Prologue (5/28/13) :

I'M GOING TO CONTINUE THIS STORY! I'm first going to start by rewriting all of the chapters… they are way too short and you guys don't deserve that. Now that I am officially on summer break and am not partaking in any summer camps (thank god), I have the whole summer to write! I'm going to be writing this one, possibly my Dual Wavelengths, and two of my AsianFanFics, Lacivious and No Limit. I kind of want to rewrite When Dreaming Gets Drastic… now that I'm older and have had more experience with literature and how to write, I think that story needs a drastic makeover. As you all know, I slack hardcore. So, please feel free to bother me as much as you want when you feel the need for an update! My tumblr is .com, and don't be afraid to bug the shit out of me! Well, look forward to the updates!

Usagi has met all her friends, is in a relationship with Mamoru, and above all, has already saved the world multiple times. But is this enough? She certainly doesn't think so. Something in her is missing that can't be replaced. No, someone is missing that can't be replaced.