I'm so sorry! I promised myself I wouldn't do this but...


(Sneak Peek's down below, but read this first, will ya?)

I'm sorry I haven't updated Crossroads in almost a year guys. I've been really really busy. I was in senior year last school year and I had to fix up my applications, go to exams, not to mention my extra curricular. It was exhausting no doubt.

Regarding the story, I'm still going to do it. I've been adding stuff to chapter 5 little by little. I'm almost done, but I promised at least 2,000 words. It's more than that actually, but I want to finish a chapter that seems like an actual whole chapter, if you get what I mean.

I passed all my college exams but I have another advanced test coming up in less than a week. No, I'm not a nerd. If I was, I'd be a cool one.

I can, however, give you a sneak peek on what's coming up. DOWN

Chapter 5: TBA

Jake and Cake walked back to their dorms after learning who their dorm mates were. Jake said he might go on and hang with Finn, Marshall and Gumball first before going to his dorm. Cake encouraged this by saying that Mo-Chro was there as well.

Cake on the other hand decided to go to her own dorm and check out what it was like. She passed Bubblegum, Marceline and Fionna's dorm, she heard some laughing and squealing along the way. It sounded like they were doing well but she heard some screaming as well.

She got to her dorm and knocked on the door waiting to be welcomed in. Lady Rainicorn welcomed her in happily, but she seemed stressed. Cake walked inside and found that everything was alright except for a very loud and annoying conversation going on through the telephone at the living room. Lady Rainicorn had already gotten inside their bedroom leaving the two others alone.

"Like, oh my glob, Melissa! No way, that is so not true. Nooo, shut up!" Lumpy Space Princess was on the phone, voice like its volume has been turned on high.

Cake waved hello but was just given a glance by LSP that seemed to say 'Like, who the heck are you?'

"Melissa, Melissa, yeah some cat person just walked into our dorm." She said, "Yeah, she seems okay." Lumpy Space Princess continued her conversation on the phone.

"Well, hello to you too." Cake said walking into the bedroom to find Lady Rainicorn on her bed. "Is that your version of Lumpy Space Prince?"

"Yes, if that's what your LSP is like as well, I can imagine Jake and Monochromicorn are doing if they're roommates with him." Lady Rainicorn replied in Korean.

*(Please just pretend that Lady Rainicorn is always speaking in Korean. It would make things easier for all of us.)*

"They are, actually. Girl, we're gonna be in for quite a year." Cake said as Lady Rainicorn nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Fionna, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline got to know each other more as they talked in their room. They seemed to know a lot about each other, figuring some traits through each of their counterparts. They talked about Princess Bubblegum first and were already finishing up with Fionna.

"That's great, you remind me so much of Finn!" Princess Bubblegum exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Didn't Finn like you the same way Fionna liked Gumball? That is so weird," the other two girls looked at each other and then at Marceline, "I want no lesbian fantasies going on in this room, got that?" Marceline teased.

The two other girls looked at her incredulously with disgusted faces. All Marceline could do the stop the laugh coming out was to cover her face with a pillow.

"That's disgusting, Marceline!" Fionna replied as she threw a pillow at the vampire. Besides her annoyance she laughed along as well.

"Well, imagine what would happen if she got together with your friend, Marshall, Fi," PB said sitting down on one side of her bed, "that would be one of the most disastrous pairs our dimensions ever had. I can visualize all the fighting and the shouting already!"

Fionna looked up from her pillow staring at the wall.

"I don't know, I think it would be pretty good, actually. They might have actually found their match for stubborn heads." Fionna laughed as she poked Marceline.

Marceline, who caught wind of the conversation underneath all the pillows she was buried in sat up with burning eyes. She floated off PB's bed and retreated to hers, the farthest one from the window.

"What the hell are you two talking about?! Just because you spend your time fantasizing about your non-existent love lives does not mean you can make up one to mess me up, PB." Marceline said defensively, "I find him personally distasteful."

"Whatever, but you could still be friends for Glob's sake. Let's go get some sleep, school doesn't start in two days but we should get ourselves ready." Bubblegum said settling in her bed by the window.

"I agree, good night." Fionna said fixing up her pillows.

"Less than a day together and you already sound like each other. I'm going to watch some television in the living room for a while, night." Marceline said as she entered the other room.

A/N: So? How'd you like it? This is a part of Chapter 5, which has yet to be named. Brad, Melissa, Brittany, Melvin and some other characters and their gender swaps might be introduced soon.

Any comments, suggestions, ideas, violent reactions, tips and etc. are highly appreciated. I don't like flames but if necessary do as you will.


P.S. Again, I'm sorry.