Minor language problem... Well, a big language problem. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK PLEASE~


P.S. This is something short that I wanted to try out!

I moved back away from his fist, ducking under his arm and picking up my feet as I backed up. I planted all of my weight on my left foot before raising my right foot up and hitting him in the chest. I spun around to regain my balance before raising my foot again and hitting him in the jaw. The man stumbled around, rubbing his chest and jaw softly, groaning. He looked at me with irritation in his eyes and a hint of anger. I slammed my blue boxing gloves together and grinned, showing him my bright blue mouth guard. He punched the square floor with his right hand and stood up, his hands held at a distance from his face. He was jumping slightly up and down, his hands slightly opened. He moved closer to me, moving his upper body left and right, trying to psyche me out. I jutted his left fist forward, but he brought it back quickly as he aimed his right fist towards me ribcage. I tensed and wrapped my arms around his right, having a good hold on it. I twisted around and raised my elbow up, connecting with his nose. I pushed my leg behind his leg and pushed all of my force to get him off his feet. He grunted and fell down, his body creating a vibration through the floor. I unwrapped my leg and wrapped my legs around his arm, creating tension. I pulled on his hand as he grunted loudly. His hand was behind my back as I was pulling with all my might, more sweat forming on my hand. He kept on struggling as he cursed under his breath, but I wouldn't stop until he gave up permanently…

"I-I'm done." He breathed out as I heard him slam his other hand on the floor loudly. I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed my body, putting my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes, "Y-you're… you are a bitch."

"Shut up, Pansy." I replied, sitting up with my hands helping me up and gave him a small smirk, "You just got your ass kicked; hard…"

"You got lucky." He muttered as I laughed. I rolled onto my stomach and looked at him. His brown hair was a little bit over his eyes. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking over to me, his green eyes looking tired, "God, woman; you wear me out."

"I don't care…" I said and yawned loudly, rubbing my eyes, "That wasn't much of a workout."

"Nikita, you are a bitch; it's a fact now." He said as if he had an epiphany, "I hope you know that."

"Just because you can't fight for shit doesn't mean I am a bitch." I said with a small frown on my lips. I rolled down my black tank-top that was rolled up when I was on the ground. I patted my green shorts and looked at him, "This is the 3rd time I kicked your ass in a row."

"You got lucky." He said stubbornly as I rolled my eyes. He just can't admit that I kicked his ass, "I bet you used some voodoo tricks; I think there may be a requirement of a full-on body search-"

"First of all, jackass; I don't know what the hell is voodoo, and second, you touch me and I'll break your arm." I threatened as he looked over at me with a raised an eyebrow before bursting out laughing. I couldn't help but join in his laugh; it was probably from the over-tiredness. I slowly sat up and looked around the area, seeing nobody around except for me and him. I stood up and patted my head, seeing a few strands of my black hair. I walked to the edge of the ring and leaned against the white and yellow ropes.

"Yo! Are you babysitting tonight again?" He asked as I shook my head, blowing hair out of my face, "God, it would suck if somebody let you do any work on this special damn day."

I laughed and gave him a sly grin before asking, "What is so special about this day?"

"Don't be a smart-ass; it's your birthday, Nik. You are getting older and crankier; be grateful you don't have white hairs yet." He said as I smiled.

"Thanks, jerk." I replied as he smiled and stood up quickly as I raised an eyebrow, "Leaving so soon?"

"Well, it's not a birthday with no presents." He replied with a smile as I smiled widely back, "I'll be back." I watched him as he exited the ring and went into the back as I sighed and rubbed my cheek. I really didn't need any presents, but hell, I can't decline them.

"Close your eyes." I heard him call out as I sighed and closed my eyes, going back onto the floor, "You better keep them clos-"

"Yeah, yeah." I said and sighed. I heard his feet lightly patting the floor before I heard the ring creak from his weight, "Can I open-"

"Hold it." He muttered and I heard something flickering, "Damn lighter…"

"Oh, screw it!" I said and opened my eyes and smiled at the small cupcake, "Where did you even get it."

"I told Tom to let me use the fridge; at least it wasn't frozen. I know how fat you are so I literally poured all the icing on the cake." He joked as I laughed. I grabbed the lighter from his hand and flicked it, getting a successful fire. There was a single candle on the dark chocolate muffin cake. I put the lighter over the candle as the wax melted before I made another flame. I smiled and gave back the lighter to him, "Don't keep me waiting; make a wish."

"Hush; I am trying to think of a good one." I muttered under my breath, lacing my finger together and took a deep breath, "Maybe I should skip the wish; I'm too old for it-"

"I don't care if you are 24 or 56, you are going to make a damn wish whether you like it or not." He ordered as I raised an eyebrow.

"You are a child sometimes, Alex." I said with a smiled.

"Though…" He continued slyly, "If you don't want to wish anything for yourself, can you wish Scarlett Johansson in my room?" I gave him a small glare, "Hey, she was… stunning in that tight outfit-"

"Shut up you pig." I said and closed my eyes, thinking of something. Even at my age, he is still making me make wishes… I could wish for that new Charger… or that Mustang… the classic Mustang… that sounds wonderful-no, no. Material goods wouldn't last. Why am I even fretting over this? I wish… I want to do something…unimaginable in my life. I want to make a difference, a REAL difference in the world, yeah… like those super-

"Make a wish, not a speech." He joked as I sighed. I quickly finished my wish and blew out the candle as he clapped, cheering and hollering at me, "Nice job, you have officially turned 24."

"Thanks." I said sarcastically, removing the candle and throwing at his white shirt, "You are far too kind."

"Far too kind my ass." He muttered as I giggled and ate my miniature cake.

"Same thing tomorrow?" He asked as I approached my black 2011 Nissan, "I have work until 8."

"Sure; just make sure that your game is better this time." I teased as he rolled his eyes and went over to his dark green 2009 Hummer. I put my equipment in the back of my car and went over to the driver seat. I opened the door and slid in, closing it behind me. I hummed slightly and put my keys into the ignition, smiling when it roared. I looked over to Alex's car and saw that it was all ready backing up and turned a left down the road. I reversed my car smoothly before turning out of the parking lot and going a right.

I looked down at the radio and turned it on, frowning when I heard classical music. What the hell is this crap?

"I always hate classical." I muttered before going to my glove compartment, driving a bit slowly. I grabbed the green Cd and put it into the Cd slot, tapping my fingers against the wheel. I grinned when I heard the song coming on and bopped my head up and down, turning the volume even louder. I loved how the bass sounded; that was the main reason why I loved this song…

"…I can't lie no more; I can't hide no more…"I sang along loudly, my windows slightly opened."Got to be true to myself… And it feels like I am just too close to love you." At this times; I wished I had a disco ball in my car, a mini-party car. I looked over to my phone as I saw it vibrating on the passenger. I reached over and saw who was calling and groaned. I could ignore the call, but… damn it. I grumbled under my breath and answered.

"Hello?" I asked as I waited for a response, but I didn't have to wait for long.

"Nikita, you won't believe what happen to me?" The excited voice said as I rolled my eyes.

"You actually found a guy you can stay with for more than a week?" I questioned as she scoffed.

"I don't just only think about guys…well, most of the time, but that's not the point." She responded as I chuckled.

"What is it?"

"I made it! The job interview-"


"I know, right?"

"No, I mean as I no! Why did you pick that job?" I asked as she sighed.

"It's not a bad job-"

"You're going to be a damn stripper; how the hell is that not a bad job. Hell, being a janitor at Mcdonalds wouldn't be a problem." I said as she tsked under her breath.

"I'm not a stripper; I am going to be an entertainer." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"If strippers are entertainers, than drug dealers are street doctors." I said to be as she whined in frustration.

"I hate you." She whispered as I laughed loudly, "It's not funny!"

"It sure ain't sad, Liz" I replied and my laughter died down when rain started to pour down slowly, "Rain? Oh, come on! I just washed this car today!"

"Sucks to be you." Liz laughed as I sighed.

"I'll call you when I get home; got be careful with this weather." I told her as she hummed.

"Got it; make sure to call me though." She replied before hanging up. I scoffed and throw my phone behind my seat.

"So much for a regular goodbye." I mumbled, rolling my eyes and gripped the steering wheels with two hands, "Anyways, let's get on with this. I want to get home as soon as possible and make a burger-no… oatmeal…" I growled under my breath when the rain poured down faster, making it hard to see.

"This weather is stupid." I muttered and sighed. I slowed down and went down a short, but rocky road towards a bridge I cross to get to my home. I shook a bit when I heard thunder and lightning; I think a hurricane is coming in soon… I looked up at the storm and rolled my eyes. I looked back on the road.

"Holy shit!" I screamed, seeing some time of…thing in the middle of the street. I pushed on the brakes and pulled on the e-brake from good measure. I closed my eyes, thinking I hit something, but thank god, I didn't… I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the weird shaped thing in front of me. I gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"All right, Nikita; you can either leave or call the police." I told myself, staring at this…portal-like thing. I did the most stupidest thing I have ever done; I got out of my car. I put my hood up from my black jacket and walked towards the bluish portal. I put my hands on my arms to warm myself a bit. I was a few feet away from it as I peered at it. It looked like nothing was in it…

"I wonder what it is…" I mused to myself and took out my cell, "I should call police about this, but they probably wouldn't believe me…" I sighed and started to pace back and forth, rubbing my eyes; this is ridiculous. I heard a zooming sound and looked over, seeing the bluish thing getting bigger and approaching me.

"It's time to leave…" I said and ran to my car. I jaw hit the floor as I moaned. I tried to drag myself away, but something had a hold of my leg. I looked down and whimpered. I tried to crawl away, but it kept on pulling my back for the portal.

"Please, please! I don't want to go in there!" I screamed, out and stopped, remembering my phone. I opened it and tapped those three digits.

"Hello, how may-"

"I am being dragged into a damn portal, it's dragging me-...I am not sure, but please, help me!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face, "I don't know what to do!"

"Please tell us your position-"

"Just track my phone!"

"Ma'am, please calm down-"

"I'll calm down once you come here as soon as poss-" I dropped my phone as I was dragged into the portal, screaming my lungs out, but the colors that I came across were... calming. I saw a variety of blues. I stopped my screaming slowly and just stared at the color, wiping away my tears gently. If I was going to die, shouldn't I enjoy this moment...? I couldn't help, but laugh of my helplessness. One moment, I was having fun on my birthday, now I was being sucked through a portal...

Anywyas, not a good way to start a story, but I wanted to try it. This will be the slowest story I will update, not to mention the shortest story I will write the fewest words for. I am already writing three other stories.