Scootaloo's Revenge.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY. Oh my, it has been a while. I'm back online now but I'm not sure if I want to continue with this site. I might just finish Scootaloo's Revenge as people have been requested it and liking it so much - thank you! - but after that, I'm done. Thank you all for your patience, it means the world to me.

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, clearly.

Chapter 6: Fluttershy's Insanity.

Apple Bloom bucked and Sweetie Belle reared, both caught off guard with the disturbing scene in front of them. Rarity's mangled corpse was torn in the most foul ways, her mane ripped from her scalp along with layers of skin, the same with her tail. Her horn had been removed unevenly with a saw, the last shards of magic left in the unicorn shattered beyond repair. Her eyes were bulged outwards, red staining the pony's coat and a deep gash ripped through Rarity's flank, intestines spilling out onto the floor. She'd been displayed like this on purpose, and the reason was clear with the reaction of everypony.

"She's trying to frighten us, to put off this search," hissed Twilight Sparkle, looking at the bloody remains of her friend without any emotion. She walked around to the opposite side of the unicorn carcuss, slamming her hoof down on Rarity's stomach as blood continued to pour out. "This is what will happen to all of us if we don't do something about it, fear will not control us!" the magical pony exclaimed, greeted with looks of approval but nothing could deny was in front of them.

"Twi, y'all actin' like you don't even care. That's Rarity, our pal!" shouted back Applejack, tears welling up in her red iris', sore from the constant weeping. The unicorn snorted,

"Of course I care, but I cannot waste time by mourning like the rest of you! I have a pony to get rid of, how about the rest of you?" This time, the ponies called out in agreement. Cradling the weapons they had found around the barn, they followed Twilight Sparkle out of Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom glanced up at her older sister,

"What're we gonna' do? Pinkie could kill 'em too!" cried the filly, light sobs stuck in her throat. Applejack gave her stern look,

"Pinkamena, not Pinkie." She sighed, "And just not join 'em, y'all stay here with me and your lil' filly friends. Twi will be gatherin' others from Ponyville as we speak, Spike's already with 'er and Fluttershy- Well, it won't be long." The earth pony laid down, cuddling up to her sister and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo remained standing.

"I'm going with Twilight."

Applejack froze, lifting her head and staring directly at the filly. "Scootaloo, are y'all mad? There's no way I'm lettin' a lil' filly like yourself risk your life!" The young pegasus rolled her eyes briefly, a slow movement that mocked the country pony,

"It doesn't matter, you're not my mother and I can do as I wish. I'm going." With a flick of Scootaloo's short pink tail, she began trotting out the door. Something lunged for her back leg, making her stop bluntly in her tracks.

"Scootaloo, no!" cried Sweetie Belle, looking up at her friend with tearful eyes. Apple Bloom nudged her sister desperately, though what Scootaloo said had been true. "Let 'er go, Sweetie." Applejack looked up, her expression made of steel as she stared at Scootaloo. "Y'all a fool, at least these two 'ave some common sense."

Scootaloo gritted her teeth to stop any spiteful response from crawling out, turning away from the three ponies. Apple Bloom looked blankly to the floor and Sweetie Belle weeped as she was pulled back, until the filly had left the barn and made her way out of Sweet Apple Acres. The knot in her throat swelled and she struggled to gulp it down, the same with her tears as they overflowed her lids. Yet, she made not a single sound. Spotting Twilight Sparkle in the distance, she cantered to meet up with her as she forced back down her emerging emotions.

"Fluttershy, open up!" commanded the unicorn, her hooves pressed against the door as she tried to push it open. The windows had been blacked out and the door locked, no one had seen the pegasi in weeks. "Twi-" began Scootaloo as she joined the purple pony, but she was greeted back with annoyance. "I haven't got time for fillies today, run along now." Twilight stepped back a few steps and then charged at the door, she heard the padlock rustle loosely but the door still remained shut.

A sigh escaped the pony's maw as she walked backwards to repeat her action, Scootaloo tried again. "I just wanted to see if I could-" but again the filly was cut off with the door of Fluttershy's home crashing to the ground. "There. Now, what Scootaloo?" muttered Twilight Sparkle as she entered the house.

"I want to join you, in finding Pinkamena." A repressed laugh came from inside, as Scootaloo walked in.

"Are you crazy, Scootaloo? Or just stupid? This isn't something for fil-"

"She killed Rainbow Dash, I want to help find and kill her," interupted the orange pony, loosing her patience. She was fed up with people looking down on her as nothing more than an upset foal. Twilight Sparkle glanced at her and a small spark of sympathy appeared in her gaze. "Fine, but I'm not being held responsible for you. If you weren't as close to her as you are, well, just.. Just be quiet," she said with a grumble, trying to push back memories of Rainbow Dash as she peered into the kitchen, Scootaloo went to the living room.

"She must be upstairs," announced Scootaloo, her enquiry correct as Twilight nodded to the staircase, climbing them slowly. The pink-maned filly followed her silently, eyes wide as they approached Fluttershy's bedroom. "Fluttershy?" called out the unicorn, no response. She didn't waste any time, slamming the door open to display the pegasi sprawled across the floor, light pink mane and tail surrounding the yellow body in knotted swirls.

"Pinkamena strikes again," mumbled the magical pony, her throat tight as she stepped inside the room. Scootaloo rushed to the pegasus, however there was no blood or gore - the slightest disarray being her unwashed body. "Twilight, she's just unconscious. Look!" she protested, slotting her hoof into Fluttershy's showing ribs, her sides heaving up and down with a shaky action.

"She's starved and exhausted," said Twilight blankly, but concern rising. It was harder to deal with a close-to-death pony, then an already-dead pony. "Go to the kitchen, fetch some water and some food." Scootaloo nodded and hastily rushed downstairs to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, she began looking through cupboards and found a bucket - used to feed Fluttershy's animals but still clean, she knew the pegasus must be awfully thirsty. Turning the tap, she filled the bucket to the top before opening the fridge in shock. Everything had rotted away, mold on every surface of food which had expired weeks ago. Scootaloo coughed at the foul stench and closed the door, turning to pick up the bucket.

When was the last time Fluttershy had eaten something? Desperate to rid the vile smell filling her nostrils, she picked up the weighty bucket steadily when she came face-to-face with a mangled, white-furred creature with blood coating most of the pure colour. It's ears were ripped off, body broken at a painful angle and most organs gone. Angel.

Scootaloo darted out of the kitchen, suddenly she could see carcusses of multiple wildlife critters spread across the place, cut open with intestines spilling out, ribs cracked and bones splintered. How did they not notice this before? Everything was a blur of red, when a shriek erupted from upstairs. "Twilight?" gasped Scootaloo, setting into a canter up the staircase, trying to ignore the animals she now could not stop thinking about, their dead eyes watching Scootaloo menacingly.

Once in the bedroom, she could see Twilight Sparkle bucking as a figure grasped onto her front leg, saliva drooling from her mouth and pupils dilated. Fluttershy, yet she didn't resemble the timid pony whatsoever. Her muzzle was stained red and her fur matted, "So.. hungry.." spluttered the pegasus, madness growing in the empty-stomached pony before a glow of magic seeped from Twilight Sparkle's horn and struck Fluttershy until she blacked out yet again, groaning as her tongue flopped out of her mouth.

"W-What happened?" cried the filly, stepping backwards in fear. "She bit me," said Twilight Sparkle bluntly, but was clearly shaken up. "Where's the food and water?" she demanded, Scootaloo opened her mouth to explain.

"I forgot the water.. but all the food in her fridge was rotted and covered in mold, then I turned and I saw Angel-"

"Her rabbit?" Scootaloo nodded.

"Dead." Twilight Sparkle's jaw remained open in utter disbelief.

"She ignored the food in the fridge, she resulted to eating.. those animals, her pets, her friends?"

"They clearly didn't give up without a fight," spoke Twilight carefully, turning to Fluttershy and scanning her eyes across the scratches and bite marks across her body. An eerie silence followed, a pool of purple drowning Fluttershy and consuming her entirely. "We need to take her to Princess Celestia, she'll know what to do," lifting the pegasus with her magic.

"And after that, we find Pinkamena?" enquired Scootaloo, Twilight Sparkle shook her head.

"After that, we kill Pinkamena."