What's up, ladies and gentlemen? Here is chapter eleven! Knew I wouldn't take as long this time ;P Thank you for the support, please keep it coming! :)

Chapter Eleven

The Emergency Situation

Yamamoto's cane cracked the ground beneath it and he stood, his haori billowing behind him as he called a captain's meeting into order. Standing before him were his men and women, each one battered and bruised in some way, the junior ones more so. Kenpachi stood with his neck arched, bloodied cuts running down his jagged cheekbones. Shunsui, Ukitake and Unohana stood by warily, gauging the reception of the other captains. Shinji, Rose and Kensei gathered in their respective places. Kensei found himself barely able to stand after the battle had taken its toll upon him, yet he did his best. Soi Fon stood closest to Yamamoto, her eyes narrow. They were wet with fear.

For a moment, there was an uncharacteristic silence in the hall. A light breeze rolled around the wooden chamber. Suddenly, the main doors came crashing open and two figures stepped into the room, followed by a couple of Shinigami donning white aprons and masks. The largest and most prominent figure was Komamura Sajin, the fox storming into the hall. Turning, he nodded to the first doctor who scurried away, Tetsuzaemon Iba gingerly closing the meeting hall doors behind them. Komamura bowed to the other captains before taking up his place.

"What of the injured?" Yamamoto asked gravely, his voice quiet. Komamura cleared his throat.

"Kuchiki Byakuya is severely wounded, though his life was saved by Kurosaki Ichigo's efforts. Rukia Kuchiki and Renji Abarai are undergoing intensive care. As for Toshiro Hitsugaya...," Komamura bared his fangs, "he will never again regain his Shinigami powers. The enemy shattered his Saketsu and his Hakusui." There was a thin silence as the news sank in. Shunsui cast a tender glance over the spot in the hall where Toshiro used to stand. "Lieutenants Shuhei Hisagi, Rangiku Matsumoto and Izuru Kira are also being administered high levels of care. I am told all of their situations are critical but they should pull through if left uninterrupted," Komamura growled. Unohana nodded.

"Yes and that is how it must remain," she whispered. "I must be allowed to heal them on my own time." Yamamoto merely nodded softly in agreement. "Where do we stand in terms of overall damage?" Unohana asked, looking back to Komamura. However, this time, Soi Fon spoke up, stepping forwards.

"My division has only done early reconnaissance but as far as we can tell, the entirety of Rukongai has been obliterated. The enemy was barely able to penetrate the Seireitei walls however. Over four thousand civilian casualties...," Soi Fon's voice trailed off a little, "...and nearly five hundred Shinigami were killed in the battle." The room fell into a glum state again as a solemn cloud hung over the usually proud captains. At last, someone cleared their throat rather pompously. It was Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the man wearing his elaborate golden headdress, his face painted with black and white stripes revealing his bright yellow teeth. His fingers wiggled excitedly in the air as Akon passed him a batch of notes.

"Enough of this," Mayuri sneered, unravelling the papers to his feet, "I have news about the studies I conducted in the Dangai, as was requested. Though I was forced to work in haste, I assure you the results are...legitimate," Mayuri cast a suspicious eye around at the other Shinigami in the room. Rolling through the paper with a loud rustling sound, Mayuri eyed the squiggles and garbled jargon before finally coming to what he was looking for. "Aaaah, here we are. During the period of time Lieutenant Chojiro Sasakibe retrieved Kisuke Urahara and brought him through the Dangai Precipice World...there was zero abnormal activity." Mayuri said slowly. Yamamoto glanced over at the scientist.

"And you're sure of that?" The old man grumbled. Mayuri hesitated for a moment before nodding and stuffing the results back into his haori.

"Of course, my equipment never fails me," the scientist scoffed. Yamamoto nodded reluctantly.

"Well that settles it," he snarled, slamming his cane into the ground, "I want a Seireitei wide search. I am issuing an arrest warrant for Kisuke Urahara, effective immediately. Soi Fon, send some of your men back to the human world, he may have returned-," Yamamoto began, only for someone to interrupt him with a sharp shout.

"Wait!" Ichigo cried, taking a step forwards from the sidelines. The captains were instantly quiet and an odd hush went up within the hall. Soi Fon turned on the spot, her upper lip quivering. "You can't just do that! Urahara-san would never have murdered Sasakibe-san and nor is he working with the Quincy!" Ichigo exclaimed, his arms out in front of him in pleading desperation. Yamamoto appeared to momentarily reconsider, closing his eyes and releasing a low sigh. Someone clapped Ichigo on the shoulder however, reigning him back in.

"Whadda think yer doing, Ichigo?" Shinji whispered in his ear. It was then that Ichigo noticed the solemn expressions on the captains' faces. "Ya have been allowed the honour of standing in on this meetin' because the Head-Captain respects ya. Show some respect in turn!" Shinji said hoarsely. Ichigo nodded and took a delicate step forwards, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath his sandals.

"Please, hear me out," Ichigo began.

"It's not like you're giving us much choice!" Soi Fon snapped, however Ukitake held his arm out in front of her. He turned to Ichigo, a stern look in the sickly man's eyes.

"Enough, Soi Fon. Bickering will get us nowhere...," Ukitake muttered under his breath. Nodding to Ichigo, he allowed the boy to continue. Ichigo smiled gratefully in return and took to the centre of the hall.

"Urahara-san isn't the type of person to do this and I think you all agree with that. He has helped us before, both against Aizen and when he arrived to save me against Ginjou. For him to reveal some...agenda now wouldn't make sense!" Ichigo exclaimed to the group. Shunsui cupped his chin, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"Your claims add up, yet you surely can't deny that if the situation arose, Kisuke Urahara wouldn't attempt to conceal Ryuken Ishida should he think he was a fugitive?" The captain with the straw hat asked honestly. Ichigo nodded.

"I know he would but at the same time...," Kurosaki thought deeply to himself, "...I'm unsure if that masked Quincy was even Ryuken at all." As he said this, a tremour of conversation rippled throughout the room.

"Your evidence?" Komamura barked.

"I have none. However, I fought him in the Dangai and splintered the mask. He did everything in his power to hide his face from me," Ichigo explained. Shunsui nodded in agreement, striding forwards and placing a firm hand on Ichigo's shoulder.

"I believe you. It's as simple as that. I feel that neither Kisuke nor Ryuken are guilty of anything at this present time. What say you, Yama-jii?" Kyoraku wondered, tipping the rim of his hat ever so slightly. Yamamoto rested himself for a moment, his eyes gazing at Kurosaki Ichigo. The young boy stood in the centre of this proud hall of warriors, defying the great Shinigami captains as he once had on the battlefield.

"I also agree with you, Kurosaki Ichigo," Yamamoto growled, clutching his staff and standing to his feet. Ichigo's face lit up and Shunsui smirked, pulling his hat down over his eyes. "However, the Central 46 is watching our every move. Even I do not have the authority to stand against them," Yamamoto turned to Soi Fon, "even if it is just for appearance's sake, sent out the arrest warrant for Kisuke Urahara." Soi Fon nodded, an ugly look spreading across her face as she childishly folded her arms. A couple of masked men, presumably from the Onmitsukido, zipped into sight, the captain directing them before they vanished from the hall once more.

After that, an awkward silence reigned. Ichigo returned to his position beside Shinji, the man inclining his head towards him. Finally, Kensei breathed in deeply and hooked his thumbs in his metal belt.

"Well hell, I may as well just come out and say it since we're all thinkin' it," Kensei grumbled, arching a white eyebrow. "It's about time we got some answers. Who are these Quincy and where the hell are they comin' from?" The man wondered, aiming the question at the older captains. Ukitake clenched his fist.

"We have no answers for you right now. At the moment, even we are not one hundred percent certain," Yamamoto explained. Kensei bared his teeth.

"At least tell us what you do know about them," the white haired captain asked, looking back and forth from the Shinigami. "Maybe next time we might stand a chance if you do!"

"Kensei...," Ukitake breathed, a sad look in his eyes.

"It's not just Kensei...," Rose said simply, brushing some blonde strands of hair from his battered face. The captains looked amongst one another for some kind of compromise, even Komamura beginning to falter a little.

"I cannot help but feel with more information, we could have fought them off a little better," Sajin whispered. Shunsui accepted the fact and turned to Yamamoto. However, the old man staunchly kept his position, shaking his head.

"The truth is that even we don't know much about them anymore. With Central 46 as it is right now, there is really very little we can tell you. As it stands, the Quincy, who call themselves 'The Vandenreich' are fighting with methods and technology we have never seen before. That is one of the reasons they are so dangerous right now," Yamamoto explained, his voice wearisome with age and fatigue.

"I can shed a little light, though the news is grim," Mayuri Kurotsuchi added, taking the stand once again with a piece of paper clutched in his claws. "Just before the meeting was called, as always, I analysed the traces of reiatsu both in the air and on the victims of captain class. I am very sorry to say this, wise captains but both Byakuya Kuchiki and Toshiro Hitsugaya...," Mayuri's face was cloaked in shadow as he lifted his eyes, "...no longer possess a Bankai, in any shape or form." Every Shinigami in the room stopped, their mouths hanging open in awe, aghast at the news presented to them.

"I know it sounds ridiculous at best but you will have to believe me," Mayuri explained, "though I know nothing of the mechanics behind it at the moment. However, I do believe they had their Bankai stolen from them by the enemy." The scientist concluded, returning to his position in the ranks.

"H-how is that possible?" Soi Fon cried out.

"Are you sure your information is accurate?" Shunsui wondered, looking up at the scientist. Mayuri rolled his eyes and nodded, brandishing the paper in the air for emphasis. Yamamoto slammed his staff upon the floor again to bring order back to the meeting, the captains beginning to worry amongst each other.

"Alright, I think we've heard enough. For now, return to your squad barracks and prepare for Operation: Resurgence, in effect starting tomorrow!" Yamamoto boomed, the captains shuffling uneasily on their feet. "This is the return of the people to a newly reformed Rukongai. Starting tomorrow, we shall begin organising them into areas for them to temporarily live while the 9th, 11th and 12th divisions get to work on rebuilding the towns and districts." The head captain barked his orders reassuringly, almost as if he were attempting to stimulate some morale.

"I have one more thing I'd like to say...," Mayuri piped up, perhaps to the irritation of the gathered Shinigami in the room. "Captain-Commander, you spoke of technology that you had never heard of before regarding these Quincy. Well, I am inclined to agree with you, though I do have to wonder if it is the work of mere technology. You see, some of you may have experienced being attacked by some of our own. This was no illusion," Mayuri explained, the others eyeing him darkly. "After working on the scene, I was able to come to a rough conclusion. Those Shinigami were not working in their own state of mind. Rather they were already dead. They had been reanimated and then...," Mayuri grimaced, "...appear to have had their souls stolen." There was silence. You could have heard a pin drop in the cavernous chamber. "That's...all I have to say on the matter for now." With that, the doors creaked open and the captains flooded out in a flurry of white cloaks. The bells chimed for Kisuke Urahara's arrest all around the Seireitei, ringing out and clashing against the skies.

Once outside, Shinji Hirako bid the others goodnight as darkness had begun to descend. The Seireitei was buzzing with activity unlike ever before with the arrival of the Rukongai residents, some wailing until their throats were sore, others making the best of a bad situation and huddling together in families and groups. Shinji watched them as he walked along the wooden walkway towards his barracks, the light chilly breeze in the night air catching his askew blonde fringe.

"Maaan...what a few days," he grumbled to himself, rubbing his temples, "I'm hurtin' all over. My neck is killin' me!" Finally arriving at the doors to his chambers, emblazoned with the insignia for the fifth division, he loosened his tie from around his throat a little and let it hang loosely in front of his shihakusho. Then, from behind him, he heard a noise. It was a sharp crack of wood, like a twig snapping and he listened intently to a rustling of bushes. He went cautiously for his zanpakuto, only to suddenly recognise the reiatsu and twist round sharply.

"Ya bloody idiot!" Shinji barked, Kisuke recoiling and lifting his hands into the air in surrender. "I could've chopped yer head off, what the hell are ya doin' sneakin' up on me?" At last he calmed down and replaced his weapon with a click. They were alone, the barrack garden surrounding them with only the sound of running water nearby and a few birds perched on the tiled rooftop overhead. Urahara went and sat on the walkway, placing his legs through the barriers and clasping one with either hand as Shinji stood some way in front of him, gazing at the pool.

"I'm surprised you aren't arresting me on the spot," Kisuke glowered casually, the wind gently wafting through his hair.

"Do I have a reason to?" Shinji replied. A smirk flickered across Kisuke's face. "Ya aren't being particularly clever. Anyone with enough skill could sense your reiatsu if they so wanted." Shinji berated the man.

"And do they want to?" Kisuke wondered. Shinji shook his head.

"Nah, we're on your side. Even the old man!"

"That's a relief," Kisuke's eyes shimmered in the pale moonlight. "He must be devastated about Sasakibe-san. It was a Quincy, Hirako-san, who killed him. They trapped us halfway through the Dangai and he engaged them in battle. There was nothing I could do."

To this, Shinji raised an eyebrow.

"In the Dangai, ya say?" The captain drummed his fingers on a nearby post, slouching up against it. "That's odd. Mayuri said-," then he stopped abruptly, deciding not to share the information for now. Urahara merely smiled. "Well, ya may as well come with me now. For appearances' sake, the old geezer wants ya under arrest. Just ta look good to the buggers up in Central 46." Shinji explained, however Urahara gripped the bars tighter.

"I can't," he whispered, "not yet. There are things I have to do here," Kisuke said darkly. Shinji nodded simply.

"I figured ya might say something like that. Good for you I don't go anywhere...," he reached into his haori and rummaged around before emerging with his jet black hooded cloak, the reiatsu concealing garment lying in his hands, "...without this baby." Urahara's eyes widened as Shinji handed it over to him. The man took it in his fingers and let it drape. It flowed listlessly like silk and barely seemed to weigh anything at all. It was not exactly how he remembered it, it appeared superior now. Thanking his friend, he whipped it round and wore it, pulling the hood up over his head, allowing for his eyes to glisten in the darkness. He could already feel the reiatsu being forced downwards, back into his system.

"It feels nostalgic," Kisuke said simply, running his hands down it.

"Looks a damn sight better on me though," Shinji scoffed, grinning. "I suppose before you head off to wherever you're goin' I should fill ya in on some of the details ol' Mayuri picked up on." Urahara chuckled as he adjusted his sleeves.

"Ah Mayuri-san," he sniggered, "yes, do, please."

Shinji's face darkened.

"It's bad, Kisuke. These guys are tough," the captain scowled, Urahara busying himself with his cloak. "Kuchiki is seriously injured and Hitsugaya is going to lose his powers. That's not all though. Both of them have had their Bankai stolen but we don't know ho-," Shinji began, only for Kisuke to reveal one of the metal discs from within his cloak.

"Indeed they have, by one of these," Urahara noted, smirking.

"Where did you get that?" Shinji gasped.

"Kurosaki-san and Ishida-san were attacked by some foot soldiers just outside my shop. I collected the spoils from their battle sometime after they had left. I hope to analyse how this truly operates but I fear I may need to get some answers from him," Urahara frowned, his brow shadowed. Shinji remained silent.

"Is that...where ya are headed now?" The captain whispered at last. Urahara nodded reluctantly.

"I don't have a choice. Besides, it might be nice to have a catch-up," he said slyly. Shinji sighed heavily and stared up at the moon. Finally, he let his shoulders slump.

"Yeah, alright. I get it. Ya sure you don't want me to come with ya?" Shinji asked, Kisuke placing a hand on the man's shoulder.

"I couldn't ask that of you," he smiled. Shinji nodded and turned to disappear back into the barracks. The captain took a glance over his shoulder and acknowledged the man before vanishing through the double doors, letting them slide shut quietly behind him so as to not wake anyone.

Kisuke Urahara arrived at last outside the first division's barracks, taking a look about him. He had successfully slipped past many a patrolling Shinigami thanks to his cloak but things were about to get more difficult. Waiting for the precise moment, he watched as two division members interchanged, the giant doors creaking open, the light of a nearby fire crackling a dim orange overhead, plunging the rest of the wall in darkness.

Kisuke used the shadows, slipping in and out of them before springing through the doors as they went to close once more. He was inside. Even in the courtyard he could feel Yamamoto Genryuusai's reiatsu swamping the area and lingering in the sky. He gazed up at the gigantic building with a black marked 'one' on the front wall, a golden slated roof sitting atop it. Darting forwards, he kept to the darkness, missions alongside Yoruichi running through his racing mind.

If it came to it, he knew the Molting Cicada technique she had passed onto him would get him out of at least one tight situation. He really did not want it to come to that though. Breaking into the main building was easier than expected and he passed through the dull room, ornaments and relics from the ages on display. The captain's meeting hall was nearby and he dodged it, wary of any presences. The milky crescent of moonlight glittered through the windows that lined the wall and he attempted to keep away from them as much as possible, nothing more than another shadow on the woodwork. At last, after diverting downwards and away from the edge of the building he came to his destination.

Two guards, likely from the Kido Division were perched rigidly at the bottom of a flight of stairs. They bore staves in their hands with prongs on the end of them and Kisuke cursed his luck. Although his reiatsu was nullified, he could still be seen and he sought to change that. Whispering into his hand, he activated a Kido himself.

"Bakudo 26, Kyokko," as he said this, his body disappeared from sight, light bending itself around him to conceal him from view. He was thankful for his reiatsu cloak - those of the Kido Corps would have noticed him in seconds otherwise. Gliding down the stairs, he slipped past them and knocked them both out in a single strike, the two men collapsing to the ground. It was just for good measure, to ensure he would not be followed.

Looting the key from one of them, he unlocked a large, brass door that resonated with a groaning echo as he pushed it open. His breath caught in his throat as soon as he pushed it open. There was another guard at the end of the black hallway, his back to the door. Kisuke closed it quickly, the mechanisms locking into place. The man twisted around, grumbling to himself. Immediately however, Urahara had struck him in the throat, the man toppling over, unconscious.

"Sorry," Kisuke said simply, his eyes gleaming from beneath his hood. Swooping through the labyrinth of tunnels, he passed into another floor. Here, the lights were crimson and the entire chamber appeared to be bathed in blood. He ran his fingers across the light. It was a sensor of some kind, though likely was unable to penetrate his cloak. He chuckled. It was up to Kurotsuchi to design the security systems and he had always hated Urahara's cloak.

Kisuke sped down the stairs, bypassing guards on the way who stood stiff with their backs to giant pillars that loomed high overhead in this gothic cavern. Urahara continued to go downwards, occasionally backing up against a wall to let people pass him by, or to vanish unnoticed into another corridor. It was disorientating and he felt his reiatsu weakening as he went further and further into the core of the earth. The red lights had since gone, plunging him into total blackness. At last he found his destination.

A single corridor at the very bottom of it all. It was like a hive, spiralling downwards on a dark descent that never seemed to end. The man was fairly certain he had been walking for at least an hour. The darkness was heavy and thick and he trudged quietly into the room. There was nothing but black Seki-Seki stone surrounding him and immediately his Bakudo shattered and broke down, revealing him to the shadows.

"Well, well," a familiar voice echoed from the far end of the corridor. Urahara looked up, blind and wary in the pitch dark. "Security must be lax, though you are akin to a sneaking rat anyway."

"It's nice to see you again too," Kisuke replied to the emptiness, unsure of exactly where the voice was coming from. His hairs stood on end, as if a cold breath was rattling down his spine. Suddenly, a lime green light exploded into life, covering Kisuke in an ominous glow. His eyes glowed beneath his hood and he scoured the darkness. "Where are you?" He whispered against the deathly still air.

"Right here," the voice sneered and Kisuke span around. The emerald light left the two of them to stare at one another, Kisuke lowering his hood as he watched the man. The figure was bolted to the ground, strapped and strapped again in a towering chair. His chocolate brown hair was barely visible through the leather bindings that held him to his seat, yet his sole conniving eye was as recognisable as always. "It is good to see you again, Urahara Kisuke."

"Aizen...," Kisuke said darkly.