Viridian Forest

Oh my god. If everything in the universe blew up except for Ivory's butt, at least the universe would be 100% perfection with not a single solitary thing to muck up that perfect percentage. That beautiful vision in front of me paired with her syrupy, bubbly voice rambling on with no stops kept me from feeling scared as we made our way through Viridian Forest. Her voice totally kept me for a good while from noticing creepy bug chirps and little wings flapping and stuff in the trees around us.

It was still light when we started in on the forest. I sort of stupidly thought, or wished maybe, that we could get through the forest and in Pewter City before the sun set. Ivory's really in tune with things. She could tell without asking or even pausing in between talking about all the stupid girls at her old school that after the sun set that I wasn't just being quiet and that I was getting a little scared. She stopped leading the way and looked at me.

"Viridian Forest isn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be, Anne." She sweetly said, trying to chill me out without calling me a scaredy cat.

"Really?" I asked.

"Nowhere near." She responded, smiling.

I exhaled. I really was freaking. Her being so brave really made me feel so much better.

"Bugs aren't that scary. They're just a little gross is all." She told me, starting to lead again. "Most of them are real tiny anyway." She scoffed.

That sense of security in her bravery came to an abrupt end however, when a 3 foot tall bee flew right over her head and reduced her to a shrieking, shaking mess. I would have been back to freak-mode with her had she not wrapped her arms around me tight like an Ekans.

I know this diary isn't lacking on my lovesick, girly reminiscing, but dammit it doesn't make any of it not true. She smelled AMAZING.

With her clinging to me, I could take on the fucking world. Fucking bugs? Poop. I'd bite their gross, slimy heads off if they tried to scare my Ivory.

Unfortunately we made it through the forest in what seemed way too short a time. Ivory loosened off of me like a baby tooth when we saw the Trainer's Center.

We spent the night in one of the bunk beds there.

Woke up and her head was hanging upside down from the top bunk staring at me.

"You're up! Guess what we're gonna do today?" She asked, dripping excitement as I noticed how red her face was. That made me wonder how long she'd been waiting for my lids to open. Strange girl.

My mouth wasn't making words properly yet, so I probably said something incomprehensible, but she still responded with:

"That's right! We're going to the Pewter City Gym! We're gonna challenge whoever the hell is in charge and kick his BUTT!"

She then did a little dance, shutting her eyes tight and thrusting her fists rhythmically over her head. I guess under her head because she was upside down... Imagery is hard.

"Okay. So here's the deal. Everyone enters when the gym opens and then you all battle in a king of the hill sort of way. Whoever's last standing battles the gym leader and gets a chance at earning their badge!"

"Alright." I said. "Are you going to battle?"

She flipped her body off the top bunk so she landed on her knees in front of me.

"Not this time." She said, wiping eye boogers away. "I just want to watch you."

So we got up. Got a bite for breakfast. Ivory's in the bathroom getting ready right now, and I've just been writing in here. Kind of nervous as all hell. Sort of feeling like I got a test first period that I didn't prepare for. With Ivory not battling I'm kind of freaking out because there's no doubt in my mind that I'll lose miserably right in front of her. At least we're not competing though. And maybe she can console me kind of like in the forest once I lose… Oh… It'd just be nice.

Hello, people!

Sorry about being not updatey.
That would always kind of make me sad when I'd read a fanfiction I really like and it's not finished and hasn't been updated for a while. So sorry about that.

I started writing this in my notebook when I was in school so I had a fun outlet to escape to during boring classes. Now I'm a full time writer, so going from writing all day to writing something fun and separate from my main projects is pretty draining.

But I'm glad that you guys like it. It's especially vindicating to hear people say that they identify or see a character I came up with as real and endearing and say that my writing is good and that I should write a book and stuff like that. Especially considering how radically unsure of myself and my work I am.

So I just wanted to say thanks, because it really means a lot to me to have something that people seem to really like while I'm working on something I still need to figure out how to get out to people. Totally not as embarrassed at all to admit to having a Pokémon femslash fanfiction on the Internet as I might have been in the past.

I'll try to get new shit out as soon as I can.