I swear to God that I did not forget about this story, I do apologize greatly that it hasn't been updated in forever, but as some of you know the last time this was updated was just a few months before I officially joined the military.

A few things have changed. I am still in the forces and I begin my 3rd course come this January. I've wanted to update this fic in forever because it is one of my favourites but unfortunately, my muse bunnies and my time haven't been great.

Up until this May...when I graduated from BMQ...For those who have known about my journey and have been supportive I thank you.

I do want to warn all of you now that updates will be sporadic. I could go a week, maybe two to up to a month or more without updating anything.

I apologize in advance.

Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this chapter.


Merrilee's confession was hard for the entire court, including the Pharaoh. In a short time they had gotten to know her, she had shown heart and even answered many questions without hesitation.

She was a breath of fresh air, as Merrilee would say. Mahad smiled when he first heard the phrase. Same as a few others that she had spoken. Glancing over to where she was sitting, she wore a look of depression. He could practically feel it dripping off of her.

Now, weeks later, Mahad had seen a drop in her demeanour, with less social interaction and eating little by little to missing meals. He sighed, glancing over at Merrilee who stood, leaning against one of the pillars in the throne room.

There had to be something more that was troubling her. Was it the words that Seto had spoken? Was she experiencing homesickness? Her training had gotten much more serious, but her playful spirit was no longer there.

He missed it, Mahad admitted silently to himself.

"Are you worrying about Merrilee's well-being? She looks distressed."

He merely nodded at Shimon's query. It was of no surprise that he or Mana was concerned about her. After all, they were the ones that were with her for mostly every day. Mana had made a friend, but it was clear that she did not know what to do to cheer her up. Honestly, they all experienced depression when the previous Pharaoh passed on into the afterlife.

However, that was just a taste of what Merrilee seemed to be going through. This mental state of hers was also showing in her power's.

And it was not a good thing.

Mahad had never mentioned it as of yet, but if it became even more so then he would have no choice but to order a trial, cleansing her of all of her magical abilities.

It was not something that he wanted to do.

His first priority, first and foremost, was to protect the Pharaoh and the villager's from anything that may harm them.

Even if they all knew that she wouldn't hurt any of them on purpose.

But in her state...

In his mind, he made a decision to help her out of the darkness that she was burrowed in. As soon as they were dismissed and people were filing out he made his way over to Merrilee.

She looked up at him, her eyes, he noted were dull.

His heart skipped a beat as he laid his eyes upon her. Instead of wearing clothes from her world, she donned a simple white dress that flowed down to her ankles, a golden band wrapped around her small waist. Her sandal's, however, were from her time. Thick gold bracelets were on both wrists. On her right, ring finger two rings from her time were placed. Her long hair was pulled back, with one single strand running alongside her face. Her hazel eyes were outlined with black.

Subconsciously, she fingered them, "Mahad, what can I help you with?"

He ripped his gaze from her attire to her face.

"Instead of training, would you be interested in accompanying me into the city?"

Her eyes brightened considerably at his offer. "You sure we could do that?"

"Absolutely. There is no reason why we cannot."

She let out a squeal of happiness, jumping up and down before throwing her arms around Mahad's neck. "I would love that! Thank you, Mahad."

"Would you have any problems with Mana and our Pharaoh to come as well?"

Merrilee shook her head, a slight twinge of disappointment at having them go as well, but shook her head of the thoughts, both Atem and Mana have been worried about her as well. "No, I wouldn't mind, I'd be happy for all of us to go."

He smiled, "Good. Now, go change into something more appropriate."

She gave him a confused look and looked down at the dress she was wearing. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?"

"I believe you'd rather be more comfortable in your own clothes would you not?"

She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. "Ah, I suppose, but I thought we were trying to make me not stick out like a sore thumb?"

"I have absolutely no idea on what you just said."

She sighed, "You know, be inconspicuous? Blend in with the crowd?"

He nodded, "Yes, but the Pharaoh has said that where word has already gone out that you are not of this world, that allowing the villagers to see you wouldn't be so bad."

"You make me sound like I'm an alien..."

"What is an alien?" He asked and she shook her head, waving her hand to dismiss his questions. "It is not to make you feel uncomfortable but to make you feel more happy around everyone in the clothes that you are more comfortable in. This is for you. Now! Go and get dressed."

"Okay! Okay! I'm going!"


Upon entering the gates of the palace, Merrilee felt a weight lift off her shoulders, as much as she loved everyone in the palace it did cause her to get cabin fever, and from the looks on everyone else's face; they were experiencing it as well. They serious faces turned content and joyful as they walked along the market, looking at different stands in the market.

She barely noticed the strange and curious looks that the villager's gave her, but they were polite nonetheless.

Mahad kept a close eye on his young apprentice and smiled, seeing that she was enjoying herself with looking at the jewelry. He felt his heart flutter in his chest as he looked at her, a strange feeling overcoming him when she looked up and smiled, her light coloured eyes twinkling with mirth before she turned her attention away and skipping off to the next stand.

"She looks so happy." Mana asked, her hands behind her back as she stepped up to her Master.

"Yes. She does." Mahad sighed softly as his eyes never averted away from the young woman when Mana spoke to him, only when she giggled did she grab his attention, he narrowed his eyes at her. "What is so funny?"

"You're falling in love with her, aren't you?"

"I have no idea on what you're talking about." He replied quickly. A little too quickly, because Mana smile grew wider as she jumped in front of him. He cursed inwardly as he felt his face heat up at his mistake.

"You do too, don't you?"

He sighed, feeling defeated. "I am not certain if it is love I feel, but I do feel a strong connection with her. Besides, it would not work between us, anyway."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because she...she..." He gestured to where Merrilee was laughing with Atem about something.

"What? You think she's fallen in love with the Pharaoh?"

He nodded, and Mana laughed, "Oh, Mahad, she likes you, she doesn't have to say anything, I can see it in her actions."

Hope filled his heart, "She does."


He sighed, "It would never work, she's so different."

She was quiet for a moment before speaking, laying a hand on his shoulder, "You're scared of losing her to her own world after the prophecy has been filled." It wasn't a question, rather a statement. "Mahad, you will lose her more if you do not say anything to her, wouldn't you rather have spent time with her, knowing that she loves you back, or not say anything and watch as she leaves, feeling nothing but regret?"