So, this is a fic about a Pokédex Holders Reunion. I won't include any Generation V characters because the B/W Arc is nowhere near completion. I also don't know how the Hell the new Unova characters will be named, since the games' names are Black 2 and White 2 (How convinient *sarcasm*).

This is hypothetically after the HG/SS Arc. Since not much of the arc has been released, and we have to wait for the Volume for all the details (It comes out June 28th!), I won't make much reference to previous arcs. Just maybe really soft touches, nothing that goes deep into the story.

To be more precise, this story is about 2 months after the HG/SS arc, and 4 months after the Platinum arc.


As you might have noticed, Sird has been the connection of a lot of arcs, and I wouldn't be surprised if she were to be the final villain of the story (If it even has an end, the games just keep popping out like Baseballs coming out of a Baseball Machine). In this fic, she has a connection with the events of the HG/SS arc. I'm pretty sure you know the main topic of that arc, but here is what you need to retain for this fic:

- The new Team Rocket Admins (Proton, Petrel, Ariana, Archer) make Arceus appear in the Johto region. (It has something to do with the plates you give Arceus to change type, but I don't know much about it)

- At some point, the battle of the Johto Pokédex Holders with Team Rocket and Arceus is taken to the Ruins of Alph, the place seems to have an effect due to Arceus being there, and they're all teleported to the Sinjoh Ruins.

- This is where the real Team Rocket plan starts moving, Arceus starts creating the Creator Trio (Palkia, Dialga Giratina). The Johto Dex Holders win the battle by vaporizing the still forming Dragon Trio with an Ultimate Team Attack (Frenzy Plant Blast Burn Hydro Cannon) and freeing Arceus from Team Rocket's control.



So, for those of you who know Silver gets blind at the climax of the HG/SS arc, he will have his eyesight in this fic. I won't put much into it, since it is a major spoiler, but here, he will be cured of it, somehow. It would suck if he couldn't see forever.



Some of Gold's and Silver's Pokémon evolved in the HG/SS arc. Also, due to losing Ursaring when it went to take care of Giovanni (Giovanni disappeared), Green traded his Rhydon with Silver, causing it to evolve into a Rhyperior.

In this fic, the Rotom Diamond befriends in the Platinum Arc joins his team. And the Diglett and Buizel that Pearl captured evolved.

The teams of the Pokédex Holders and the Pokémon nicknames are as follows (You might find something strange about the teams, but it's for something that will happen later in the plot:

Red: Poli (Poliwrath), Saur (Venasaur), Pika (Pikachu), Lax (Snorlax), Vee (Espeon), Aero (Aerodactyl)

Green (Boy): Scizor, Charizard, Golduck, Machamp, Porygon2, Ninetales

Blue (Girl): Jiggly (Wigglytuff), Turtley (Blastoise), Ditty (Ditto), Cleffy (Clefeable), Nidory (Niqueen), Granbull

Yellow: Ratty (Raticate), Dody (Dodrio), Gravvy (Golem), Omny (Omastar), Kitty (Butterfree), Chuchu (Pikachu)

Gold: Ataro (Ambipom), Poltaro (Politoed), Explotaro (Typhlosion), Utaro (Sudowoodo), Togetaro (Togekiss), Pichu

Silver: Weavile, Feraligatr, Honchkrow, Kingdra, Gyarados (Red), Rhyperior

Crystal: Chumee (Smoochum), Arckee (Arcanine), Parasee (Parasect), Hitmonee (Hitmonchan), Xatee (Xatu), Mega (Meganium)

Ruby: Nana (Mightyena), Coco (Delcatty), Zuzu (Swampert), Mimi (Milotic), Ruru (Kirlia), Plusle (The one he befriended at the Abandoned Ship)

Emerald: Sceptile, Sudowoodo, Dusclops, Snorlax, Mr. Mime, Mantine

Sapphire: Rono (Aggron), Toro (Blaziken), Walo (Wailord), Dono (Donphan), Pilo (Tropius), Minun (The one she befriended at the Abandoned Ship)

Diamond: Lax (Munchlax), Wig (Torterra), Don (Bastiodon), Tung (Lickilicky), Mamo (Mamoswine), Roto (Rotom)

Pearl: Chahiko (Chatot), Chimhiko (Infernape), Rayhiko (Luxray), Zelhiko (Floatzel), Dighiko (Dugtrio), Taurhiko (Tauros)

Platinum: Rapidash, Empoleon, Lopunny, Froslass, Cherrim, Pachirisu


For in-game characters, I'll use the names they have in the games.

As for shippings, NO! I do have my preferences, but I will try to avoid all kinds of shipping in this fic. However, I will NOT change the already existing relationships between the characters. (Example: Ruby and Sapphire are still in love with each other, they still confessed to each other, and Ruby still says he doesn't remember)

The way the story starts is not my favorite, I hate doing this kind of thing. But I wanted something else to happen, so this came into my mind. There are probably other ways, blame the hype I had when I found out that Volume 40 came out in May 28th. Still no translation, though.

I'll try to make the pace fast, and the title scheme will follow that of the manga. However, it won't just be 'VS Pokémon', it can be 'VS Trainer' too.

I'm Portuguese, and I don't know how the Beta System works, so if there are any errors, tell me so I can correct them.

Wow, long introduction... Let's get to the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own either Pokémon or Pokémon Special, they belong to Satoshi Tajiri and Hidenori Kusaka, respectively.


How could this happen? How could a simple reconnaissance mission lead up to this? There was absolutely nothing he could do about this! As much as he wanted!

"Professor Rowan, you have to think of something!" Berlitz (Platinum's father, he wasn't given a first name) shouted in despair.

"I'm trying, Berlitz!" Rowan replied "I'm trying! If only we had Professor Oak here-"

A thought passed through Rowan's mind, and he immediately reached for his PokéGear, he dialed Oak's number "I'm going to call Professor Oak! I'll ask him for help!" he started the call.


Ring Ring...

Oak picked up as his PokéGear rang "Professor Rowan! I wasn't expecting your call." he said "I'm in Pallet Town today, and not in wor- " he was cut off when he heard Rowan shouting through the phone.

"Professor Rowan! Calm down! I can't understand you!" Oak said, starting to worry.

After hearing Rowan's words, Oak couldn't believe it "WHAT?"

Rowan explained the situation to Oak, who replied "I can't believe it! She talked to you? I see... So we only have four days..."

Rowan explained a bit more. Oak said "A Darkrai? I see... Anyway, there's only one way to solve this problem. I'll get everything ready as soon as possible!"


"Okay. In the meantime, I'll try to find out the place!" Rowan said, hanging up. He turned to Berlitz "We have work to do!"


Top of Mt. Silver


The Blizzard blew at threatening sppeds. He was at a disadvantage here. His opponent was an Ice-type, while he was using a Grass-type. He had other Pokémon, but then it wouldn't be as much of a challenge.

"Saur, look out!" he shouted as the Wailrein shot an Ice Beam at the Venusaur "Damn it! Saur, Razor Leaf!"

The Venusaur did as told and shot the cutting leaves at the Ice Pokémon, but they were blown by the Blizzard. Saur and his trainer jumped out of the way of another Ice Beam. This was going on for too long, the Blizzard was clearly affecting the Venusaur, but the Wailrein remained intact. There was no other way around it, he had to use it.

"Saur! Frenzy Plant!" the trainer ordered.

The trainer looked in surprise as he saw a Fire attack merging with his Pokémon's Frenzy Plant. Even though the Blizzard weakened it, the combined attack hit the Wailrein with more than enough power to make it faint. Just then, the Blizzard softened, but still didn't disappear. He looked up and saw a Charizard flying over him, carrying a trainer on its back.

"Are you an idiot?" the new trainer said "You were fighting an Ice-type with a Grass-type in the middle of a Blizzard."

"Green!" the Venusaur trainer said as he retrieved his Pokémon "How did you find me?"

The Charizard trainer hopped off and retrieved the Flying Pokémon "I think I know you well enough, Red."

"I see..." Red said "So, why are you here?"

"Grandpa sent me since you were unreachable." Green said "I have something very important to talk to you about."


Sevii Islands


She released her Pokémon and relaxed under the soft rays of Sun bathing the garden of her parents' house. She lied down on one of the mats. This felt so good. She had to seriously reconsider wether she stayed with her life full of adventures or changed to this calm and peaceful lifestyle.

Ring Ring... Her PokéGear rang, she picked it up.

"Hello~?" she said "Oh, Professor Oak! Wha- " she was cut off by the Professor.

"What did you say?" she asked after hearing Oak. She sat up in a flash, hearing the Professor continue "That isn't a problem! What do you want me to do?" she said.

After hearing the Professor she replied "Of course!" she hung up and turned to her Pokémon "Everyone, I'm going to need your help!"

She returned every Pokémon besides her Wigglytuff to their Pokéballs "Jiggly, take me to Two Island right away!"

The Wigglytuff inflated as it lifted in the air and she hopped on. As she left the house, she saw her parents coming out to the garden. They looked at her, and she could see they were confused.

"Blue, what's wrong?" her father shouted "Didn't you say you had nothing to do today?"

"I'm sorry, Papa, Mama!" Blue shouted back "There's something I have to do! It is really really important! I'll be back before long!"

Blue's parents looked at their daughter as she flied away on her Wigglytuff. Blue's mother looked sadly at her daughter "How long will it be before we can all live together and in peace here on One Island?"

"I don't know..." Blue's father replied "But we have to accept this is the kind of life our daughter has."


Viridian Forest



"Yellow." he said to the sleeping girl, but there was no reaction. He tried again "Yellow!" there was still no response. He decided to use his Last Resort.

"YELLOW!" he shouted his lungs out, making the girl jump out of the tree to the ground in surprise.

"Oww!" Yellow said as she rubbed her sore arm "What is it, Uncle?"

"Professor Oak called." Wilton said "But you were sleeping so bad you didn't notice."

"Well, it's not like I have a PokéGear for long." Yellow said, getting up "Did he say anything?"

"He didn't want to discuss it with me..." Wilton said "But he said to go and meet up with him immediately."

Yellow called for her party and hopped on her Dody, she then retrieved her other Pokémon "Very well!" she said "Go, Dody! To- " she stopped.

"What's wrong?" Wilton asked.

"Where is the Professor right now?" Yellow asked, making Wilton comically fall on his back.

"He said he was in Pallet Town." Wilton replied.

"Okay!" Yellow said "Go, Dody! To Pallet Town!"

Yellow's Dodrio sped off towards the Professor's location.


New Bark Town


"Gold!" Joey (JP: Gorou, CY: Grant) shouted. He wondered if Gold was even in the House. After all, he went everywhere and almost never stopped. Receiving no response, he decided to knock at the front door.

"Yes?" Gold's mother said as she opened the door "Oh, Joey! Nice to see you!"

"Yeah..." Joey replied "I'm sorry, Gold's mom. But is Gold here?"

"Well..." Gold's mother looked above to the sky. Joey did the same.

He saw what seemed to be an egg with wings. He noticed there was someone on top of the egg "Um... Is that Gold?"

"Yes, it is." Gold's mother said "And that's Togetaro, his Togekiss."

"Wow..." Joey said "It's been so long since I last saw Gold... I didn't know Togetaro had evolved."

"Time does pass by quickly." Gold's mother said "Anyway, why did you want to talk to Gold?"

"Its- It's something very important." Joey said "It's a message from Professor Elm himself!"

"AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Joey heard, just as Gold fell on the ground face first.

Joey immediately turned to the fallen Dex Holder "Gold!" he ran over to the Breeder "Are you okay?"

Gold sat up in a flash and turned up "Hey Togetaro! I told you not to turn upside down!"

The Togekiss descended to his trainer's side. Togetaro seemed a bit disappointed. After all they had been trying to make him control his flight for almost two months now.

Gold sighed "I guess it can't be helped." he then closed his fists with a grin on his face "We will need to practice more!"

"Um... Gold?" Joey called.

"Huh?" Gold turned to Joey "Oh, Joey! Long time no see!"

Joey sweat-dropped "Uh... Yeah..." he then shook his head to focus "Anyway, I need to talk to you. It's very important! Come over to Professor Elm's Lab!"

"Important?" Gold thought back to the last time he had something 'important' to do. He ended up fighting Arceus. It would be better if he brought his whole team with him "Wait a second." Gold entered his house.

Seconds later he came out. Now with his complete team (in the Pokéballs) he turned to Joey "Let's go."


Violet City


She hung up and turned to Emerald.

"What is it?" he asked.

"We need to get to Pallet Town ASAP!" Crystal said "Orders by Professor Oak! You too!"

"Me too?" Emerald asked "I wonder why would Professor Oak need me..."

"Anyway, let's go!" Crystal said, before turning to the kids in Earl's Academy "We have to go now. We will be back."

"Yeah, see ya!" Emerald said.

Crystal took out her Xatu and grabbed Emerald by his fake arm. Before the Hoenn Dex Holder could say anything, Xatee had already sped off to Pallet Town.


In the woods around Littleroot Town


"Come 'ere!" Sapphire shouted as she ran after Ruby.

"No way! I did nothing wrong!" Ruby shouted back as he ran from the Wild Girl.

"The Hell you didn't!" Sapphire shouted "I want my Pokémon back as they were before!"

"Why? It makes them look good!" Ruby said "I was helping you!"

Sapphire had let Ruby groom her Pokémon, but the boy went over his limits! He dressed every single Pokémon on her team with stupid accessories. It was one thing trying to turn her into a 'proper girl', but no one... No one touched her Pokémon!

"Why you!" Sapphire was about to tackle the Contest Winner when she noticed a kind of wall made out of electric sparks. And Ruby was running right into it "Ruby! Look out!"

Ruby turned forward and saw a wall of electricity. He slammed his feet on the ground as he tried to stop, but the grass was wet and too slippery, he was going to crash into it and get electrocuted.

"Darn it!" Sapphire reached for a Pokéball "Dono, stop Ruby!"

The Donphan appeared and, with its snout, grabbed Ruby and threw him back. However, because of the slippery grass, it crashed into the electric wall. Being a Ground-type, he was unaffected, but the clothes Ruby had put on him burned off.

Sapphire caught up to the fallen Ruby "Ruby! Are you okay?"

Ruby sat up and looked at Dono "Oh no! The clothes I put on him! They burned off!"

Sapphire's anger reached its maximum, and she expressed it by slapping Ruby "We just saved your life and you're worried about clothes?"

Ruby rubbed his cheek "But... they were so cool!"

Sapphire grabbed Ruby by his collar "Ya know, I can still throw you at the electric wall." a grin appeared on her face "If I were you, I'd start changing my Pokémon back before being thrown to that wall and end up in a hospital."

Ruby gulped in fear "Okay... I'll change them back. No need to get mad..."

"That's my boy." Sapphire said, letting him go. She got up and looked at the wall "Why is this wall here?"

"Maybe there's some Electric-type Pokémon nearby." Ruby said, getting up and dusting his clothes off.

Just then, a small explosion was heard and the wall disappeared, shocking both Ruby and Sapphire. They decided to see what it was.

"Dono, let's go!" Sapphire said running forward along with her Donphan. Ruby followed close behind.

It wasn't long before they bumped into a Pokémon battle. Sapphire stopped right in her tracks, causing Dono to stop and wait for his trainer. Ruby caught up with the girl.

"Why did you stop?" he asked.

"Ruby... Look who is battling." Sapphire replied.

Ruby looked at the battlefield, it was a fight between a Caturne and a Plusle and Minun "A Cacturne and... Plusle and Minun?" then it snapped, these were the Pokémon ha and Sapphire befriended at the Abandoned Ship! "What are Plusle and Minun here for?"

"I don- " Sapphire was cut off when sand appeared out of nowhere and formed a gust.

"It's using Sandstorm!" Ruby said, reaching for his Pokéball "We gotta help them!" he threw it "Zuzu!"

"Dono! Go!" Sapphire said.

It was actually a smart choice, since they were Ground-types, the Sandstorm wouldn't affect them. However, Ruby also had disadvantage. His Zuzu was Water-type and Ground-type, while Cacturne was a Grass-type. He decided to turn that disadvantage into an advantage.

"Zuzu! Bide!" Ruby ordered.

"Dono! Rollout!" Sapphire shouted.

Dono hit the Cacturne, but it didn't faint. It jumped above and went for the Swampert. It then fired one of its needles at Zuzu, who took the attack without responding.

"Just a little longer, Zuzu!" Ruby said.

"Dono! Rock Tomb!" Sapphire ordered.

Dono attacked, but the Cacturne jumped out of the way of the rocks. It then fired another needle at Zuzu, who still took the attack without retaliate.

'Just a bit more... Just a bit more... Okay, now!' Ruby thought, before ordering "Zuzu, now! Channel it all to the Caturne!"

Zuzu unleashed the stored energy and inflicted double of the damage it had sustained during Cacturne's attacks. The Cacturne fainted.

Ruby sighed in relief, before looking at Sapphire, who didn't seem happy about the situation "What's wrong?"

"I'm supposed to be the expert at battles!" Sapphire said.

"Oh, come on. Don't be mad about it." Ruby said "If you weren't a battle expert you wouldn't have all eight badges, would you?"

"Shut u- " Sapphire was cut off when a Minun jumped onto her. The same thing happened to Ruby, but with a Plusle.

Sapphire held Minun in her arms "Oh, yeah! We saved you, right?"

"You're welcome!" Ruby said, holding Plusle in his arms.

"Ruby! Sapphire!" the two trainers heard "Where are you? I heard an explosion!" Ruby and Sapphire saw Professor Birch appearing behind the trees. He walked up to them "Ruby, Sapphire! Thank God you're okay!"

"What is it, Dad?" Sapphire asked.

"There's something really important you should do!" Birch said "Come!"


Somewhere in Johto


Ring Ring...

Silver picked up the call "Yeah? What is it, Sis?" he asked.

He heard Blue's voice through the phone before replying "I see... I'm on my way, then."

Silver hung up and let Honchkrow out of his Pokéball "To Pallet Town." Silver said, before grabbing the Honchkrow's foot and flying off into the distance.


Hours later... In Oak's Lab at Pallet Town


She hopped off her Wigglytuff and ran towards the Lab. She burst the door open to see all the other Pokédex Holders had already arrived. She then took her place beside the Kanto Dex Holders.

"Blue, Did you get what I asked?" Oak said.

"It wasn't easy, but I did it." Blue replied.

"Very well." Oak decided to start his speech, walking back and forth in the lab "You're probably wondering why I called all of you here." he stopped walking "The reason is simple. Your fellow Pokédex Holders from Sinnoh were taken away."

The statement created a wave of shock throughout all of the Pokédex Holders. There were lots of questions they had. There were other Pokédex Holders? They had new juniors? Why were they abducted?

"If you're wondering why they were abducted..." Oak started "I think it was because the enemy wants you to fight them."

"What?" Gold reacted.

"Who is the enemy?" Red asked.

"I talked to Riley of Iron Island through Professor Rowan while you were all coming." Oak said "According to him, there is an evil person who is obsessed with Pokédexes."

"Obsessed?" Crystal asked.

"Yes." Oak said "Your fellow Pokédex Holders from Sinnoh had their Pokédex taken away by that person." he continued "It is possible that same person is so obsessed over the Pokédexes that they want all of them."

"What's that person's name?" Yellow asked.

"Sird." Oak said.

The Kanto Dex Holders and Silver gasped at the mention of the name. Gold turned to Silver "What is it?"

"Sird... That's the person who turned us into statues!" Silver said, shocking the rest of the Dex Holders.

"Where is she?" Red asked, suddenly angry "Where is Sird?"

"..." Oak thinked for a bit "She's at a place none of us has ever visited."

"What place is it?" Red insisted.

"Sacred Island." Oak said "We have one person who can take you there, since we already have the coordinates."

"Is it Mr. Briney?" Ruby asked.

"Exactly." Oak said "I already contacted him and gave him the coordinates. However, it'll take two days for him to get ready and one more for the trip."

"How much time do we have?" Crystal asked.

"About four days." Oak said "So, I want you all to get ready in time!"

"YES!" the Dex Holders said.


Sacred Island


He fell to his knees. He had tried so many times to break free he lost count of them. He returned his Infernape to his Pokéball "It's no use." he said.

He turned to the other two, who were simply sitting down and hugging their knees, waiting for time to pass. This was Hell! How did it come to this? What had they done to deserve this? It didn't matter. They were pretty much dead now. Without knowing the reason, he reached out for the barrier that was confining them. As soon as he touched it, he felt a shock and pulled his hand back. An idea ocurred to him.

"Dia." he called "Lend me your Rotom."

Diamond and Platinum lifted their heads and looked at Pearl with confusion on their face. What was he going to try now? Shrugging it off, Diamond let Roto out of its Pokéball.

"Roto, Pearl wants to try something." Diamond said "Why don't you help him?"

Roto nodded and went to Pearl, waiting to hear what he should do. Pearl looked at Roto.

"Roto, I need you to charge as much electricity as you can and run over there" Pearl said, pointing to the barrier "Can you do it?"

Diamond and Platinum were now paying their full attention to Pearl and Roto. Roto nodded at Pearl and started charging as much electric power as he could. He then lunged at the barrier. Roto crashed into the barrier, but was immediately pushed back. Diamond immediately went to see if Roto was alright. Thankfully, the Rotom was okay. Pearl looked at the barrier, and saw it. A hole. A very tiny one, but a hole nonetheless. He had found out the weakness of the barrier!

"Dia, Little Miss!" Pearl called "Look at this!" he pointed to the closing hole.

Diamond and Platinum approached the hole and gasped. There was still a spark of hope after all. They got up, and Platinum took out her Pachirisu, while Pearl took out his Rayhiko. Diamond prepared his Roto.

"Hey, Pearl." Diamond called "If you had Rayhiko, why did you ask for Roto's help?"

"I wanted to be sigilous about this." Pearl said "We're obviously being watched, using a smaller Pokémon would be better to see if it works."

"Okay, on 3 we try to open the hole in the barrier." Platinum said "1..."




And that was the first chapter! As you might have noticed, there are no Legendaries in the teams I set up, there is a reason for that.

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum figure out a way to get out! Will they do it? Find out in the next chapter!

As for how Rowan managed to know that the Sinnoh Dex Holders were abducted, he received a hologram message from Sird herself, she showed the Darkrai she has and showed the Sinnoh Dex Holders inside the barrier. She then said Rowan had 4 days to figure out a way to rescue them.

After that, they traced the call. They saw it came from Sacred Island (Yes, it's a made up place) and when they were looking for the reason for the abduction, they managed to contact Riley, they showed him the message and he told them about Sird's obsession over the Pokédex.

So, that's how it was done.

Hope you liked the chapter! Please leave a review!

Have an awesome day.