A/N: I would like to thank all the people that read and reviewed my precious baby. Wow, this is it...Well, enjoy your summer!


Months later, Steve found himself in front of a mirror fixing his tie and spraying some cologne on his neck. Making sure he looked sharp, the super-soldier exited his apartment. Down the stairs and in the parking lot, the man felt his phone ring in his pocket. Fishing it out, he quickly answered, "Hello?"

On the other line was Natasha, she sounded more or less exasperated. "I called your home-phone and you didn't answer. What the hell are you up to now?"

Steve put his phone between his shoulder and his ear, as the man searched his pockets for a comb. "Been busy... got a date."

Natasha's eye-roll could be heard, "Your tramp hasn't even been dead a year, Steve!"

A car pulled up by Steve, and the man quickly said "good-bye" to Natasha, before hanging up. Behind the wheel of the vehicle was none other than Loki, he pulled his sunglasses up to give Steve a stern look. "When I said Seven Post Meridiem, I meant Seven Post Meridiem! I had to drive around this gods-forsaken parking lot for a hour and a half!"

The super-soldier shrugged, before walking around the car and letting himself in. "I'll make it up to you-hey, I'll buy dinner!" He flashed the vampire-hunter his all-American smile.

Loki scoffed, before putting the car in Drive and pulling off towards the exit of the parking garage. "You're already treating, you dolt!" Hitting the brakes right before they drove through the security check-point, the raven-haired man glared at Steve. "Next time, just be on time." This time, it was Steve's turn to stare. "What makes you think there'll be a next time?"

As they pulled onto the street and drove to their destination, Loki put his sunglasses back in place, before putting his hand on Steve's thigh. "You made me kill my brother, you jackass-I'm not going to let you off easy!"