Spiritual Awakening

Summary: Sequel to Ghostly Phenomenon. Allen Walker is back in reality, confused and unsure of everything. His head spinning, he tries to figure out what's real and what's fiction, in unconventional methods.

Disclaimer: We do not own D. Gray-Man, and we never will.








Chapter Start

"Allen?" A voice softly called out, attempting to break through the haze in Allen's mind. "Allen, can you hear me?" The voice tried again, sounding desperate.

She gained no response.

A sigh escaped her lips, a soft pout playing on them. "Alright then, I'll just talk." She took a deep breath. "In case you can't tell, it's me, Lenalee." A brief pause. "…I was hoping that you'd wake up this time, but I hope for that every time that I'm here, yeah?" She paused for a few moments now, taking another deep breath. "It's all up to you now, Allen. Waking up, I mean. If you want to wake up, then you can and will, but if you don't want to… well, then you'll be like this forever." A sob escaped her, breaking at the end. "I miss you, Allen. I miss you so, so much. …Please wake up, please."

Minutes passed, and Allen neither moved nor showed any signs of waking.

"…I'll be back tomorrow." Lenalee said, standing up shakily. "Bye, Allen." She left the room, pausing at the door to glance back at the white haired boy, hoping that he'd be smiling at her, telling her that everything would be alright. He wasn't. With a sigh, she left the room, tears continuously streaming down her face.

Once she was gone, the white haired boy internally sighed. "Is it time to wake up, then?" He wondered to himself, glancing around his mind. "…Yeah, I think it is."

In the hospital room, a pair of hazel eyes revealed themselves to the world for the first time in a year. A smile played across Allen Walker's lips, his eyes glinting gleefully. "I'm back." He stated aloud to the empty room, a satisfied feeling in his chest. "…I'm back."

Chapter End




Fibfi-Chan: Yo! *grins and waves*

Deke: We've finally gotten around to writing this!

Masquerade: We know that this is short, but please bare with us.

Angel: *giggles* It's just the prelude, so it's short, but the next chapter'll be longer, promise!

Blank: *laughs* It's been so long since we've said this, but as to keep tradition;

All: Review and we'll give you COOKIES!

Deke: Seriously though, your feedback would be highly appreciated, along with constructive criticism.