Yoshino arriving at the scene of a police barricade at a park in her D.A.T.S.' car, said, "I'm Yoshino Fujieda of D.A.T.S. What's the situation?" Once she asked, she showed her badge to the officers at the scene.
"We've trapped it but there are still people in there," one of the police officers told her.
Yoshino then went under the barricade as a voice from her Digivice said, "Yoshino I'm picking up another Digimon signal." She then came to see people knocked out all around and in the middle of them, standing on a cement platform, were one Agumon and one boy.
The boy had brown hair, wore sunglasses, blue jeans, black combat boots, a black shirt, black leather gloves and a black leather coat.
Meanwhile in D.A.T.S. command room…
Miki and Megumi were working the computers with Commander Richard Sampson at his post.
Miki checked her data as she looked at the Digimon facing the human on the screen. She said, "Sir, something's wrong with the systems. It's saying that boy is an unknown virus type Digimon."
Sampson pulled up a file at his console and, entering a secret code, says, "The systems are fine. We've just ran into D.A.T.S.' biggest secret." A file then appeared on their monitors titled 'Data on Darkhumans.' Sampson then added, "That boy is half Digimon." Miki and Megumi then gasped.
Meanwhile with Yoshino…
She looked at the boy and Digimon having a stare down. She called out, "I am Yoshino Fujieda of DA.T.S. Raptor One, you are under arrest! And kid! Get out of here!"
The Agumon looked at Yoshi before pointing at the boy. "Shut it lady. This is between me and him," he said.
The boy then said, "That's right. This is man's business, so just run along to your dolls." That made Yoshino so angry you could see steam around her but they paid her no mind as the Agumon and gothic boy started fighting.
The Agumon went in for a punch only for the boy to disappear and reappear behind him and punch the back of his head sending the dinosaur Digimon flying face first into the cement making a hole in it when the Digimon's face hit it.
Yoshino's anger was soon replaced by shock as her eyes widened as if she couldn't believe what she saw. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "Am I seeing things?"
A voice from her Digivice said, "Yoshino. The boy is giving off a Virus type Digimon signal."
Yoshino took her Digivice out of her pocket and looking into it, asked, "Say what?"
The Agumon got back up and fired a Pepper Breath attack.
The boy made a dark pure black DNA charge appear on his fist and as he punched he yelled "Dark Flames!" A black fireball then shot from his hand going right through the Pepper Breath attack, and hit the Agumon in the head, throwing him back.
The Agumon grabbed a knocked out man's white shirt, ripped a piece off and started waving it. "I give." Looking on, Yoshino just stepped back in shock and a little fear as she held out her Digivice.
The boy walked over to the Agumon and offered the yellow dinosaur a hand up. "Then I have no reason to finish your Digimon ass off." The Agumon took the hand.
Agumon, getting to his feet with the boy's help, asked him, "Seeing as you're the first person to beat me, you're the boss. So, what's your name?"
The boy put his hands into his pockets and said, "Marcus."
Yoshino then called out, "Lalamon! Realize!" Her Digimon then came out of her Digivice and fired Seed Blast at them, only for Marcus to grab Agumon and disappear.
Later at D.A.T.S., Yoshino went to give her report only for Sampson to say, "Why wasn't your comlink on? You've missed out on way too much information regarding the Darkhuman."
Yoshino was puzzled but before she could say anything Sampson directed her eyes to the screen and said, "For reasons unknown, when a human survives a Virus type Digimon attack and then has a child, the child is born with Virus type data built into their DNA, making them a Digimon-human hybrid." Yoshino then gasped.
Sampson stated, "Seeing as this happens so rarely info, on those dubbed as Darkhumans, is classified unless otherwise needed." He then hit a button on his console making a profile on Marcus Damon appear. "Marcus Damon, son of retired D.A.T.S. Agent Sarah Damon, and missing-in-action Agent Spencer Damon, as former D.A.T.S. agents, both survived Virus type attacks before Marcus' birth making Marcus different from other Darkhumans." He then hit another button on the console, making the screen show facts about Darkhumans.
Sampson told them, "Normal Darkhumans look fully human, cannot Digivolve, have one attack, superhuman agility, speed and strength, but since Marcus has double the virus data in him, thanks to having two parents who came under Virus attack, he is an exception to all of these rules. Marcus' sclera is black with glowing red or gold pupils. Their color depends on his mood. He has been shown to be able to use Dark versions of lightning and fire attacks of rookie level Digimon attacks he's seen first-hand, and it has been shown that he is able to Dark Digivolve while in a state of uncontrollable rage. Sadly all information on that form was lost, along with a theory, of him being able to DNA Digivolve with normal Digimon, but that has not been proven. Lastly he is aggressive, violent and animalistic with a Black DNA charge stronger than any human. He should be handled with the upmost care." With that Yoshino's jaw dropped thinking she just pissed off a monster in human form.
Sampson, turning the screen off, told them, "But so far, no known incident involving Marcus has happened without someone hurting a member of his family or without him being provoked, so as long as you leave his family out of it and don't get hostile, you will be fine." Yoshino then sighed in relief.
Sampson then ordered, "So go find him and talk him into handing over Agumon now." Yoshino, always one to follow orders without thinking, left.
Later that night…
Marcus was buying food at a convenience store.
The boy at the checkout told him, "That'll be $19.58." But then a girl's voice interrupted saying, "Add this too." Marcus turned to see Yoshino out of uniform. She then said, "If that's ok." Marcus then paid for it and they headed to a fountain to sit down by to talk.
Marcus, watching Yoshino eat her pudding, told her, "You owe me for that."
Yoshino then giggled and said, "I'll pay you back when you hand over the Digimon you ran off with earlier."
Marcus then looked at her and said, "Ok. Then you got it for free."
Yoshino then looked at him and asked, "Why don't you trust me?"
Marcus, adjusting his sunglasses, told her, "It's not you. It's D.A.T.S. After all one of your scientists wanted to experiment on me when I was younger. I was so scared, my Virus Digimon half kicked in, I Dark Digivolved. All I remember is that asshole and his men's screams and feeling like a prisoner in my own body until my Mom calmed me down." He then made a tight fist with his right hand. "Go ahead ask your commander about it," he told her as his anger grew to the point where a red glow could be seen from behind his sunglasses. He turned around leaving Yoshino filled with fear from his eyes' inhuman glow, and also a little curious as to what they would look like without the sunglasses blocking them.
Yoshino, for some unknown reason, followed him until they saw a giant fire off in the distance. She heard Marcus mutter, "Agumon…" He then disappeared and Yoshino got in her squad car.
At the fire, Marcus saw Agumon with his head stuck in a trash can and a giant overgrown chicken thing attacking the city. Marcus then took the trash can off of Agumon's head and asked, "What's with the chicken?"
Agumon stated, "It's not a chicken. It's a Kokatorimon, and the largest one I've ever seen. But be careful. It can turn anything alive into stone with its attack, Stun Flame Shot."
Kokatorimon then turned and cried, "Stun Flame Shot!" It then fires its attack. Marcus moves out of the way and jumps only for the attack to hit Agumon, turning him to stone.
Marcus, angered, kicked off of a building and yelled, "BASTARD!" as he rocketed to the Kokatorimon and punched it in the head, making it fall back. Marcus became covered by a pure black DNA Charge.
He then heard an old man calling out to him. "Catch!"
Marcus turned and saw some old man throwing him a pure black Digivice Data Link, so he caught it, and heard the man say, "Channel your DNA charge through this to awaken your Digimon," the strange old man was then gone.
Marcus placed his hand on his Digivice and called out, "SHADOW DNA CHARGE!"
Agumon then began to glow with black light and cried, "Agumon, Shadow Digivolve to Dark Geogreymon!" Agumon was now a black version of Geogreymon with red stripes. It roared.
Dark Geogreymon yelled, "Black Mega Flame." He then opened his mouth and shot a stream of black flames at the Kokatorimon burning it to ashes and in the middle of the ashes was a DigiEgg.
Marcus heard the sounds of a squad car and turned to see Yoshino pulling up in her D.A.T.S. uniform as the rain started to fall, putting out the flames as Black Geogreymon de-Digivolved back into Agumon. The rain made Marcus' sunglasses fall off revealing his black eyes with golden glowing pupils as they shone through the night.
Yoshino looked into his eyes and became equally filled with fear, curiosity, and strangely lust, as Marcus looked into her brownish pink eyes, sending a chill down Yoshino's spine as he stared into her soul.
Marcus bent over and picked up his sunglasses as the rain stopped. "You want the DigiEgg, you can have it." He then turned and left, unable to forget the look on Yoshino's face.
Later we, Marcus returned home as Agumon finished off all the food he bought.
Marcus, looking at the dinosaur Digimon, told him, "Ok Agumon. Here's the rules. One. Don't wake me when I'm sleeping. Two. Don't touch my stuff. And last but not least, three. Don't go into my room without my say so. Got it?"
Agumon burped and said, "Loud and clear!"
Sampson watched Marcus' battle on the monitors. "He not only Digivolved the Digimon in less than a day but his DNA charge triggered a new type Digivolution. We have got to get him on the team." He then calls Yoshino and tells her, "Yoshino, I would like you to recruit Marcus into D.A.T.S, and I don't want you to leave his side until you do. He's lived alone ever since his mom and little sister left at the following address…"
To be continued…