A/N: Alrighty so basically, I'll give you the short version of the author's note I had before I edited this thing (you know, without all of the crazy). My OTP is Longshot, as you can probably tell from my page and hey, if you know me from Tumblr, you know that better than most. I really, really love the ship and I wanted to write something for it that hasn't been done before (that's not much, considering it's more of a rowboat than a ship), and this idea came to mind after a conversation long ago with my RP group. So this story is dedicated to my lovely friends at YJ-Infinite and especially my RP partner blondearcher, who not only puts up with my crazy, but Roy's as well. If you want to see more of pregnancy!Longshot check out our RP on tumblr. That's about it, I think; happy reading!

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Young Justice, because then Longshot would be canon and I wouldn't be crying myself to sleep at night about my OTPs.

{Edited on 8/25/12)

Artemis's fingers clenched around the piece of plastic in her hands, barely holding onto it with her shaking fingers and sweating palms. Her knee bounced as she sat there on the toilet seat, staring at the timer on the counter next to her. The seconds ticked away in what seemed like slow motion, but her heartbeat wasn't nearly as calm, speeding up with each passing number. Suddenly the timer went off, and she jumped, a gasp escaping her lips.

She fumbled to keep her grip on the stick – and her sanity, it seemed. Taking a deep breath, she flipped the plastic over and she squeezed her eyes shut, afraid of the results. Her stomach gave a painful lurch, and she finally wrenched her eyelids open to see the sign. "No..." she breathed, the word falling out of her lips, taking all of the energy in her body with her. Artemis gripped the counter tightly to keep herself up as her knees buckled, knuckles turning white from the effort.

Eventually, she turned around and slid down to sit against the counter, balancing the test on her knees.


The little pink plus sign was like a giant sign in front of her with the words "you're screwed" displayed in flashing neon. This was it. It was over. Everything, every shred of normalcy in her life that she had barely held onto was over. From this point on, life would never, ever be the same for her. She was only eighteen for fuck's sake, barely able to take care of herself, let alone another life form growing inside of her.

Another life form...there was a babyinside of her.

Just that one thought gave her a whirlwind of emotions. She wanted to cry, scream and break things, hurt him for what he has done to her. But at the same time...

A tentative hand reached towards her flat stomach, pushing up the tank top she was wearing to expose the tanned skin and toned muscles. She ran her fingers along it, trying to imagine ababy in there. Her baby...Roy's baby.

Roy's baby,she repeated in disbelief. She was carrying Roy Harper's child. If anyone had told her this was happening five years ago, heck, even five months ago, she would laugh in their face. They were barely in a relationship then, and everything had gone by so fast from enemies to acquaintances to friends to friends with benefits to...this.

This, this thing between them. It wasn't just a relationship now, it was a baby. A baby that she had just found out about, and Roy...oh god. She had to tell him. And better sooner than later.


Artemis paced up and down the empty, far-too-neat apartment, running her fingers through her hair over and over. She had snapped her last hair tie from tightening it too hard, and was too scared she'd miss Roy if she left to get more. She'd long since given up trying to go back to sleep, and had settled for watching melodramatic afternoon talk shows. Well, if you counted staring at the tv while a million thoughts ran through her head as watching.

What would he say? What would he do? What if he kicks her out? Abandons her to take care of this baby by herself? What would she do then? What was she going to tell her mother?

She heard the keys jingle the locks - four different locks, because Roy was overwhelmingly paranoid about that sort of thing - and her blood ran cold. It was now or never; the moment of truth. She sat, frozen on the couch with her arms wrapped around her abdomen, as if he would seethe baby inside of her. As if that would make him turn and leave without a word. Her knee began to bounce nervously as Roy finally entered, dropping the keys off at the kitchen counter before striding into the living room. "Hey babe," he greeted, loosening the tie around his neck. "How was your day off?"

When he bent down to press his lips to hers, she returned his kiss half-heartedly, trying to keep the worried expression off of her face. "Roy, I..." As soon as she pulled away, he captured her lips again, placing both hands on the back of the couch beside her. She gave up trying to talk momentarily, craning her neck with slight discomfort, as her hands gripped the sides of his face. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth, exploring with practiced ease. Happily savoring what of this she could before she gave him the news that she was sure would send him packing, she responded with gusto. Unfortunately their moment didn't last much longer.

Suddenly, Artemis's stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch, and she pushed him away. Their lips separating with a loud smack, and his eyes widened with shock as she sprinted towards the bathroom.

She retched into the toilet, tears pooling in her eyes from the sting in her throat. Roy quickly knelt beside her, holding her hair and rubbing her back. "Are you sick?" he asked worriedly as she finally leaned back, only to double over again. "Was it something you ate? Food poisoning?"

"It's not..." She coughed, dry heaving. "Not food poisoning."

"Flu? Cold? Vertigo?" he continued guessing as he rubbed her back. "Maybe it's...what's that?"

"What's what?" she asked, confused, until her eyes followed his line of sight...right into the trash can. Artemis froze in terror as he left her side, reaching into the trash and pulling out the thing she was trying to hide. He took one look at her - she back to her position of hovering over the toilet - and didn't even need to look at the results of the test in his hands. Roy looked like he might be sick right along with her. A shout of "You ARE the father!" came from the tv in the other room, making her squeeze her eyes shut. This couldn't possibly get any worse.

He held up a hand to the light to see it better, before flipping the test over to see the results for himself. "It's positive..." he breathed, leaning back on the counter with his elbows for support. "That means..."

"Yes Roy, I'm pregnant," she scowled, brushing past him to rinse her mouth out, the nausea finally leaving her. "Congratulations, you're the father."

Roy's mouth opened and closed as he struggled to find words, his jaw finally snapping shut after he found that he had nothing to say. All coherent thoughts appeared to have abandoned his mind but he desperately grasped for them. He had to say something, anything. But, he remained unmoving, elbows leaning back on the counter to steady himself. She waved a hand in front of his face, but his eyes didn't follow. "Say something!"

"S-sorry," he blinked. "I just...a baby?"

She glared, crossing her arms. "Well it's not a cat!"

"A baby,Artemis," he repeated, gripping her shoulders. "You – we're having a baby."

"Who's this we you're talking about? I don't see you desperately clinging to a toilet, heaving your guts out." She really needed to learn when to stop talking, she noted rather painfully, but she couldn't help but continue. This was all so surreal. Not only was she going to have a baby, but after convincing herself that she was going to do it alone here was Roy, telling her otherwise.

"Well, I'm not gonna leave you to this alone," he said in disbelief.

"You-you're not?"

"Of course not." Roy laughed and pressed her face against his broad chest, running his fingers through her hair. "We're in this together, whether you like it or not."

She couldn't help but let a grin spread across her face, relief washing over her in large waves. He wasn't mad, he wasn't going to leave her,they could make it through this.Her eyes welled up with tears – whether from her own emotions or hormones she didn't know – and she buried her face into his shirt. "Promise?" Artemis whispered, looking up at him through her eyelashes.

Roy gave her a comforting smile in return, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I promise." She stood on her toes to kiss him again, but he pushed her away, shaking his head as he backed out the door. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, eyes following him as he shuffled into the hall. "You smell. Brush your teeth and then come find me, babe."

It took her a moment to realize exactly what he had just said, and by the time she was ready to hit him, he was already halfway down the hall. "Asshole!" she shouted at his retreating form, pulling a towel off the hanger and throwing it out after him.

"Love you too!"