So, I'm sorry for taking so long. I don't want it to end, but it must!

Here is the last installment of Forty Weeks! Thanks for being so awesome and sticking with this story! Please Enjoy!

Check out my New Ones!

Reba- The Now, In Plain Sight- Ghostly Realizations, Rizzoli and Isles- Double Probation


40 Weeks

"One month old and already almost able to hold a bottle." He smirked, obviously holding the bottle for Lou, while her tiny hands meekly clutched the container of formula.

"Yeah, well she also speaks pig Latin in her sleep." Mary mused, capping another bottle and placing it in the refrigerator. Norah hung onto her pant leg, her chubby stems wobbling and bouncing as she danced and giggled. Her mother smiled, bringing the child into her arms and wiping her tiny strands of blonde hair from her eyes. "What's going on, bug?" She asked, playfully tickling below her chin and under her arm to hear a louder exclamation of glee.

Lou lay in Marshall's arms, suckling her bottle and looking on contently toward her mother and sister. She was alert now, something both parents thoroughly enjoyed. Norah got along well with the little thing, understanding to be gentle, smiling whenever her mother fed the smaller Shannon-Mann, only jealous at nighttime when her baby sister fussed and she just wanted to cuddle. But, that was easy to handle with the both of them as they were extremely efficient working together as everyone knew. Parenting looked easy to onlookers of their life, but it had been all but for them.

Juggling work and sleep deprivation was difficult for Marshall, especially since he claimed most of Mary's work as his wife remained on maternity leave. Stan understood for the most part, but would never truly get it, according to his co-inspector and partner in more ways than one- because he was childless. But, to Mary, Stan wasn't totally clueless, the kids were going to have it beaten into their moldable brains that he was Uncle Stan. Marshall was more than happy to agree that the Chief should have a significant role in their family life as well as career. To Mary, although she didn't like to admit it, he had been a father. Maybe not a take you to the game, tuck you in after a nightmare kind, but he had never let her down—he had never hurt her and for that, Mary was extremely appreciative.

She didn't enjoy being wrong. But, she did now.

She had always thought as a small child, fatherless and caring for her mother and little sister that no man, even those who seemed perfect, even ones her treated her well were just con artists, talking good games and having tricks up their sleeves. In that mindset, it was no wonder she let Raph slip away all those years ago. In that mindset, it was hard for her to change. James Wiley Shannon had been no good symbol for any kind of man, and that had broken Mary for years. If Mary believed in fate—no matter how cheesy and unreal it seemed, Marshall had always been waiting for her, ready to unmask the traits of a very decent, hardworking human being. He had been there all along for her to love; it had just taken a while for her to understand that some people were worth trusting. Even if there were only a few worth being on her list- Marshall, Stan, and now her children.

If Marshall Mann had been told three or four years ago he'd be married to his partner and have two beautiful kids whom he adored, he would have scoffed. Marshall would have shook his head and rolled his eyes. For years, his heart ached for Mary and she had been so far away, waltzing around untrustworthy and bitter. Then, he met Abigail and he thought maybe that was his chance- to take her as a sign and move on and leave Mary groping in the darkness for another man to cruelly drag along.

She hadn't let that happen.

"So you're engaged?" Mary Shannon questioned taken aback, her brow furrowed with Norah in her grasp.

"Yes, I am." He had forced a smile just then, screaming inside as the hut flooded her face ash she adjust her little girl in her lap..

"Jeez, Marshall. Are you sure about this? You haven't even been with her that long- don't you think this could be a mistake?"

He had recoiled in hurt, but just tried to move along at her pace. "I love Abigail, Mary. And we both think we're ready. She's sure this is the right move, so…"

"Do you think this is the right move?" She asked in disbelief. "You don't just rush into marrying someone. You think about it! You spend time with them. You barely know Law Enforcement Barbie!" She spat, placing Norah carefully in her carrier and strapping her in.

"Why does it matter to you?" He had wondered angrily. "You're supposed to be happy or me!"

"How can I be happy for you when-" Mary screamed, realizing what she was about to admit.

"When what?"

"Forget it!" She had finished. "See you tomorrow at work!" And she had exited the eatery, quickly and angrily. He couldn't have been more confused. If anything, Mary would have feigned happiness, what had gone sour?

It wasn't until the next day that she had spoken to him again.

"I don't think you should marry Abigail." Mary said, leaning on his desk.

"And why not?" Marshall asked, eyebrows raised.

"Because, I- Because I need you." She shuddered.

"Mary, I'm not going away."

"But, you will!" She groaned.

"Mary, you'll always be my best friend." He had tried to reassure, nodding in her direction as her heart climbed into his dry throat.

"I don't want to be just your best friend!" She had hollered.

"Here, let me take Lou. She needs to be changed." Mary switched babies, with no fuss from either one. Lou, having been burped and completely content, lay in her arms unaffected by the swap. Norah squirmed a tiny bit, but gave in as she realized it was only Marshall.

She held the child, smirking at the awake and unfussy little one. Marshall began cutting up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Norah, to keep her preoccupied as her mother took care of the tiniest one's business.

The blonde placed the baby on the changing table, removing her diaper and then calling out in surprise.

Marshall came running, leaving Norah safely in her high chair gnawing on her PB and J bits.

"What? What's wrong?!" He cried sliding into the room.

"She's pooped on me!" Mary moaned in disbelief. "Norah never pooped on me!" She continued, wiping at her arm wildly with a baby wipe.

Marshall couldn't help it. He was chuckling, hard and unstoppably. He was nearly crumpled to the floor when Mary shot him a glare that could stop a jester from jesting.

"It's not that funny! If I knew parenthood would mean getting bodily fluids in places they don't belong I would've….."

"You would've what?" He asked seriously, putting his hands on his hips but, still grinning playfully.

She looked at him, cocking her head to one side. "Nothing." She said surprised.
"I wouldn't change anything."


Six months later…

"It feels good to sleep." Mary stretched, her hand resting on her chest as she looked over to Marshall, lying on his side to face her.

"Well, Norah's exhausted, she hyped herself up so much at her party last night she just passed out. And Lou, she didn't go down until well after midnight. Maybe they just know mom and dad haven't gotten rest in weeks…" He smiled.

"Weeks? More like months…" She smirked, pulling the sheets from her body. She checked the baby monitor. "Not a peep- You know…." Mary smiled deviously, "It has been a month since we last…" Mary threw her leg over his waist, straddling the skinny man, running her hands down his muscular stomach.

"So it has." Marshall Mann grinned, grabbing her and pulling her closer so he could feel her bare chest after he had slid her tank top off.

She took her mouth and ran her tongue up his neck and locked to his lips, releasing to take a breath. "I've missed this."

"Mhhmm." He replied, feeling her braced shoulder blades.

Mary was busying herself with his chest, so he took the liberty to do the same with hers. He grabbed her breasts in his paws and Mary recoiled. "Ouch!" She howled. "Easy Marshall, they're attached!" She mused, cringing as she pulled off his boxers.

"Sorry, Mare!" He apologized, kissing her over and over again, his fingers now pulling through her hair. "Your hair is so soft." He muttered between kisses.

"Yeah?" She asked uninterested, gulping as Marshall tickled her sides.

She gulped again. And one more time, but she couldn't shake the feeling. Marshall's brow furrowed. "Are you okay?" He wondered.

"Uh…" She swallowed, and clamped her hand over her mouth. "Just…." She took a deep breath. "Give me… A…. Second." Mary dropped back on her side of the bed, sitting up and slowly pressing her feet to the carpet.

"Mary?" He asked again. "What's wrong?"

"I think…" But she was gone, her arms crossed against her chest and her face nearly green as the door slammed to their bathroom. And then the screeches began from the baby monitor. Marshall didn't know which way to turn until she screamed for him to get the baby. A decisive woman, full of pride and motherly intuition would always pick the child—even if it was better sometimes to let a baby cry it out, Mary Shannon couldn't take the screams—at all.

Marshall grabbed the little girl. "Okay, Lou. Calm down. Don't wake your sister!" He begged.

And she only sniffled, snuggling into Marshall's uncovered shoulder. Marshall changed her, gently button her onesy up again and then he made his way back into their bedroom, knocking on the bathroom door. "Mary?"

"H-hold on!" She yelled, inhaling sharply. He heard a toilet flush and then a number of things could've been going on. He wasn't entirely sure.

"Mary, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Just hold on a minute, Marshall! I'll be out in a moment!"

He sighed, moseying over to the bed and plopping down to wait. Marshall tickled Lou, listening to her laugh and waiting for Norah's yells, but they didn't come.

The door opened to the bathroom and Mary appeared, looking haggard and confused.

"You know…." She walked over to Marshall, something wrapped tightly in her hand.


"In Hollywood, there's always that long, suspenseful and dramatic moment showing the passing of time while a California perfect lady waits for a test to turn positive."

"Positive? What are you talking about?" He scratched his head, setting Lou down to wander around the room.

"It's more similar to torture, Marshall." She stated, unwrapping her fingers from the object in her grip.

He looked down in disbelief.


"I am. And it's all your fault." Mary growled as Marshall Mann stared down at the plus in disbelief.

Thanks so much! I really hope you enjoyed, please check out my other stories!

I really appreciate you taking the time to read! And hope you liked the ending!