This is kinda something that came out around three in the morning. I've been rewatching Fairy Tail and getting onto a huge Laxus kick. I'm not sure about this and if I should continue it?

As a young man, Laxus might have been called kind. He might have been called a good man. He was known as a man who had an attachment to his guild and pride for his nakama. He was the grandson of Makarov so it was obvious to everyone that he would follow in his footsteps. He fought alongside his nakama and looked up to his grandfather, knowing Fairy Tail was what he had dreamed of. It was his home.

But slowly and surely, it had all changed. With every year that passed since his father had been exiled, Laxus seemed to grow bitter. His hatred would fester and rot inside of him, letting the goodness slip away farther and farther. His attitude became caustic and acerbic and many in the guild now avoided the older man. No one wanted to drink with him or even be in his presence for long. But Laxus didn't care. He was obviously better than them and he didn't need their damn approval for trivial shit such as that. Plus who needed the opinion of weak mages anyway?

Yet there was only one person who still stayed near Laxus, who wasn't part of the Thunder God Tribe: a young girl named Hikari. She alone could brush away the scathing remarks of the older mage, braving even the threat of physical harm to be with him. For some odd reason she had chosen the blond haired man to be her protector and hero. Everything she did was to please him, and she worked daily to increase her power to have the man proud of her. For the same reasons the guild could not even fathom, she fawned over Laxus. She loved him with the girlish crush that only a young girl could manage and would never take no for an answer. Perhaps the stubborn aspect was what the two had in common. That was about it, after all.

After years of her constant presence Laxus had finally settled into the fact that the girl would not just leave him in peace. He could also admire the sheer persistence and determination in dealing with what insults he threw at her. Of course, she was young and definitely weak, but she was improving quite rapidly. Give it a few years and the girl might be strong enough to be in the true Fairy Tail. However, the brat giggled too damn much and talked all the time. She could be very annoying if she was happy and that's when he would make her leave him alone. It never lasted that long, but he could appreciate the few minutes of silence before she came back to him.

After a while, the guild noticed the change between the two. Laxus would allow the girl liberties no other human had with him. She could touch his jacket and during the times where Laxus was in an extremely good mood, she could play with his hair. He allowed her the privilege of sometimes sitting in his lap or even just sitting beside him. To their surprise she was even allowed to steal food from his plate or drink his own beverage, a luxury no one else could ever have – or want to have, honestly. The years she had spent wearing him down to a placid tolerance of her had paid off; she was something more than a friend, but too young to be anything else. In return she lavished Laxus with constant devotion and fawning, something the man seemed to tolerate and even approve of from time to time. Of course, when guild members ventured too close to the pair, a glare from Laxus would stop them in their tracks. But it was unsaid – probably for their own physical safety – that Laxus seemed to grow from the attention from the young girl, and Hikari flourished from the toleration of her idol.

She seemed to wither slightly when Laxus went on missions, but she worked hard while he was gone, eager to show the blonde her progress when he returned. Laxus was her life and her reason for growing as a mage. The same reasons fueled her to battle opponents stronger than her. She would fight Erza – who knew to never hold back – and every bruise she suffered she bore with the knowledge that she would grow stronger. She fought savagely just as Laxus did and would never hold back. She always gave every battle her all, because Laxus told her there was no other way to get stronger. She had taken his teachings to heart and whenever he was gone, training was all she would ever do. It was enough to get her by when her Laxus was gone.

And every time Laxus returned, they would always go out to the woods, to a spot where only they knew existed, and fight. He would win, of course, but every time she would last a bit longer, attack a bit harder. Her instincts would hone every battle and though she wasn't the fastest learner, she was the most persistent. Then after she would collapse through sheer exhaustion, Laxus would throw her over his shoulder and carry her to the guild, depositing her at the bar where he expected Mirajane to take care of her. It was a ritual no one in the guild dared to comment on – at least in Laxus' presence – but one they approved of. Laxus may have been an ass, but he still had a shred of humanity. It just was in the young teenager who never was away from his side.

Years passed in this fashion, the girl never growing away from her girlish crush, and Laxus tolerating her presence for extended hours of time. She learned restraint and how to read Laxus' moods, a feat that surprised most of the guild. She knew when to speak, when to listen, and when to just sit quietly with him, and in return, she was allowed to be by his side unconditionally. It no longer bothered Laxus that she followed his every step; in fact, it bothered him when she didn't. The times she was sick and couldn't be with him, he seemed more tense and aggravated. Even the Thunder Tribe knew to stay away from him when Hikari wasn't around.

When she was critically injured on a mission and landed a month long hospital stay, Laxus had been so moody three tables had been destroyed for pitiful excuses. He had looked at Laxus wrong. She had brushed against his shoulder. He went out the door first. Trivial things that would merely irritate him now pushed him over the edge. And everyone knew to turn a blind eye when he visited her in the hospital. No one would admit that they knew he would stay all night sometimes just to watch over the sleeping girl. Their constant relationship remained unsaid but acknowledged. They were friends, even if Laxus would never admit it to his rational mind.

As more time passed, Laxus grew even more bitter and angry. Fairy Tail was full of weak mages, making it the laughing stock of Fiore. He wouldn't tolerate this bullshit of having his guild laughed at and mocked. He was going to rebuild the guild his way. He would get rid of every weak idiot around and make it how it used to be. But when he put his plan into action and began the fight between nakama, he made sure to cage not only Natsu and his grandfather, but to trap Hikari as well. She had been turned to stone as well, but everyone knew he couldn't harm her. She was the light to his angry darkness. Or…so they hoped.

And when he had been defeated in the fiery battle that had followed, Hikari forgave him instantly. Her only regret was that she had not been by his side to calm him. She may have been young, but she knew the effect she had on him. It was one of the things she had strangely understood from a young age. And like Laxus, she spent her days and nights by his side, only leaving when she was kicked out by the nurses. Yet she was there the second visiting hours came. Laxus slept most of the time, waking only when he needed to eat or drink. To the nurses' utter bafflement, the battle hardened man would only accept nourishment from the young blonde girl by his side. She was allowed to care for him at his worst and at his best, because it had been this way for years.

When Laxus had returned to the guild, Hikari had been by his side. When Makarov had expelled him from the guild as punishment, she was there, holding his hand. With her there he just smiled calmly and thanked his grandfather before leaving. Even when he informed the Thunder Tribe of what had happened, she was at his side, just content to hold onto the furry sleeve of his jacket. She gave him strength, as he gave her his own.

Yet, she was more than a friend, and still too young to be anything else.

This was most apparent when the Fairy Tail parade arrived, when Hikari had escorted Laxus to secretly watch the parade. She knew he was leaving, but when he had announced he was leaving without her, she panicked. With no shame she had cried and held onto Laxus, something she knew never to do before. Laxus stiffened but only held her against him with one arm. Yet against her pain, against her tears, he had held firm to his decision. He had to leave and atone for what he had done. And it was only the respect and knowledge she had of Laxus that kept Hikari rooted to the spot. She knew he had to leave, she knew he had to find himself once again, and she understood that he needed to atone. She understood him better than he did himself.

He began to walk away until she cried out his name, her torment and heartbreak apparent.

And as he turned, the sight brought tears to his eyes. All of Fairy Tail had their hands up in the symbol he had created as a young boy. Though he was gone from the guild, they would still look after him. As his tears fell he looked back to the girl who had been there for everything. Reaching into his pocket he gave her a golden necklace of a thunderbolt, one he had bought for her long ago but had never given her.

He was the one that gingerly lifted her hair and he was the one who hooked the necklace on. And this time, he was the one that hugged her, silently acknowledging what she had endured these years to be with him. It was one of the many things he would think of while he was gone.

The last words she had heard from him was, "I'll be back for you." He nuzzled the top of her hair as he had rarely done, and left her crying in the alley, watching him walk away. She gripped the necklace and just prayed that Laxus would come back to her.

Letters arrived telling of his travels, short one liners of where he was and where he was headed; a way to keep their relationship close as possible. Laxus knew her well enough that she needed it, and truth be told, he needed her as well. The last letter he sent said that he was headed to Tenrou Island.

It was later she learned of the destruction of Tenrou Island by the black dragon Acnologia, and the death of her guildmates and Laxus. At first, she knew he couldn't be dead. He was Laxus, the strongest person she knew! Later, when no letters arrived, she was in denial. He couldn't be dead. And much later after that, she finally accepted the harsh reality. Laxus was gone.

It was up to her to take his place, to live on and become a woman Laxus would be proud of.