer, now at the bottom of the last step. Pepper stopped trying to walk and just stared at him. His eyes were soft yet determined. Determined, she imagined, to hug her for as long as he could. She felt the same about him. He never let his eyes wander. He grinned. She smiled in a big way back at him. The way a girl like that smiles, when the world is hers. He beamed a wider grin upon seeing how intensely her smile and eyes portrayed her beauty. Her eyes gleamed and her heart raced. She ached to be in his arms.

Tony held out a hand to her as she rushed carefully down the steps and into his waiting embrace. He held her tighter than he had ever done before. She never needed him more.

"Tony!" She mumbled into the crook of his neck. Her arms pulled him closer still.

"Hi Pep." He smiled into her hair breathing in the scent that was purely Pepper.

"You…you called me. I'm…I'm sorry that I didn't answer. I looked up and there you were…and you were holding a rocket….a bomb…a missile…and you were flying into a portal…and I didn't know what to do…and I couldn't breathe…and I thought…", she tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall once again.

"Pepper…" Tony pulled away so he could look into her eyes. "I'm right here. Everything's alright now. See?" He hit his chest over the arc reactor with her hand to reaffirm her of his existence. He smiled at her.

Pepper wanted to smile back, but the need to kiss him quickly made her pull him in by his face and toward her lips. Their mouths danced for a long time until Tony broke free but only because he needed air. He rested his forehead on hers and breathed heavily. "If that portal couldn't rob me of every breath, you will." He joked. She simply shook her head at his attempt at humor and leaned up to kiss him once again.

"Promise me you won't ever do anything like that again." She whispered against his cheek as she hugged him to her.

"But the world needs men like me to do things like that." He chuckled.

"The world has other men like you. I only have one of you." She broke their hug to hold his face between her hands. She hoped he would listen to her words. "I'm not saying stop saving the world. Just stop trying to get yourself killed."

He dropped his smile to look at her in the most serious way he could. "I promise." He bent down to capture her lips in a soft and passionate kiss before hugging her one more time.

With one arm draped around her shoulders and her arm wrapped around his waist they walked back to his car.

"So I'm your world, huh." He turned his head to look at her.

"Don't push your luck, Stark." She grinned.

"It's good to be back down here with you." He looked straight ahead as she smiled at his almost emotional moment. "So about that thing that happened after our twelve percent of a moment…when you um…bit my ear…I want to make it a full one hundred percent of a moment. I'm on vacation, and since I own more of this company than you do, I'm entitled to telling you that you are also on vacation." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You know, Tony, you have this talent for killing the moment." She rolled her eyes playfully as she made her way to the passenger side of the Audi.

"You're my world too, Pep." He smiled up at the sky of the world that kept spinning.

***I will take this moment to thank everyone who has bookmarked me and my story Caveman Tony and Pepper Potts. I was pleasantly surprised by it all! Thank you.