I've had several one shots for Young Justice buzzing around in my head and I began writing them out. I thought, why not post them? So this is my little outlet for anything I want to write. None of them are connected unless otherwise stated. You can skip any of them and still read the others. I like several couples so I might write some with one character paired with someone in on chapter then that same character paired with someone different the next chapter. ;)
I didn't expect to finish this one first, but I did. Warning, this is about Wally's abuse, if you don't like that sorta thing then you don't have to read it.

A knock at his door pulled Wally out of his thoughts. He had been trying to do his English homework but had gotten lost along the way.

The speedster put his hand on his head, efficiently covering his eye and looking normal at the same time. "Yeah?" he called to his visitor. He tugged the sleeve off his shirt down nervously and suddenly wished he had worn a long sleeve shirt.

"Suit up," Dick called from the other side. "Bats has a mission for us. Unless you're being too nerd to join us." His signature floated under the door.

"Very funny."

"Nerd," the younger boy teased.



"Circus freak."

They only stopped laughing when Batman's voice came over the intercom, warning them to hurry or else. Wally quickly changed into his Kid Flash costume and checked his appearance in the mirror. His sleeves covered all the bruises on his arms but, because his father had gotten sloppy, his black eye was in full view of the world. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get his mask to cover the discoloration. The speedster pulled his goggles down over his eyes. Surprisingly, that hid his black eye enough. It would look bizarre but it was better than explaining his bruises to everyone.

He joined the group as soon as he could. Right away, he caught Robin's eye with his unnatural appearance. "Slow down, KF, we don't even know our mission yet," he laughed.

"Uh... Yeah," he replied laughing nervously. "I just can't wait to kick some butt." Wally slid his goggles up on to his forehead. Robin looked at him skeptically.

M'gann gasped. "Wally, what happened?" she exclaimed.

"Patrol last night," he answered simply. "Bad guy got a punch in." The excuse was enough to keep everyone's curiosity a bay. But a glance towards Rob proved his story hadn't fooled all of the team.

Batman cleared his throat reminding the teens of the upcoming mission. Wally could deal with Rob's all knowing eyes after the mission. Right now, it was time to kick some serious bad guy butt!


Wally had managed to slip back into his room after the mission. Thank God for super speed. He had just zipped by the team's questioning stares.

He mentally kicked himself for not calling in sick today, for pissing his father off last night, for trying to skate around M'gann's kindness with a flimsy excuse, but mostly fir not telling Barry. He had promised his uncle he'd tell him when things like his happened. Barry and Iris didn't this, though. Barry should be saving the world and Iris had enough to worry about with Barry. They didn't need to worry about him and his stupid father.

There was a knock on the door as he tried to get back to his science homework. "Who is it?" The door opened without a response.

"Friend, we have held our tongues because we respect your privacy," Kaldur began. The door swung fully open to reveal the whole team.

"But, Wally, we care about you," M'gann continued in her soft voice.

Robin interrupted whatever the Martian was about to say next. "Dude, we can't let you do this alone. You promised Barry. You promised me."

The speedster glanced at every face in the group, stopping at Robin. "You told them?" Color rushed to his face. "You swore you'd never tell anyone! You told them?"

"I told them," someone else called. Wally matched the voice to the name. Artemis stepped forward. "I figured it out and asked Barry. When he confirmed it, I told them."

The ginger dropped his face into his hands. He did NOT need this, especially after last night. "Guys," he mumbled in to his palms. "Thanks for your concern but I can handle this."

"Obviously not," Zatanna piped up.

"Look, I have homework. Is there anything else you guys did that I should know about?" He knew he was being cold but he could handle his father and his family issues on his own.

"Only one more thing," M'gann replied. Next to her Conner silently nodded.

"We told him," Robin answered. As Wally realized what the Boy Wonder had meant he hopped off his bed and stared them all down. He had never felt so betrayed in his whole life. "Wal-"

"You did what? Do you know what you just did?" All of his fear and anger was escaping throughout the facade he'd always had. "How could you do that?" His impulse took over and he raced past the team without waiting for an answer.

The speedster didn't care where he was going. He just needed to get out, fast. Normally, if he needed to get away from home he'd run to Barry's or even to Dick's but those two options were out. Roy's apartment was an option but he was unsure of what to say as an explanation.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't see the red clad figure in his path and he ran head first into his chest. The symbol of his life sat in front of his eyes as he bounced off of Barry. His uncle trapped his shoulders in his hands, stopping Wally from falling but also stopping him from running away.

"Calm down, Wally," he said soothingly as the ginger tried to squirm out of his grip. His nephew's frantic green eyes met his calm blue ones. Barry's attention landed on the blackened eye, to anyone else it would look weeks old but he older speedster knew better. It was from last night; the boy's speed healing already taking care of the bruise. Before long it would just be a memory.

Wally's composure was cracking. He could feel his uncle's caring eyes bore into him as he desperately tried to free himself. His strength began to slip until he stopped and slumped under his uncle's grip.

"Iris and I are sending in the papers for custody tomorrow," Barry murmured once the boy had calmed down. "You're not going to Rudy's house again." He pulled Wally into a hug. "Come on, I bet Iris has dinner waiting." Wally refused to move, his defenses were breaking down and tears pricked his eyes. Barry's protective impulses took over. "I won't Rudy even see you again," he vowed.

"Just make it stop, Barry."